Unlockables, acheivments, ideas thread.

Was gonig to compile a list, but there's little point, seeing as how you've done such a nice one here. There are some really good ideas, and some ideas which unbalance a few of the roles. If I haven't made a comment, there's probably nothing wrong with it, as far as I can see.

Heavy Weapons Guy
  • Sasha - Natasha. No warm up time, full speed. Less damage.
    This doesn't really seem to change the way you'd play the class as much as other ideas. All it's done is nerfed one thing and improved another, as opposed to making you think differently. Having heavies run in willy-nilly puts a bigger emphasis for an offensive class - quite how it shouldn't be played.
  • Sasha - Tanya. Triple-barrelled shotgun. No reloading required.
  • Fists - Knuckle dusters. Charged punches do large damage. No crits. Low speed while charging.
    I like. Although I don't see how knuckle dusters would decrease the damage that you do with a single hit. It can also be quite useful in a very defensive role, which is good.

  • Rocket Launcher - Frag grenades. Right-click to throw grenade. Not selectable. 3 second fuse. Cookable. High damage if cooked for too long. Holds 'nade over head.
    Don't like the idea of throwing them very quickly. Other than that, it seems like a nice idea. Possibly even how Valve might do it. It seems like a very useful ability to throw grenades around corners, adding something to both offense and to the defending team.
  • Shotgun - SMG. WWII sub-machinegun. Better at medium range.
    Personally I don't think there's much point in replacing the shotgun with simply another weapon. The sniper has an smg, and that's who he is. Having everyone carrying around repeatable weapons seems a bit odd. It might be more preferable to replace this with the 'nades and leave the rocket launcher - possibly even making the grenades selectable.
  • Shovel - Pogo-stick. Absolutely silly. But awesome at the same time. I wouldn't particularly like to see people pogo-ing everywhere. The shovel isn't particularly effective as it is, but it's quite iconic for the soldier. But then if you have the rocket launcher, there's little point in the pogo-stick. I like the idea of pogo-ing on someone's head. Even if it is ridiculous.

  • Grenade Launcher - Shrapnel-grenade launcher. Less damage. Shrapnel is released damaging players in the vicinity.
  • Sticky-bomb Launcher - Dynamite. When dynamite explodes, sticks are sent in all directions, much like a cluster bomb.
    This is a nice idea, as long as there's only one plantable at once. And doing things like blowing up a sentry in one would be nice. Should only be able to have one deployable at once.
  • Sticky-bomb Launcher - Proxy mine launcher. Less powerful. 5 deployable. Detonated on proximity. Can detonate each other. Not destroyable. Dislogable.
    Don't like the idea of the laser. It seems a bit silly to me. Just firing another should work. Also, I'd suggest less than 5. Possibly 4. But I wouldn't decrease their damage. It's a nice idea, but it seems slightly lazy to me. Not having to pay attention to one part of the field... but I think they should be destroyable by the enemy.
  • Whiskey bottle - Moonshine. Less damage than whiskey. No crits. Causes inflictees to have blurred vision for a limited amount of time.
    There's little point in nerfing the damage if you're not having crits. Take the blutsauger, for instance. It has the added ability of healing the medic, but doesn't have any crits. There aren't any nerfs on it, other than that. Blurred vision's quite interesting, otherwise. I like.

  • Flamethrower - Chemical sprayer/Alternate flamethrower More damage. Enemies do not ignite.
    I don't think it's really a sprayer of any sort if it doesn't leave a residue. Part of the pyro's specialty is being able to hit and run, leaving them to slowly die. Taking it away seems like you're removing a vital part of the class. Does more damage than the flamethrower but does not set enemies of fire. I think increasing the range might be a better idea than more damage. There's already plenty of damage in crits.
  • Shotgun - Molotov cocktails. No direct damage. Sets enemies in a small radius on fire. Can be shot after thrown. A prematurely exploded Molotov causes friendly fire.
    Interesting. But no damage is a bit odd. Other than that, it's a nice idea.
  • Axe - Fire Extinguisher. Low melee damage. Can extinguish teammates. Can stop or extinguish a Molotov.
    Extinguishing teammates takes a lot from the Medic class. The Pyro's the opposite of that. I had a good idea a second ago, but I forget -_-.

