Upcoming Release

COOOOOL! i just got the answer to my question #2
Then i gotta buy the gold of course!
Spiffe said:
Ok. some noob questions i guess... But still:

1. What's the difference between bronze, silver or gold ?
2. I don't get it. Is it really TODAY (thur) it's relese. Can I buy it in stores or it is just the steam purchase that is avalible?

look on the home page or : http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=41491

and yes, it IS today (thursday 7th oct) that packages can be bought through steam. you can only buy through steam, and hl2 will be available in november we believe (in shops and released through steam). atm, buying any of the packages gives you access to the full version of counter strike source ONLY...omg...its so close i can taste it. now cmon time, roll on for me.

lol i have no lessons at school today so im dying here in anticipation!!
oldfaq said:
113$ Canadian???? :( so I have a voucher, does that subtract the bronze price from the gold? so when I purchase I get like 60 dollars off? Thanks

yes it does.
woohoo.. I can't believe I'm gonna play the full version of CSS tonight ! :D
NOOOO! I wont purchase trough steam. So then i'll gotta wait undil NOVEMBER!?!?!?!?!!?

I'm gonna DIE now. too long untill HL2 for me.

Or i'll just get really drunk and stay drynk until nov. or sleep for a month..
RRunner said:
So we have to add VAT to the price, if we live in a EU contry?


here are as follows..

Czech Republic
Slovak Republic

that would make:

452.28 SEK

545.85 SEK

813.20 SEK

Have i got this right? the gold just turned into a rather exspensive product... and a standard price for bronze and silver, i must admit i´d hoped for a much lesser price, when not buying a physical product.
It's just 17,5%
What? If one doesn't purchase trough Steam, they get it in November? Is this true?
RRunner said:
not if ur a swede m8, then its 25%..
Well if you're a dane it supposedly 25% as well, but that haven't stopped everyone else for making it 17,5%

Edit: Atomi how do you think you would put in a cd-key for a game you don't have?
screw buying off steam, me want the box and CD :cheese:
Atomi said:
What? If one doesn't purchase trough Steam, they get it in November? Is this true?

no we ALL get hl2 in november. lol no one seems to understand:

we ONLY get cs:s full version through steam when we buy any of the packages. we then get hl2, dod:s, hl1:s etc etc when they are officially released. we will be able to download (or steam auto downloads since we bought the package already) when they are release officially....but that will be on the US time line. so EU and others will have to wait for they're shop release dates to buy hl2.

so people who buy hl2 through steam will be able to get hl2, dod:s etc etc on the DAY THAT HL2 GETS RELEASED IN THE US.

harsh i know, but very very true.

non-steam buyers have to wait for their country's shop release date...sorry
im worrying about the Bandwith Syeam has availible i hope it doesnt colapse or something like that cuz im gettin Silver an i hope my order gets thrue
Pureball said:
no we ALL get hl2 in november. lol no one seems to understand:

we ONLY get cs:s full version through steam when we buy any of the packages. we then get hl2, dod:s, hl1:s etc etc when they are officially released. we will be able to download (or steam auto downloads since we bought the package already) when they are release officially....but that will be on the US time line. so EU and others will have to wait for they're shop release dates to buy hl2.

so people who buy hl2 through steam will be able to get hl2, dod:s etc etc on the DAY THAT HL2 GETS RELEASED IN THE US.

harsh i know, but very very true.

non-steam buyers have to wait for their country's shop release date...sorry

Yeah I know this cs thing and we get hl2 when it's released. I was a bit confused as I was away a couple of days and thought that HL2 would be released today. My bad. :o
Lemonking said:
im worrying about the Bandwith Syeam has availible i hope it doesnt colapse or something like that cuz im gettin Silver an i hope my order gets thrue
Don't worry, do things that have to do with Valve and/or HL2 ever go wrong? Oh wait, bad example :P
Lemonking said:
im worrying about the Bandwith Syeam has availible i hope it doesnt colapse or something like that cuz im gettin Silver an i hope my order gets thrue
Why do we need loads of Bandwidth when its released? isnt that why everyone has been preloading the game? The whole idea behind preloading is so that when the game IS released, there wont be a gigantic increase in bandwidth useage (which to date has never reached Steams maximum limits).

The only thing we need on the day are CD Key confirmations. Which takes like 30-60 seconds if that. I bet the system used will be able to handle several thousand every minute, so in theory more than 2.5million CD Keys could be issued on the first day. If that many people preloaded and are ready.

It would be an interesting thing to see, how many people have preloaded HL2. Surely the Steam system has a record of user accounts who have preloaded.

Thinking about it, you ALREADY have the Silver version of the HL2 packs. If you preloaded, all the data is on your system already. All that will happen is that the code you get, unlocks a certain amount. Gold Key will unlock the lot, and you will be asked for your home address so they know where to send the other goodies.
Lemonking said:
im worrying about the Bandwith Syeam has availible i hope it doesnt colapse or something like that cuz im gettin Silver an i hope my order gets thrue
I doubt bandwidth will be a problem. Once Steam has accepted your credit card transfer, it will toddle off and post an SQL query to set the flag which is tied to your account to say, "Yep, this fella can play now"!

</uneducated guess>

But then that's just an over simplified guess, I could be wrong!
Release date the 7th October??? :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
Chris_D said:
I thought I'd just give you all an update as on our forums we've been getting a lot of questions about what time the release and Half-Life 2 purchase will be started today in GMT, how much it will cost in various currencies etc.[br]
Not ever wanting to be one of those unhelpful people that just tells people to "google it", our forum member Atari, handily sent me all this information worked out for you:So there you have it, that should answer most questions but remember that the currency conversions shown may fluctuate slightly, depending on the rate of exchange when you purchase.[br]Update: Thanks goes to LucaZone for the updated price list and conversions.

