Unreal Tournament 2007 to be PS3 launch title.


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Well i guess that confirmed that the game will apper on the PS3

Seven months after a snippet was shown at E3, Midway and Epic's shooter is confirmed for Sony's next-gen console.

As part of its pre-E3 PlayStation 3 conference in May, Sony brought Epic Games cofounder Tim Sweeney on stage. Besides saying that Epic had already received a PS3 software-development kit--which he said was "easy to program"--Sweeney also performed a tech demo of a shooter running on PS3 hardware.

The game on display appeared to be Unreal Tournament 2007, the flashy-looking, Unreal Engine 3-based successor to the popular PC shooter Unreal Tournament 2004. However, neither Sony nor Epic would confirm when--or even if--UT 2007 would arrive on the PS3.

Seven months later, the two companies have broken their silence. The January 2006 issue of PlayStation Magazine proudly proclaims that, yes, UT 2007 is coming to the PlayStation 3. Inside, the magazine also reveals that the game will be a launch title for the PlayStation 3, which is tentatively slated for a spring 2006 launch.

UT 2007 for PS3 is the second Epic shooter announced for next-generation consoles. However, the first, Gears of War for the Xbox 360, is slated for a general "2006" release date, meaning it could conceivably come out after the PS3 UT 2007.
-- Gamespot

Hmm, if I can use a keyboard with it on the PS3 then I'm all set, I wonder if they'll also release it for the XB360 or if they'll do a seperate followup to Unreal Championship 2 instead.:)
I smell Sony giving them a lot of money. Why would you release a game that's specifically aimed at online play at the console with no plans for any kind of online service, where as the 2 consoles in competition (although Rev may struggle to run it) both do actually have plans for one? It makes no sense.
I would have thought this would be the last game console gamers would want to play ..I mean the UT series more than any other is all about online ..playing this or any other online only game isnt the same when there's only 7 other players on a map at any given time. Anything less than 32 is kinda missing the point of playing online. Doesnt mean it cant work out well it just means that in imho the UT series is about controlled chaos on a large scale ...zipping around large maps looking for people to kill isnt all that chaotic ...it killed my enjoyment of xboxlive. But who knows it could be good, they could allow for more than 8 players ..but I think I'll just pick it up for pc at a reduced price and not have to worry about additional charges
CptStern, you are aware that XB360 games such as Perfect Dark Zero already supports 32 players right now, and will most likely with a later patch add support for 64?
So I really see no reason why UT2k7 wouldn't be able to pull of atleast 32 players on the consoles.
and why no one thought that sony will bring a online thing to ps3?
is not confirmed if sony will not bring a online thing to ps3
Why would you release a game that's specifically aimed at online play at the console with no plans for any kind of online service,
WTF are you talking about? You act as though since there isn't "Online service" then there won't be any "Online" at all.

The PC (yep, the thing you're using right now) doesn't have a built in "Online service". That's why we have things like Firefox, Steam, and ingame browsers.
Sure, it's not Xbox live, but who really cares?
you can't compare the lack of online capabilities (seriously, the network adapter is nothing) to pc's 'no built in online service.'
Gargantou said:
CptStern, you are aware that XB360 games such as Perfect Dark Zero already supports 32 players right now, and will most likely with a later patch add support for 64?
So I really see no reason why UT2k7 wouldn't be able to pull of atleast 32 players on the consoles.

yet CoD2 shipped with support for up to 8 players, Quake 4 only allows 16 and it's been criticised for being laggy ..seems to me that the better the graphics the less players it supports. PDZ may be the exception not the rule.
Well yeah, and come to think of it, it might be the otherway around, Q4 and CoD2 are both ports, while PDZ is console exclusive.
Hopefully Epic will overcome these "limits" tho.:)
They could really do something that might be unpopular if need be imo, giving the player/hoster the option to have everyones graphics options turned down when they join the server so that more players are allowed etc.
I really don't see Epic releasing UT2k7(On a console doesn't matter imo) with support for atleast 16 players, I know that's not alot, but far better than 8.:)
I dont know ..previous UT games didnt do all that well on xbox ..imho it just plays better on a pc ..If I had a choice I'd get the pc version ..the mods alone justify it
destrukt said:
you can't compare the lack of online capabilities (seriously, the network adapter is nothing) to pc's 'no built in online service.'
Hmm..what does the PC come with, oh yesh, a network adapter and the ability to use it! The rest is up to various developers, such as Mozilla and game devs.