  • Scatter Gun - Tommy Gun. SMG with large spread
    As said before, it doesn't really change how the class plays. In fact, it seems to detract from it. The scout can use his scatter gun quite well, running up, firing and then running away. A tommy gun isn't very scoutish.
  • Pistol - Detonation pistol. Slow rate of fire. Destroys sticky bombs.
    Nice idea. Can it damage other players?
  • Aluminium Bat - Electro Bat. Disables buildings temporarily. No crits.
  • Aluminium Bat - Wooden Bat. Hitting enemies legs has chance of breaking them, hindering enemies speed until healed. Icon appears for medic.
    This seems a bit unnecessary to me.

I did like the idea of planting monitoring devices. While it might not be necessarily the scout's job, it could be an extra building for the engineer, allowing them to play devices that could alert for an approaching enemy. A similar idea of tagging people with the electrobat could work.

  • Medigun - Double medigun. Can heal two people at once, left click and right click. No uber.
    I like. Employs extra strategy, taking away medic's annoying habit of hanging on to an uber, or doing nothing while they charge it up. Would certainly encourage more a more medic-orientated role.
  • Medigun - Egon gun. Fires gigantic laser. Does massive damage to everything. Cannot be turned off once activated. Cannot switch weapons. Recoil slows user's movement.
    That whole "non-medicy way" comment certainly applies. This is a large No.
  • Syringe Gun - Poison syringe gun. No damage. Cause enemies to be poisoned. Calls for medic display as green.
    It seems the opposite of the blutsauger. Instead of giving you extra health, it takes away extra health from them. Having no damage seems silly. No crits would work better. I also think it might be better as a melee weapon. Just one syringe, rather than the saw. I like the nice "green cross" touch, though
  • Bonesaw - Infected syringe. Minor damage. Infects enemy with a virus. Virus takes damage over time (less than poison) until healed. Healed virusees become immune until after death. Virusees have a skull-and-crossbones visible by teammates. Visible to medics like a call for Medic.
    Alternatively: does no damage - slows player down.
    I see little difference between this and the poisoned syringe gun. Can the virus be caught by other players? A gameplay issue to consider would be that one player could catch the virus, run back to base, infect everyone else, and they immediately become vaccinated. It might even work better as a vaccine to give teammates against the poisoned syringe gun.

  • Revolver - Water pistol. Does no damage. Firing the water pistol simulates to enemies firing a real weapon.
    Seems really pointless to me. It would only work now because if someone fires, you immediately know that they're your friend. If they don't, then they could be an enemy. In which case you check it out. Having the water pistol simply misses out that step, so you just walk up to them instead, or fire directly. People won't bother paying any attention to weapons fired when looking for spies, in which case it becomes useless. The only time it might be useful would be in the fray. You can stand at the back and shoot water. You'd be more likely to be ignored. Or spotted. Depending on how the gameplay worked.
  • Sapper - Booby trap. Placed on enemy dispensers and teleporters. Releases toxic gas on use. Appears as yellow tank of gas strapped to building. Can be shot off buildings.
    Interesting idea, but if they appear as a yellow tank of gas, no-one's ever going to use it. And if anyone can shoot it off, as soon as they see their health going down rather than going up, they just shoot it. Stops being of any use to the spy. One might as well use the "Hacker", which would effectively disable them.
  • Sapper - Tracking device. Planted on enemy buildings or players. Tags appear on HUD to nearby friendlies. Even through walls.
    A good feature would be the tags disappear on the spies death. I like this idea, as it certainly adds to the spies role as an information-gatherer; reconnaissance rather than sabotage.
  • Sapper - Hacker. Disables building. Does no damage. Does not alert Engineer.
    I like. Also adds a different style of gameplay. This is the sort of unlockables that should be thought up. It adds another route into the game for that class, without changing the role of the player entirely.

