Unique New Mod Seeks Coder


Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
You may or may not know me, I've been here and there on these forums in the distant past as "Nagash", but i forgot my password, and the email that goes to that account is now dead, so therefore i'm back here with a new account. Others may know me as the Mod Leader of Dragonball Source, a mod that has now ended in development, but saw many releases and ran for 3+ years. I was the texture artist, mapper, PR guy, animator, and many other things. Basically i filled roles that were empty and kept the mod moving when it needed to, until the core of the team decided to move onto new projects some months ago.

The mods website was taken down by myself for various reasons, but you can see the old mod at moddb here... http://www.moddb.com/mods/dragonball-source

Now I'm hoping that the experience I posted above will forgive the very vague description of the mod that is coming up. I understand that this technique doesn't get you what you want that often in the game development world, but we believe this mod to be a unique game style that hasn't been tried before in this manner, on Source at the very least.

Brief and Vague Description of the Game
This mod will be a puzzle game, point and click style, made to appear like a 2D side scroller, but actually be 3D, using Source. The game's primary focus will be on Headcrabs.

So if you like puzzle games, and headcrabs, then this game is very likely for you.

Required Team Members
Coder - For now, this is all we need.
Later on we will require mappers, texture artists, modelers, etc, but we have at least one person who can fill each of these roles, just not the coder.

Required Experience
We need you to know what your doing when it comes to camera controls, controling NPC's to make them do what you command, and a mouse cursor based interface onto a 3D world. If you know how to do these 3 things in Source, then you'll likely get this job done easily. There will be of course other tasks to do, but from what i have planned out, these things will be the bulk of the coding your required to do. Personally i don't think it will be alot of coding either, but of course, i'm no coder. The mod will rely heavily on mapping, once the controls and ai are sorted out, the maps will be the main focus of the mod.

Maybe people can guess what we have planned here, and are free to guess in this thread if they really want to, but as it stands, this is my very first recruitment post for this mod anywhere, we don't have a website, we don't have content online for people to see, we have a partial team already setup and so don't need to actually display content for the general public, we just need that one person who will want to join us and commit to coding.

Hopefully my record for loyality to a project and seeing it through to completion and release will help to attract a coder who wants to work on a project that will go through it's development cycle to completion, maybe even retail, as we think it has that potential.

At the very least, this mod will be a good project for an experienced coder who enjoys puzzle games and wants to see more of them on Source, or great experience for an inexperienced coder who wants to have something good on their CV.

You can contact me by...
email: [email protected]
steam friends: [email protected]
PM me here

or alternative, leave your contact details in a reply here and i'll contact you.

All questions are welcomed, though please be warned, all questions about content may not be answered (though some may :LOL:)