It's not unified, and it's not Xbox live, who cares.

Fanboy induced hysteria FTW!!

Personally I like the idea, as it doesn't force me to pay for online service on top of my current fees if I don't want to.
Boogymanx said:
Wasn't this confirmed ages ago?

NEWS - Posted Dec 21, 2005 5:14 pm PT

Cool news why? Because if its coming on ps3 around spring we can expect the Pc version around the same time. Woot!

Getting a ps3 but ut07 on ps3 with a controller? meh.
Raziel, you are aware that the PS3 does support using USB keyboards with games right?
Aslong as the game dev adds in the support to use the keyboard, and it'd be a good business decision for Epic to do so, just use the same mapping as the PC vers, seeing as you can use both keyboards and mouses with games on the PS3.:)
MiccyNarc said:
Hmm..what does the PC come with, oh yesh, a network adapter and the ability to use it! The rest is up to various developers, such as Mozilla and game devs.

Honestly, it's two differing views, and I know I pay for it with money (the equivalent to one game, but considering I buy maybe 4 games a year, 2 being new, say... I can easily afford it) but I'd really hate to be playing a console online game via. a non-unified service. The fact that the whole play with buddies thing can also be found on the PC is true, yes, but that's because of 3rd party software, usually. Without the unification thing on the PS3, it's pretty much impossible.
Kangy said:
the equivalent to one game, but considering I buy maybe 4 games a year, 2 being new, say...
Do you download all the others!?:O*Gargantou points at Kangy like the evil monkey Gargantou is*
Bwehe, I don't download, but Sprafa makes up for that! :o I only ever downloaded Uplink: Hacker Elite because I searched everywhere and I couldn't find it anywhere ;(

I like to buy games I maybe had to pass up on when they were released. This year, since the only good releases were Civ 4 and Chaos Theory (that was this year, right?) and I returned BF2 as defective, since it was, I got Crimson Skies and Republic: The Revolution.
Ahhh Republic: The Revolution is good, albeit it didn't live up to the hype, I'd love for them to do an improved sequel..*Dreams*
Gargantou said:
Raziel, you are aware that the PS3 does support using USB keyboards with games right?
Aslong as the game dev adds in the support to use the keyboard, and it'd be a good business decision for Epic to do so, just use the same mapping as the PC vers, seeing as you can use both keyboards and mouses with games on the PS3.:)

I didnt know that, but still doesnt change the fact id much rather play a fps that fast on my monitor.
I will probably hook up his PS3 to my computer monitor via a VGA connection and play on the monitor, if possible.:)
Because 85Hz ftw.:D
To each man his own Kouler.:)
For me it's like this.
Platform, adventure and racing games = Superior on consoles
RPGs, FPSes and third person shooters = Superior on PCs.

Which is why I'm able to enjoy all gaming platforms equally.:D
Gargantou said:
To each man his own Kouler.:)
For me it's like this.
Platform, adventure and racing games = Superior on consoles
RPGs, FPSes and third person shooters = Superior on PCs.

Which is why I'm able to enjoy all gaming platforms equally.:D
I totally agree except for the RPG and the adventure comments.

The great thing about RPGs is that both consoles and PCs can play them really well. Games like the Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior/Quest series are awesome on consoles while games like the Baldur's Gate and Ultima series are better on the PC.

And I see adventure games as being titles like Syberia, King's Quest, Monkey Island, Sam & Max, etc. Action-adventure games are usually better on consoles, but there have been notable exceptions (Fahrenheit/Indigo Prohecy was better on the PC and Dreamfall looks to continue the trend in a good way). So in my book, more traditional adventure games are best on the PC, but the more action that is involved, the better it might be for a console.
Only place consoles shine is sports titles & scroll fighters.
StardogChampion said:
PC is also better for racing games... "Live For Speed".

Live for Speed is a good game, but on the whole consoles are a better platform for racing games. Infact, other than fast paced fps and rts, i'd say consoles are the best place to find everything else too.