Update Coming? Steam Bandwidth Doing Its Thing...


Aug 18, 2003
Reaction score
The Steam Bandwidth is doing its squiggly line thing that it does before an update.

Steam Bandwidth

More preloading? Steam update (seemed to be a small one last night)? More CS:S? DOD:S? Nothing at all???

Watching the bandwidth so you don't have to.
perhaps some pple are still pre-loading that last phase?
i mean its only been a day? some pple go a whole week without logging onto Steam.
seems to me that it has been a gradual roll-out of the update..still some poeple have not been able to update yet, and alot were getting "unable to connect." This is the first time that i have heard of SO MANY people not recieving the update, but i think that is largely due to people using hacked maps. The hacked map does not allow steam to validate the files, in in some instaces it complete deletes and then restarts, or simply sits there.
As well, during the past download that was almost the same size, the used bandwidth almost doubled the highest it has reached with this preload , and there almost HAVE to be more users now that before.we saw the same last night, but it was just a small steam update.
generally, from what i have seen, the bandwitdh jumps for preloads are much larger.

Seriously tho...could be any reason. after the RC announcement, the bandwidth was screwed up all day long, everyday.
Dr. Freeman said:
perhaps some pple are still pre-loading that last phase?
i mean its only been a day? some pple go a whole week without logging onto Steam.

It's the squiggly white line that shows a small drop in the amount of available bandwidth. It's the bottom graphic, not the top. This squiggly line pattern has happened before each preload. We speculated it happens as update each machine individually with whatever content is to be distributed.
I don't know. Maybe something cool will happen. Me, I don't give a damn about preloads.
Preload, steam update, all is good at this point.


If I was to take a wild guess at what will happen due to this "wiggle" I'd say steam will update to alow for preorders of the HL² packages.
I couldn't preload after the last update I just cancelled the preload and everything got deleted and when I tried to restart it said steam network was too busy to handle any preloads, so probably something's about to happen
yeah, the bandwidth fluctuates at this point because the servers need to get the new files. or something.
The pattern has been pretty consistent, big dips = somethings coming.
OMGZ LOLZ!!!!111111 yuo noe wut i thinkz? thsi shud bee in romurs and speculazion cuz i am flaming oopz lLOLZOL!!!1111111 sorry guys. dontlissen2me lolz1111
Perhaps it's an update to the steam platform regarding the hl2 packages?
September 29, 2004, 6:12 pm · valve

The fifth phase of the Half-Life 2 preload begins to Steam account holders today. This will allow users to download the Counter-Strike: Source maps in encrypted form. No purchase is required to pre-load Half-Life 2, but is required to activate the game. The moment the game is made available, those who have pre-loaded and purchased the game via Steam will be ready to start playing.

In addition, an update to the Counter-Strike: Source beta has just been released. Steam will update itself automatically when you restart. Here is a list of the change:


Fixed voice comm not working on certain servers
you guys are amazing, awesome catch on the steam fluctuations, glad someone sits around staring at them all day