  • Shotgun - Repair gun. Used to repair buildings at a distance. Uses more metal. Using as a weapon uses metal. Less damage.
    What sort of range are we talking about? Could it destroy sappers? If it could, it should certainly take longer. Another nice feature would be using it to reload friendlies.
  • Pistol - Anti-spy gun. Low rate of fire. Reveals Spy if shot.
    This would take away the role of a Pyro for the engineer. If anyone should have this, it shouldn't be the Engineer. By giving it to someone else, you form a closer bond between different classes.
  • Dispenser/Teleporter - Level 1.5 sentry. Creates a sentry with one chain gun. Cannot be upgraded.
    It doesn't seem to me to add much more to the gamplay. All you'd have is someone who could work with himself, and have extra firepower. He'd stop building teleporters or dispensers and only build for his own kills. By leaving it out, you force Engineers to work together and with other teammates.

A new type of wrench could work, if anyone has any ideas.

  • Sniper Rifle - Crossbow. More powerful. No crosshair visible to enemies. Can pin enemies to walls. Bolts take time and are affected by gravity.
    To me, the sniper stops becoming a sniper at this point.
  • SMG? - Rifle. Repeating rifle. Slow rate of fire. Quite Accurate. Small clip capacity.
    This change doesn't seem very exciting, either. Or sniperish.
  • Machete - Boomerang. Throwable. Large damage. Returns after 10s. Can be picked up.
    If you can throw it, it's not really a melee weapon. And I pity Valve if they try to implement it.

That's just a few of my opinions on the matter. Would be good if we can keep adding to and improving this list.
  • Shotgun - Repair gun. Used to repair buildings at a distance. Uses more metal. Using as a weapon uses metal. Less damage.
    What sort of range are we talking about? Could it destroy sappers? If it could, it should certainly take longer. Another nice feature would be using it to reload friendlies.
    [*]Pistol - Anti-spy gun. Low rate of fire. Reveals Spy if shot.
    This would take away the role of a Pyro for the engineer. If anyone should have this, it shouldn't be the Engineer. By giving it to someone else, you form a closer bond between different classes.
  • Dispenser/Teleporter - Level 1.5 sentry. Creates a sentry with one chain gun. Cannot be upgraded.
    It doesn't seem to me to add much more to the gamplay. All you'd have is someone who could work with himself, and have extra firepower. He'd stop building teleporters or dispensers and only build for his own kills. By leaving it out, you force Engineers to work together and with other teammates.

A new type of wrench could work, if anyone has any ideas.

  • Sniper Rifle - Crossbow. More powerful. No crosshair visible to enemies. Can pin enemies to walls. Bolts take time and are affected by gravity.
    To me, the sniper stops becoming a sniper at this point.
  • SMG? - Rifle. Repeating rifle. Slow rate of fire. Quite Accurate. Small clip capacity.
    This change doesn't seem very exciting, either. Or sniperish.
  • Machete - Boomerang. Throwable. Large damage. Returns after 10s. Can be picked up.
    If you can throw it, it's not really a melee weapon. And I pity Valve if they try to implement it.

That's just a few of my opinions on the matter. Would be good if we can keep adding to and improving this list.

Engineers would just spam anti spy gun fire at anyone. It should have a low rate fire (As mentioned) and cost of metal or low ammunition capacity.

And regarding the crossbow, what is the advantage or large difference? Pinning enemies to the wall does not seem to really be anything of extra use rather than the sniper rifle headshots.
Engineers would just spam anti spy gun fire at anyone. It should have a low rate fire (As mentioned) and cost of metal or low ammunition capacity.

There's not much point in it at all, really, because it accomplishes that which a Pyro's flamethrower does.

And regarding the crossbow, what is the advantage or large difference? Pinning enemies to the wall does not seem to really be anything of extra use rather than the sniper rifle headshots.

I think the only advantage of pinning people to walls is simply how cool it would be.
There's not much point in it at all, really, because it accomplishes that which a Pyro's flamethrower does.
But then every engineer has that weapon. It would be a big pain in the ass. Its not as if you see 5 engineers building and tending to their machines while another 5 pyros spy clean the area

Druckles said:
I think the only advantage of pinning people to walls is simply how cool it would be.

