Unparrallel Journey



About the Modification:
The millennia-old Ancolius Republic discovered a new planet beyond a recently-charted wormhole. Since the Republic bases its stability on continuing expansion and acquisition of new worlds, they immediately sent a large expeditionary force through the wormhole to colonize the planet. Upon its arrival, the expeditionary force deployed orbital platforms, and proceeded to build numerous support facilities across the planet's surface. However, traces of alien technology were unearthed on the planet, leading to one of the greatest discoveries - matrixing technology. With the discovery of this ability to store a matrix of any individual, the population stabilizes and the colonization effort continues. During the latter stages of the colonization, the wormhole collapsed without warning, possibly due to continued travel stress but without any of the usual telltale stress signs, stranding the expeditionary force on the planet. Cutoff from the main Ancolius Republic government, the expeditionary force splits along ideological lines into three Empires. Each side claims an orbital platform and a main base on the planet, waging its seemingly endless war.

Positions that we are currently seeking help in:
Concept Artists
Sound Artists
2D Artists

You can apply in these ways:
E-mail: [email protected]
MSN: [email protected]
IRC: [hl2g]Strvs (GameSurge #hl2grounds)

When applying via e-mail, please include the following:
Previous work
Examples or work
Contact Info

I have been working real hard lately on this modification I currently over ten documents, including a full blown weapons list, vehicle list, and descriptions for all of the republics. I have put alot of work into this, and the last thing I would want to see is for it not to come true. If someone is very interested in helping, has alot expirence, then please contact me. If your wondering, what I do, I am currently a writer, concept artist, and sound artist (Creating custom music.) Currently, I am working on a few concept pieces, as well as some music.

Strvs // Unparrallel Journey Leader
Just out of curiousity what happend to Korean Combat?


Sorry, don't mean to detract attention from your new mod, but was just wondering why your other one didn't work out? I personally like the story of this one better. I'd love to hear more about the specific gameplay if you wouldn't mind elaborating a bit.
The infamous comment "It's not unique". Now people can't say this isn't unique.
Well, no, they can't... because from what I can see you've only typed up the story and avoided any mention of the gameplay.
Name still stands, and sorry out of all my time and effort I put into it I missed one small letter. Such a shame.
Strvs said:
Name still stands, and sorry out of all my time and effort I put into it I missed one small letter. Such a shame.
Watch the attitude.
So like I asked earlier could you tell us some about the actual game play? The story sounds interesting and I'd like to hear more about the game.
A spelling mistake in your mod's name looks terribly unprofessional.

"Today, Valve announce Hlaf-Lief 2!"
My attitude? Am I mistaking, but as I am looking a few past modifications, all you have done was bash them, not giving them a chance to see what they actually had to offer. Talk about professionalism. Jeez, isn't a site supposed to support? All I see from this site is neglect to other people. Tell me, did GameSpy get to the top by telling people off? No, they didn't, they supported no matter what they're own personal opinion was. I once heard a saying, if you have nothing nice or informitive to say, don't say anything at all. I think that stands for a few of you. I'll leave it at that.

And Neutrino, let me gather some information and I'll post some information for you.
Um....you do know Gamespy's reputation, don't you?
Strvs said:
isn't a site supposed to support?

Sure, but we're not gonna lie to you and just tell you what you want to hear, and your response to being told you spelt your own mod title wrong was out of order. You'd rather have a misspelled mod than simply say "oops thanks for the heads up PI, could you do me a favor and change it for me?"