Update of my superhebbe map (b21)


Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score

I had to make a new tread cause I couldn't find the edit button anymore :(

I have made an update of my with my first map: Server:

Map is called dm_superhebbe_b21
The IP might be something else if I loose mye connection :/

Some images and my map can be founde here:

But why are there no visible changes in my map after running buildcbemaps? The .bsp is bigger in size, but I can't see any changes :/ Please help :)

BTW: I only got one feedback on my map... But when I read others release of maps, they got a lot of feedback.. Why? :s

Because your map isn't as interesting, or your screenshots aren't as accessible as other's. (I myself prefer to load the topic title with pictures, others prefer a site to click, but the site should display the images).

About the cubemapbuilding, do you even have any cubemaps in your map to start with? They should be about 64 units in height (Eyeheight) and preferably placed in every hallway and room, to take the lighting samples needed to generate goodlooking cubemaps.

To see difference, when you've done this, you can purchase a DE and run though the level. The reflection it gives off is a cubemap (One you're currently "in").

Yes I have a lot of cubemaps, and I can see when it's building... And they are about 64 units.. But I get an red error: Bounce 1/1 something after the cubemaps are build?

Well you should reload the map, to be sure that you see the new cubemaps too. Also, best results are obviously on DX9 cards.
I reload my map, but I can't see any changes :( Even the map file is bigger :(
I have a DX9 card :eek:)
The strange thing is that I can't see cubemaps on other maps either, you said my map looks like shit, so then every map looks like shit to me then :s
Odd. What kind of card do you have and what generation of drivers?
Also, what settings are you running HL2 in? Sounds like a hardware problem then. Sorry if I offended your mappingskills ;).
hehe, I'm not offenden :p I have a Radeon 9800 Pro+ from MSI with msi drivers 64.76.. Settings in hl is everything at max, execpt reflection.. hmmm.. I'll try reflection set to max when later today....

Have a nice day :D

Wtf, you don't use the Catalyst drivers for a radeon card? What the hell is up with that?

Anyway, it would probably be a good idea to have sexy reflections, they make or break the game for me.
Sexeh reflections can make maps looks better....if used correctly ;)

Anyways, your map's too square, IMO, give it more life! :D
hehe... The Catalyst driver slows down my FPS and there is no difference in the gfx and some times the driver crashes... That's why I don't use them... And Yes, I know my map is squere, but the cutting tool only works with one cut at the time in mye hammer so it's really difficult to make rund stuff and the other tool just screws up my brushes :( I have looked at 10 tutorials, but hammer doesn't like in the tutorial :(