That would suck compared to headshots from the sniper rifle wouldn't it.
But then every engineer has that weapon. It would be a big pain in the ass. Its not as if you see 5 engineers building and tending to their machines while another 5 pyros spy clean the area

I'm not sure what your point is. As far as I'm aware, I'm in agreement with you.

That would suck compared to headshots from the sniper rifle wouldn't it.

I didn't develop the concept, I just wrote comments next to the items in Rim's list
The idea with the crossbow is that it would be like the HL2 crossbow, with a scope and really long range. The pinning enemies to walls is just for the laugh (could be an achievement too).
Guys, the unlockables aren't upgrades. They have to have an advantage and a disadvantage over the default weapon.

Achievement : Sniping a cloaked Spy.
Achievement : Sniping a Spy disguised as your teammate.
Achievement : Kill XX Snipers in one life.
Unlockable : Chameleon. The Sniper's clothes are the color of whatever is behind him, with only a hint of his team color. Rifle charges slower, but does more damage when fully charged.
Unlockable : Rifle one-shot-kills buildings, but headshots are less likely to crit.

Medic (yeah, I know, they already have theirs):
Unlockable : Faster charging uber, but slower movement slower.

Unlockable : Iron Mask. Guards against snipers, but reduces field of vision.
Achievement : Killing a Scout with a punch.

Achievement : Killing 2 Demomen in 2 minutes with a Sentry.
Achievement : Killing the Spy and unsapping the Sentry.

Achievement : Capturing a Control Point alone.
Achievement : I like riomhaire's achievements.
Achievement : Survive 20 seconds after being set on fire.
Unlockable : I like riomhaire's "water pistol" idea.
Unlockable : Bad Medicine. Replaces knife. When disguised as an enemy medic, you have a medi-gun and will appear have an uber-percent (though you can't uber). Your medi-gun will actually heal enemies, but also fills up a status bar you see for the player being healed (that is, you can make progress on multiple enemies by rotating healing targets). When the bar is full, the target instantly drops dead.
Unlockable : Sentry hi-jacker. Replaces Pistol. A special wrench that changes a sentry's allegiance for as long as you continually hit it. Also disables the Engineer's demolish command. Even if he changes classes or leaves, the Sentry will survive for as long as you hit it. Their team can't sap it, but your hi-jacker can't remove a sapper if you used one. May seem overpowered, but consider that you are immobile with no ranged weapon, Spies are a low HP class, and lots of people will be trying to kill you. Probably best used to escort your team-mates thought the area.

Unlockable : All buildings have significantly more health, but sentry doesn't upgrade past level 2.

Unlockable : Increased speed and full-speed movement while firing. Medics can't heal you.
Unlockable : A very fast, devastating rocket. 1.5-2s windup time (with a sound), long reload time, small clip (1 loaded, 4 reserve).

New class: William Wallace
Can shoot fireballs from eye and lightning from arse.
William Wallace sounds abit like Angeal from Crisis Core
Guys, the unlockables aren't upgrades. They have to have an advantage and a disadvantage over the default weapon.

I'm not entirely sure who you're talking to, here. Yourself, or the people about 5 pages ago, who have since been silenced?

Unlockable : Chameleon. The Sniper's clothes are the color of whatever is behind him, with only a hint of his team color. Rifle charges slower, but does more damage when fully charged.

So now the sniper's a spy as well? Sure, it's not a bad idea, but whatever happened to the "disadvantages" that you mentioned? By decreasing the time to take for a shot, you then undisadvantage this by giving it more damage??

Unlockable : Rifle one-shot-kills buildings, but headshots are less likely to crit.

A headshot is a crit. That's the idea behind a headshot.

Unlockable : Faster charging uber, but slower movement slower.

That barely changes how the player would think. The advantage has to not only be better, but also different!

Unlockable : Iron Mask. Guards against snipers, but reduces field of vision.

I quite like this, but what would it replace?

