Unknown Lifeforms (Fellow coders and modelers)


Dec 21, 2004
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I am Jorgen, the current mod leader (and coder) of Unknown Lifeforms. This is a bad time for me to post requests since I will be gone from tommorow and come back next weeks friday. But still I might be able to respond to replies.

What I am looking for is coders and modelers, coders need experience with the Source SDK HL2 MP Code and be ready for an Open Source of your code. We are trying to give people a chance to get into the coding world by doing this. You will be coding some weapons and player hulls, more isnt needed for a good playable internal release, we arent far from a public after that.
We have the core structure:
*teamplay (specatiting)
*push gameplay (it isnt something new, but we have plans that are not to be spoken of public yet)
* we have loads more, even simulated bullets
*lagcompensation code (only melee so far)

Dear modelers, we need someone who cant both model and animate their models. We have a player modeler and a weapon modeler, but we need two additional modelers that can model weapons and/or props.

Any questions are to be asked in replies, even applying, then I will PM you from there with additional information.

Why not post the main story?
We havent written the story yet, we have it in our minds and ideas but it hasnt been written down, only a prolouge. It can be located here:

Here is some screens:




That fallencity screenshot looks great, I love the atmosphere.

This is a 40k mod, isn't it?
Indeed not, the model is actually just some concept from out modeler, he is a fan of 40k... so he used that as a simple reference. But for the publics pleasure we decided to keep the same body but different so it wont be a rip off. So it will be recreated and lowered in polycount soon.
Nobody that is interested? We just got an concept artist.
Our mapper did unfortunatly for him not get the mapping position.

But then I would say we are lucky to have him back.

And even more glad to have a new serious coder on our team.
AND EVER MORE glad to have SVN repo in a few days.

Also we are recruiting modelers at the moment, that is all we are looking for.
- Weapons
- Player models

I made us a new site, check it out! ;)
Remember, no models are ingame except for replacement models. That is all you see here. We do have models, yes, but none are ingame yet.

We have also have a shocking map for christmas. The santa said he would send some pics to me by then ^^
So you guys really created those models? And that model of the head? Which has absolutely no purpose in being created that detailed?

They aint detailed, the texture makes it look detailed :p
The player models might be used in the Alpha, but they are not the final concept. The block weapon you see is the replacement, the first one is a razor rifle which is non textured.

We've just recruited a new modeler though, he will make a model for us in the christmas for the other team with the real concept.




This is more of the map we will have in the first public alpha.