Universal Measurements



Ok guys here is by far my most important question
i need the unit sizes for each of the following objects

Curbs (veritcal)
Stairs (size of each stair vertically)
how deep should i make walls (so doors will look proper
infact how thick should doors be etc...

any other object you can think of
I don't know the exact heights, but type 'dev' in your texture search for some hints.

Commonly walls are 16 units thick, and say for an average house wall 128 units high. It all depends on what your trying to do. There really isn't a set standard.

Theres a prefab for a run of stairs if you look under prefabs and select insert original.
Most default are sized to fit a 128x128 square at .25 scale
most of those are up to your discretion. you can try and fit yours to Valve's sizes exactly, or just do your own thing, My walls are usually 8 thick, 128 high, and of variable width. Curbs are 8 high, stairs are like 12 or so (but I don't remember exactly).