Unlockable : Bad Medicine. Replaces knife. When disguised as an enemy medic, you have a medi-gun and will appear have an uber-percent (though you can't uber). Your medi-gun will actually heal enemies, but also fills up a status bar you see for the player being healed (that is, you can make progress on multiple enemies by rotating healing targets). When the bar is full, the target instantly drops dead.

Whatever happened to your disadvantages? All this would accomplish is making everyone increasingly paranoid of their medics. And it's not very spyish.

Unlockable : Sentry hi-jacker. Replaces Pistol. A special wrench that changes a sentry's allegiance for as long as you continually hit it. Also disables the Engineer's demolish command. Even if he changes classes or leaves, the Sentry will survive for as long as you hit it. Their team can't sap it, but your hi-jacker can't remove a sapper if you used one. May seem overpowered, but consider that you are immobile with no ranged weapon, Spies are a low HP class, and lots of people will be trying to kill you. Probably best used to escort your team-mates thought the area.

So now you're giving a spy a sentry gun? That is overpowered, and ridiculously so! There might be 10 teammates hanging around their sentry, and suddenly it turns on them. I don't think they'd have much time to stop him. And I don't think there'd be much chance of killing the spy, considering he's hiding behind a sentry!

Unlockable : Increased speed and full-speed movement while firing. Medics can't heal you.

That's not an unlockable, it's an ability.
I'm not entirely sure who you're talking to, here. Yourself, or the people about 5 pages ago, who have since been silenced?

So now the sniper's a spy as well? Sure, it's not a bad idea, but whatever happened to the "disadvantages" that you mentioned? By decreasing the time to take for a shot, you then undisadvantage this by giving it more damage??
While I admit this has a spy-ish flavor, it certainly doesn't help get behind enemy lines. The idea is to make snipers rely on hiding places. They have to find a good hiding spot, then it takes twice as long to charge a shot and get extra damage only when fully charged. The small amount of extra damage was to balance fact that this play style is hurt more than the standard sniper for having his position revealed in kill-cam.
A headshot is a crit. That's the idea behind a headshot.
Yes, so a headshot would be less that 100% likely to crit.
That barely changes how the player would think. The advantage has to not only be better, but also different!
Medic movement vastly affects how the class is played. Currently it goes without saying that, unless it's a scout, you can keep up with whatever class you want to heal/uber with enough extra movement to bounce around to make yourself a hard target. This is definitely not an improvement to the Medic. You may uber faster, but the change in movement makes it harder to work in the front lines where an uber would be needed. Also, you're easier to kill, leading to more wasted uber charge.
I quite like this, but what would it replace?
Iron mask. It has an advantage and disadvantage in and of itself. I didn't constrain myself to needing to replace something.
Whatever happened to your disadvantages? All this would accomplish is making everyone increasingly paranoid of their medics. And it's not very spyish.
Disadvantage is that this most effective the more people you're around, and the meter takes some time to fill, which makes you more likely to be caught, since they still can't walk through you. Also, the fact that you are legitimately healing the other team. Alas, I agree that this is probably too big a change for the spy. Doing this would almost justify another class.
So now you're giving a spy a sentry gun? That is overpowered, and ridiculously so! There might be 10 teammates hanging around their sentry, and suddenly it turns on them. I don't think they'd have much time to stop him. And I don't think there'd be much chance of killing the spy, considering he's hiding behind a sentry!
I believe that a team's fire passes through their own sentries without damaging them, so the spy shouldn't be hard to take out. I may be wrong. Also, I forgot to mention that an engineer or friendly spy hitting it would neutralize the gun until either the spy or friendly stopped hitting it, a sort of clash of wills, so the engineer would have to be away from the sentry, the spy would need a teammate to kill the engineer, or he'd have to kill the engineer without sapping the sentry for hi-jacking to be effective.
That's not an unlockable, it's an ability.
There's not much difference. It's a way of switching up how a class is played, which is what the unlockables have been.
A different weapon for the sniper: Poison Flechette Gun. While unable to crit, it slows the enemy down and gradually lowers his health. Kind of like the Pyro, except used for stalling the enemy assault and, for instance, forcing the Medics to waste their ubercharges...

