Unreal Tournament 2004 gone gold

The demo sucked! Totally overrated and the vehicles aren't half as cool as the ones in Halo
I liked the demo, but I'm not sure if I'm going to buy the full game. Money contraints.

frank STFU!
The demo rockssss!!!!!!!
Vehicles are some of the best ive used!
I like the demo also, but as MrBadger said...money calls to other more important things right now.

Too many decent games this year! That's a good thing, but also a pain when you don't have the cash to spring for them all.
For 17 quid plus a further rebate if you have the original, I think you can scrounge up that little to buy it :p
thenerdguy said:
frank STFU!
The demo rockssss!!!!!!!
Vehicles are some of the best ive used!

i agree with everything said here, and in respons to "the demo sucked", especially the first thing he said. The demo i have played for over 6 hours, i love it!!! onslaught rocks
Not sure either if I will buy the full version, but I loved the demo though.
Doubt I'll be picking it up.. I'm broke, I'd rather get FC at the end of the month (if it hits its date)
cool, the demo was fun for a bit, but I doubt I will be getting the full version... I prefer the Battlefield gameplay, speaking of which... gimme mah BF:V, I need something new to play ;)
Frank said:
The demo sucked! Totally overrated and the vehicles aren't half as cool as the ones in Halo
halo vehicle code is better....and there is animation getting in and out....and handles very nicely.....now....ut2004 has some neat vehciles thou...and u can ride on them without being inside of them with no jerking motion or falling off...
same here....im waiting for BFV. The UT4 demo was ok but its not my style of gaming (to fast paced)
Frank-why didn't you like the demo?
Anyways, I like UT2k4, but
I need 3 gigs space to play;better video card(Radeon 9600 won't do 1600x1200 and highest textures.:E)
heh. Im getting the limited special edition for ut2k4, and Ive never even played the demo!!!
Need a better video card when you have a 9600?! Please...
Letters said:
Need a better video card when you have a 9600?! Please...
I have a Pentium 4 1.8 Ghz, 512 MB ram and Radeon 9600 128MB ram.

Now, I want a better graphic card because I want to run Unreal Tournament 2004 with 1600x1200x16 and all textures on their highest settings and all the other fancy crap.
Heh.. agreed. Will be running nice and smoothly on my XP 2,1 ghz with 1 gig ram and a radeon 9800 card.. :)
just for the record...your procc is already a bottleneck for your card...you need at least a athlon 2600+ to take full advantage of the 9600 pro, much less the 9800!
A2597 said:
just for the record...your procc is already a bottleneck for your card...you need at least a athlon 2600+ to take full advantage of the 9600 pro, much less the 9800!

you beat me to it.
I would consider a CPU/MOBO upgrade before a vid card in your Case Tredo :)
The 9600 is a solid card.
First of all...
The graphics are great! No doubt about it! I love the new weapons too, but that's about it...
The music is awful! Don't know what to say about it, other than it's some of the worst electronic music I've ever heard!
But what takes 1st place are the vehicles! The controls are awful, the gravity seems wrong, and yes that's probably just because I'm used to Halo. But I got really disapointed when I saw the vehicles explosion! It just flies UP into the sky while burning and then it spins around and lands on the earth again... It looks awful! They spin around as if they were ****ing a yo-yo, which I suppose they're not...
It's kinda hard to explain what really sucks about the game, but I just think that I expected something else from the vehicles, something more Halo-like, and they haven't really done much about the game itself since UT2003...
/me puts on flame-proof jacket
Frank, not to flame, but...

halo sucks. (IMO)

UT2004 is infinitely superior. Not all the vehicles were in the demo, and the physics, gameplay, and graphics are far better.

It's not an argument on my part it's simple fact.
Tseng! said:
Frank, not to flame, but...

halo sucks. (IMO)

following that

Tseng! said:
It's not an argument on my part it's simple fact.

First you say it's your opinion, then you say it's fact! Hmmm.. :rolleyes:
Anyhow, I wouldn't say the gameplay is better, that's pure opinion, same with the physics, the vehicles feel different in each game, but it's opinion on which is better..
Frank said:
First of all...
The graphics are great! No doubt about it! I love the new weapons too, but that's about it...
The music is awful! Don't know what to say about it, other than it's some of the worst electronic music I've ever heard!
But what takes 1st place are the vehicles! The controls are awful, the gravity seems wrong, and yes that's probably just because I'm used to Halo. But I got really disapointed when I saw the vehicles explosion! It just flies UP into the sky while burning and then it spins around and lands on the earth again... It looks awful! They spin around as if they were ****ing a yo-yo, which I suppose they're not...
It's kinda hard to explain what really sucks about the game, but I just think that I expected something else from the vehicles, something more Halo-like, and they haven't really done much about the game itself since UT2003...
/me puts on flame-proof jacket
Music: Thats just personal opinion. Ive heard most people say that the music is much better than in UT2k3.