How many fish will it cost for people who live in Finland?
I just want to know if I will have to re-enter my ATI coupon key to get the full CSS today?
Blad3 said:
I just want to know if I will have to re-enter my ATI coupon key to get the full CSS today?

from steampowered.com:

'ATI/Half-Life 2 bundle owners may redeem their product key for the Bronze offer or apply their key toward the purchase of either the Silver or Gold offers, receiving a credit equal to the price of the Bronze offer.'

hope this answers your question :E
that is of course if it is actually released on time.
Chris_D "you crazy man... I like you.... but... you're crazy."
LucaZone said:
Why do we need loads of Bandwidth when its released? isnt that why everyone has been preloading the game? The whole idea behind preloading is so that when the game IS released, there wont be a gigantic increase in bandwidth useage (which to date has never reached Steams maximum limits).

The only thing we need on the day are CD Key confirmations. Which takes like 30-60 seconds if that. I bet the system used will be able to handle several thousand every minute, so in theory more than 2.5million CD Keys could be issued on the first day. If that many people preloaded and are ready.

It would be an interesting thing to see, how many people have preloaded HL2. Surely the Steam system has a record of user accounts who have preloaded.

Thinking about it, you ALREADY have the Silver version of the HL2 packs. If you preloaded, all the data is on your system already. All that will happen is that the code you get, unlocks a certain amount. Gold Key will unlock the lot, and you will be asked for your home address so they know where to send the other goodies.
I didnt preload cuz i didnt cuz i coulnt decide what to get....
Omfg this is gonna be awesome! Can't wait. Oh btw what time is it for me? I mean its 11 AM PST Time will be ready. But what time is that at Eastern time?
JimmyTheGrunt said:
How many fish will it cost for people who live in Finland?

40.60 Euros or 239.90 mummoa or 20 fishs (big ones) ;)
Wow, thought one of the advantages of Steam/direct buy from Valve was than it would be cheaper than a regular game. Guess not.
Shadow-warrior said:
Wow, thought one of the advantages of Steam/direct buy from Valve was than it would be cheaper than a regular game. Guess not.

Why would it be cheaper? Exactly the same as buying it in store, just no (6) CD(s) or DVD.
Being a commercial games developer myself i know that (from my experience) 75% of the £30 cost of a computer game, is taken by the Publishers & Distributors. The final 25% goes back to the developer. So if the developer can sell it direct without the middle man then they get the full 100%. So if they sell the game at the same price as the Publisher, their getting a 300% increase on their share!

The advantage Steam is ment to give over Retailers is to make the game available instantly, rather than waiting to buy / deliver / install the game. This system gets the game direct to the user from the developer. Cant get any faster than that.
The correct prices for Swedes are the following (without extra costs):

361,72 SEK

434,13 SEK

651,38 SEK

All according to www.forex.se
Bronze equals about 4.5 Swedish movie tickets.
Silver equals about 9 Swedish pizzas.
Gold equals about 100 (or 130 German cans bought in Sweden) Coca Cola cans.
Quite nice :)
aah, i was scared the price of dollars where the same as in Euros! phew!

anyways, please reply to this message as soon as possible, do you need to pay that amount once or every month/year? yup, noob question, but im thinking of actually getting it... which was a no-go area for me just because its a little 'unofficial'. you see, i get the feeling if you, switch comps, or wanna choose another account, your payment will be for nothing... and be able to install everything when you want to u see, is that the same concept like steam's current account?

do you need to pay extra tax money when you buy it, and do you need pay bandwith/ shipping costs??
The monthly cost seems to be scrapped. This is NOT that alternative anyway. So you can rest assured.
At least here in Canada, buying over Steam makes a huge difference and more sense than buying direct. I can wait until it reaches retail stores, but I don't live in a big city, and 2 weeks is a long time to wait ;). If you buy online, you have to pay for 1) Brokerage fees 2) Duty Fees 3) S&H Fees 4) Courier fees. Therefor, a $59.95 USD game quickly becomes a $95.00 game.

Steam makes sense!

PS I feel sorry for people in Japan, shelling out 10,000 yen for a game. ok ok ok .. its not as much as it sounds... ehehe. :)
[RDH]MastahFrag said:
do you need to pay that amount once or every month/year? i get the feeling if you, switch comps, or wanna choose another account, your payment will be for nothing.

Do you need to pay extra tax money when you buy it, and do you need pay bandwith/ shipping costs??

Monthly fee's - No this is a one off charge, just like if you went to the shops and bought the game. The only difference being that you wont have a disc or box. Regarding changing PC's, so long as you keep the same Steam Account and registration key, then as soon as you log into Steam on the new machine, it will download all the content onto your new PC. It will see that you dont have the latest version and download everything to get you to the correct state. make sense?

If you want to make it quicker that downloading it all again on the new machine, just copy the whole Steam folder onto a DVD (cant be a CD because it simply wont fit), then copy the Steam content onto your new machine and log in again.

Extra Tax Charges - This is as yet unconfirmed, BUT if true, it will only apply to countries where 'Value Added Tax' (VAT) is used. here in the UK, the public pays 17.5% ontop of a price as Tax to the Goverment. So alot of things are quoted as inc.VAT and exc.VAT. Its not as bad as it sounds because we all just add 17.5% to our wages.

At present we dont know if the prices quoted for the Steam Packages will need our VAT added to them before we can purchase. Im hoping NO! :)

That help you?
If they earn 10k yens per month then yeah it's alot. I doubt that. The overall living conditions in Japan are pretty high even if the living space is small per household. Why? Because everyone works in the gaming industry thus making tons of money :E And gamers don't need much space :thumbs:
Will servers providing CS:Source games already be up by 8:00 pm GMT +1 ???