I need to ponder this subject moar.
Wouldn't the flechette gun replace the smg, which itself doesn't have any headshots anyway?
Just a quick bump. Unintentional as a bump, but inevitable from the fact that I post.

I was thinking last night, with nothing else to think about, one possibility for a Rocket Launcher upgrade would be homing rockets. As always you would sacrifice your crits but get the ability to lock onto a target much like UT. It sounds pretty feasible and crit rockets are pretty vital to a Soldier. Frag grenades could then replace the shotgun, as replacing the entire weapon for another similar one with a different style entirely (i.e. the smg) would change the class too much in a way too similar to another class (i.e. the sniper).

One of the Spy's achievements is inevitably going to be to steal x amount of health in one life.
Has anyone here played Metroid Prime Hunters? If not, there is a character named Trace, and when it is still and has its sniper gun out, it turns invisible.
It doesn't sound that bad. The sniper would have to stand still for something like 5/10 seconds and become camouflaged. The laser pointer on the rifle might still be visible, though, and headshots no longer instant kill unless powered up slightly.

I'm not too sure about the mechanics.
It's not really overpowered, since the sniper rifle shot is like a laser beam with a tracer attached to it, which lasts for about 3 seconds after each shot, meaning that its easy to locate the sniper once he's taken a shot.
Almost every class will have a weapon like 'Does more damage but has less ammo' or 'Does less damage but has more ammo' type thing.

Or similar to the medic, 'Doesnt get crits but does something special' type thing.
The only grenades that should be allowed into TF2
1 MIRV for the demoman
1 EMP for the engineer

Pro- Only two classes allowed grenades as an unlockable. Both grenades counter-each other (MIRV can clear out an engineers sentry nest but an EMP can blow up a demoman (and solder for that matter) as well. EMP's can be effective against enemy sentry nests assuming your engineer builds offense. Only 1 given per trip to the respawn locker. Keeps spam as non-existant as it can be.

Con- I don't care about your stinkin cons! Gimme EMP and MIRV

Please be more creative than unlockable shotguns

Engineer should get a Gauss or Rail gun of some type. Come on he's a red neck engineer building teleports. Give him a weapon that compliments his strange building habits, not another shot gun.

Pyro- White Phosphorus grenade launcher- similar to the demomans launcher except the ammo is incendiary instead of explosive. Pyro has to use long-mid range or risk damage to himself (similar to when a pyro flames an enemy pyro). This will keep the flamethrower as the choice close combat weapon giving him something to use long/mid range to help stay alive

That is all I have right now
Does anyone else think Valve will bring in the dynamite cluster bomb the demoman had in the beta videos? the one where he swings the cluster around then releases and they come apart and explode when they land.
I would have liked those dynamite things, hope they do bring it back as an upgrade. That would be fun :D.
Just a quick bump. Unintentional as a bump, but inevitable from the fact that I post.

I was thinking last night, with nothing else to think about, one possibility for a Rocket Launcher upgrade would be homing rockets. As always you would sacrifice your crits but get the ability to lock onto a target much like UT. It sounds pretty feasible and crit rockets are pretty vital to a Soldier. Frag grenades could then replace the shotgun, as replacing the entire weapon for another similar one with a different style entirely (i.e. the smg) would change the class too much in a way too similar to another class (i.e. the sniper).

One of the Spy's achievements is inevitably going to be to steal x amount of health in one life.

Instead of homing rockets (a bit overpowered), how about a laser-guided one? Like the RPG in HL2, but not as controlled or powerful. And yes, no crits would allow different play as crit rockets are currently an oft-used tactic.
Would require a tonne of new models though. Just imagine the spy.
An ultra camp spy would be so fun. Stabbing people with some crazy limp wristed killing technique, then giggling.
Almost every class will have a weapon like 'Does more damage but has less ammo' or 'Does less damage but has more ammo' type thing.

The answer to this is no. That's not an unlockable, and it doesn't provide the gameplay differences that Valve are looking for. The unlockables will all be like the medics unlockables. They will do something different or act in a different way like the medics weapons. That's why I recommended the homing rockets. It's a different style of play, but it loses the ever so valuable crit-rockets.