Vehicle controlls: Your the first person I have ever heard complain about vehicle controls, and like you said its probably because your so used to Halo.

Vehicle explosions: I havn't seen them, but if your someone who is willing to say a game sucks because of such an infinitely insignificant problem such as vehicle explosions then I must feel sorry for you as it will be very difficult for you to enjoy most games.

Other vehicle problems: They havn't showed off all the vehicles yet, and once again its probably just because your used to Halo vehicles.

No changes since UT2K3: They have done basically everything that the Unreal community wanted by including vehicles, assault mode, the new Onslaught, voice controlled bots, etc etc.

If the fans are happy and the game sells well then it is a good game. And by the looks of it this game will be very good.
The Mullinator said:
Vehicle explosions: I havn't seen them, but if your someone who is willing to say a game sucks because of such an infinitely insignificant problem such as vehicle explosions then I must feel sorry for you as it will be very difficult for you to enjoy most games.

I'm obsessed with explosions, so that might be the answer to your question, and it's the little things that matter. Example: I hated the cutscenes (the talky-talky scenes) in WarCraft III because the lip-sync sucked! The characters kept moving their lips even if they didn't say anything... impressive! So therefore I deleted the game from my HD...
Frank said:
I'm obsessed with explosions, so that might be the answer to your question, and it's the little things that matter. Example: I hated the cutscenes (the talky-talky scenes) in WarCraft III because the lip-sync sucked! The characters kept moving their lips even if they didn't say anything... impressive! So therefore I deleted the game from my HD...
I didn't mind the lips in WarCraft III, all Blizzard games have had cinematics like that. You just have to learn to ignore little problems like that and then suddenly so many games will become much more enjoyable then they did before.
Oh yeah! Now all I have to do is wait like 11 or more days until my limited edition copy arrives at my local EB then I can getting started playing+watching hours of training+mapping+coding! Great thing is, the buzz VTMs you get are going to show you how to model, texture, rig, and code a full vehicle with three riders, plus how to add animations of entering and exiting!!!! Its gonna be so awesome... Gah! I can't wait
Innervision961 said:
Oh yeah! Now all I have to do is wait like 11 or more days until my limited edition copy arrives at my local EB then I can getting started playing+watching hours of training+mapping+coding! Great thing is, the buzz VTMs you get are going to show you how to model, texture, rig, and code a full vehicle with three riders, plus how to add animations of entering and exiting!!!! Its gonna be so awesome... Gah! I can't wait
What are 'buzz VTMs'? I have a couple o' map ideas that I'd like to do (if nothing more, it's practice for HL2!)...
I love the demo :naughty: I'm so going to buy this game when it comes out (Mmmm 100+ maps *drool*)
Letters said:
What are 'buzz VTMs'? I have a couple o' map ideas that I'd like to do (if nothing more, it's practice for HL2!)...


The VTM's are video training modules, witht he ut2k4 SE version it comes on two dvds the first dvd is the game, the second dvd contains over 150 hours of video training on

Map making (complete full map, utilizing all aspects of the level editor provided with the game)
Static mesh and prop modelling in maya (how to model props and export them into your level)
character modelling and exporting into the game
weapon modelling, exporting and coding different fire types
vehicle modelling exporting coding etc.

Basically it will teach you everything you need to know to make maps, make characters, weapons, and code to get started on your own mod...

Buzz is the guy who does the training videos and he also does them for all 3d software packages like 3ds max, maya, lightwave, softimage etc. The videos are awesome and very helpfull i've seen a couple of the older ones.
A2597 said:
just for the record...your procc is already a bottleneck for your card...you need at least a athlon 2600+ to take full advantage of the 9600 pro, much less the 9800!
I already put t3h Intel Jizabel sticker on my desktop!
Well you're talking about the AMD Athlon XP 2600+ right?;)
So, let me get this straight. If I get the AMD Athlon XP 2600 my 9600 performance will be greatly enhanced? And I'll be able to play Unreal Tournament 2004 on 1600x1200x16 on highest texture settings and other fancy stuff?
...Not enough information m8.
How much does the 2600+ cost CDN?
Thanks, Innervision! Looks like I'll be gettin' me the DVD's!
NP Letters, good luck, those SE versions have been selling like hot cakes, i think EB games is already sold out! Hope you find it though!
1. Thanks Interversion for that 2nd DVD info. That just rocks. 2. I'm not preordering it so I hope it's at my local Gamestop. Hmm, might have to skip school to be the first in line!