Unprecedented - The 2000 Presidential Election

Exactley Tr0n :) lol.

I talk about it because theres alot of material to trigger the subject, not because I automatically believe in conspiraceys or a specific version of events that may contradict official theories, but merely because they are triggered for a reason, and that reason is the the lack of thorough answers.

For example even NIST and FEMA have concluded they don't know how building 7 collapsed in the way it did with fire being conclusively a very low probability of collapse in such fashion. NIST are now looking to handing the investgation over to other bodies because they can't find a reasonable explaination, and simple answers to question like why wasn't building 7 included atall in the comission report? if the failiures on the day really were due to incompetance why no reprimands?

So mecha all I have to say is if you don't like the conversation or idea of contemplating conspiracey quite innocently on a forum, and constantly think you have to correct me and attempt to belittle my opinions by calling me a retard :x then to avoid further trolling and suggesting sucking on things you believe you have, I promptly suggest you gtfo.
If I have watched these retarded videos for comedy and I don't believe in them, then clearly I am NOT saying that everyone who watches the videos is an utter moron - although your constant insistence that I am saying things I have never said severely undermines that charitable sentiment.

Well you have a funny way of showing it. ;) I didn't get that impression at all from you. I think it's not so much my "insistence" that you said (rather meant) those things than the fact that you may have misunderstood a part of what I was posting about. Thanks for clearing that up, though. I'm happy this little shin-diggity do didn't turn into an insulting contest. :sniper:
Dude, shut up about building seven already.

If it wasn't terrorists, then tell us what it was.
Or what it could be if you insist on simply adding a question mark to retarded statements to give them gravitas.
That constant use of what-ifs is nothing more than a long series of trivial objections to an overwhelmingly factual event.

We know there was a building. We know there was a fire. We know there was a massive terrorist attack across the street.
You don't need a NIST report to tell you that those things are more likely responsible than simply pulling a random cause out of your ass - or, in your case, failing to think of any other plausible cause, but going on and on and on anyways.

Yelling "I DODNT KNOW HOW BUILDING FALS DOWN" - which is all you've apparently ever done - gets really old really quickly. Especially when human deaths are central to your nonsense fix.

If the people appointed by the government could not give specific causes (such as exactly the temperature, exactly the load-bearing capacity, etc.) and then had to outsource, do you know what that means?

That means that, whatever your conspiracy is, it has failed. Assuming your wacky alternate reality that is so plausible as to call the entire notion of "terrorists did 9/11" into question is actually true despite everything we know about facts, this means that the government's coverup has now fallen into shambles.

For all their alleged ability to lie, terrorize and suppress, they couldn't even pay, program or manufacture a handful of scientists to lie about what is widely considered the least signifigant aspect of the attacks. Even though you assert that maybe they've already lied about 3000 murders.

Now, I'm not making any conclusions here, but there is no answer as to whether you molest children. Maybe you do, maybe you don't. I'll leave that question open, because I have no answers to the question of how many children you've molested (or not).

Expect a google video on this essential topic to be released in early 2007. I'm distributing it free on the internet because WE NEED ANSWERS, CLARKY!