The only grenades that should be allowed into TF2
1 MIRV for the demoman
1 EMP for the engineer

I'm not sure you realise the the Demoman already has grenades. He just fires them out of a gun.

MIRV can clear out an engineers sentry nest

EMP's can be effective against enemy sentry nests assuming your engineer builds offense

Um... you just contradicted yourself. I don't think you know what an EMP is. It stands for Electromagnetic pulse and disables electronics (if strong enough). I don't see how the engineer can use this to his advantage, unless he's going against an enemy engineer, but this would then defeat the point of being an engineer - he's supposed to be defensive. EMPs are far too overpowered to use in the game. Besides, that's what the sappers are for.

Please be more creative than unlockable shotguns

Engineer should get a Gauss or Rail gun of some type. Come on he's a red neck engineer building teleports. Give him a weapon that compliments his strange building habits, not another shot gun.

No-one said anything about unlockable shotguns. Similarly to your EMP idea, a Gauss or Rail gun would both be far too overpowered. The Engineer's weapon is supposed to be his Sentry.

Instead of homing rockets (a bit overpowered), how about a laser-guided one? Like the RPG in HL2, but not as controlled or powerful. And yes, no crits would allow different play as crit rockets are currently an oft-used tactic.

As I said before, the "lockability" could work like Unreal Tournament. It would be more likely to home in on the target the longer the user follows him with his sights.

A laser-guided rocket would mean one rocket at once and no more.
I'm not sure you realise the the Demoman already has grenades. He just fires them out of a gun.


I am referring to back in TFC where all classes had hand held grenades that could be thrown seperate from their weapons. These were originally in but taken out of TF2 and apparently it caused a big uproar from people. Valve did this because they felt grenades took away the uniqueness of having different classes. And I agree (with the addition all it does is increase the spam facter). But I think having 2 unique grenades could be introduced without homogenizing the class roles. This is what I am talking about.

I know the demo fires grenades from a gun. That makes me :) you think I missed that. If you check out the TF2 trailer you will see the demoman throwing a bomb of sticks of dynamite tied together, this was essentially the MIRV I am referring to.

I don't think you know what an EMP is. It stands for Electromagnetic pulse and disables electronics (if strong enough). I don't see how the engineer can use this to his advantage, unless he's going against an enemy engineer, but this would then defeat the point of being an engineer - he's supposed to be defensive.

Again, what I was describing was the exact EMP grenade that the engineer in TFC carries. It took out enemy sentries, and killed heavies and demomen by exploding the ammo they were carrying. This would help the engineer defend his sentry from demomen/heavies trying to take out his sentry.

As far as having an issue with an EMP blowing up ammo, I know what an EMP is, talk to the creators of TFC (who mostly work at Valve now on TF2). This was how it was originally designed :) I just want the EMP back in TF2. And yes, engineers are supposed to be defensive. But the occasional offensive engineer comes in handy. :)

EMPs are far too overpowered to use in the game.

a Gauss or Rail gun would both be far too overpowered

As far as an EMP and Gauss gun being too powerful. When do any of the weapons in TF2 have realistic damage? Games aren't literal translations of reality. Its about having fun. Don't get caught up on all the realistic semantics. Well, you can, but that is kind of missing the point, don't you agree?

(BTW the engineer used to have a rail gun... more like a rail pistol. It was far from overpowered)

The Engineer's weapon is supposed to be his Sentry

Head scratcher here for me. The reason why you think the engineer is not supossed to also use his shotgun, pistol, and wrench for melee. Because those are his weapons too and a good engineer will end up using all of his weapons. Unless you are saying the engineer should only get sentry unlocks. Then that makes sense.
Sniper: A gun that does not have the ability to charge up the shot to make it stronger but has clips of 4-? ammo so you dont have to reload after each shot and keeps you zoomed in.
Weapon: Mirror
Class: Engie

Does what it says on the tin.

You could set it up next to you, and could spot suspicious activity behind you.
I just thought of a funny thing: Fire Extinguisher for the Pyro.