Unreal Tournament 2004


Jan 19, 2004
Reaction score
Think I should get it, I can get it for like $16 at newegg(including Shipping)?

Im pretty sure this is a yes. I like the demo n all, I don't have $16 on me, but I can easily get it.

Prob a yes im guessin.
$16? Definitely get it! Just make sure its legit.
Get It Get It Get It Get It Get Ittttttttttttt!
many people loved this game but i didn't see much in it at all

i think i've grown out of gun fest action online games now...i like something with a little more to it....like splinter cell sVm and dod...i can't deal with the pace in my old age
get it RO 3.2 just came out a main reason to get it!!!
Get it, I bought it recently aswell and it's simply fantastic. :)
Second best looking game i have ever played ;0)
-must say the cars are fun also
The great part about UT2k4 is, even if you don't like its frenetic pace, there are lots of mods that bring it around the CS level (Frag Ops comes to mind), ~Rainbow Six level (Red Orchestra - radically different setting and gameply, but the pacing is similiar) - even mods that aren't FPS's, such as the excellent Alien Swarm, the best time at a LAN party EVER.

I would definitely get it.
oh yeah Its a great game, get it.

UT2006 --> can't wait