Unusable AA in Daqing Oil Fields


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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Anybody else notice the unusable AA turet ontop of the middle base in Daqing Oil Fields?

Don't they use it in the intro movie? Perhaps they just placed it there so that they wouldn't have to make a whole diff map for the intro section of the game.

Anyway, I found it peculiar.



It's too high up to get to, unless there's a ladder on the other side that I didn't notice. I'll have to go back and investigate.
theres a ladder on the other side that you didnt notice.
gh0st said:
theres a ladder on the other side that you didnt notice.

Ahaha! I feel so stupid now.

I was sitting there in the middle base, trying to get to it so I could fend off from an impending helo attack. I was running around in circles trying to get to it, I even tried to use that air duct on the side of the little tower to get a boost onto it.

Lol, dead is this thread. Unless flame you would like.