Updated Official HL2 FAQ - meaning?



Old writing:
When will I be able to play my games?
º Half-Life 2 will be unlocked, the moment it is "released" - which means the minute it is available on store shelves.

New writing:
When can I start playing Half-Life 2?
º Half-Life 2 has a planned retail street date of November 16, 2004

What time will Half-Life 2 be unlocked for users who purchased a Steam package?
º To be announced

Has anyone inside info about why this was changed? I can easily speculate in both bad and good directions.

It was changed because now they have a definate release date, the 16th?

What a great thread.
Iconoclast said:

It was changed because now they have a definate release date, the 16th?

What a great thread.

Thank you for your nice tone and mannor.

The point is that the 16th was in the previous FAQ as well, but that the steam HL2 line has changed. I can interpret it in a bad way, that Vivendi is pushing Valve NOT to release HL2 when the first games hit the stores (since this will be before the 16th - we all know that). Or in a good way, that HL2 on steam will be released at a separate date before the retail. Or in a bad way again that Vivendi is pushing Valve to release the Steam version later so sales in stores can pick up.

We all know that lawsuits are in the air. I do not know which version above that is correct - and I wondered if anyone has heard anything.
Iconoclast said:

It was changed because now they have a definate release date, the 16th?

What a great thread.

I think the thread starter is getting at the fact it now says 'TBA' for when it will be released on Steam.

I think we can only take this in a good way, we have been told it will be released on the same day as retail, why would they push it back? I guess it says that just in case they some how come to an agreement with VuG to release it earlier?

Maybe they will release it earlier... like maybe tonight? or tomorrow? Let the wild speculations begin!

I really hope this means steamrelease will be earlier. Any idea when the change happened?

edit: Where the hell do I find the Official HL2 FAQ?! :rolling:
Element Alpha said:
Any idea when the change happened?

edit: Where the hell do I find the Official HL2 FAQ?! :rolling:

It was updated today (October 29th) and you will find it in the General Steam forums.
I seriously doubt vivendi would let valve release it any earlier than the retail. If they did it would surely cut retail sales in half, no-one wants to wait longer than they have to.

If anything vivendi would be pushing valve to release it later than the retail, to give them some sales. But I doubt valve would do this. I expect we will all get HL2 at the same time.
That just means they dont have a set time in witch they will unlock it for the release date.
You honestly need 'inside info' as to why they updated their site? They changed it to be up-to-date with their news, ie, the release date.

They could change the font on the site and you'd come running here saying 'omgosh, hl2 is being delayed!!!11!1oenoen'
The point is that they are figureing out an unloacking time.
destrukt said:
They could change the font on the site and you'd come running here saying 'omgosh, hl2 is being delayed!!!11!1oenoen'

I did not imply a delay - read what I wrote. However, before it seemed that Steam users would get the game the same second it hit stores (which would be before the 16th - there is not a game in history that is not released a bit earlier by some store somewhere). The most plausible reason for the update (even though the wording about "hitting the street" remains in the FAQ further down) is that Vivendi is saying to Valve - you will not unlock the game until the 16th - even if one store is releasing it earlier.

There is a reason behind the change - the question is what that reason is. I believe you need "inside info" to know that reason.
Sure some people who buy retail are going to get it a day early (I hope to be one of these people). The stores do this to allow for postage. Sometimes royal mail manages to pull off a same-day delivery.

There is no way everyone in the world is going to get HL2 at exactly the same time unless we all downloaded it. Retail is unpredictable, a day early, a day late, things happen. We just have to accept that someone, somewhere will be playing HL2 earlier than us.
jakoblindberg said:
What time will Half-Life 2 be unlocked for users who purchased a Steam package?
º To be announced

That's scary. Only God knows what's next! :O
If anyone is going to play it before anyone it will be steam buyers/ati coupon holders... steam needs to be set to "Live" mode... to allow the half-life files be unlocked and the rest of the files downloaded...

my thoughts are it will go live the very minute the retail day hits... so midnight... steam users will be completing the downloads and the unlocking files mode... during the day retail shops will release it ppl will buy the game get home install now everyone will be installing/rego over steam... this time gap needs to be free from ppl downloading stuff so that’s why I think steam buyers will be able to download and unlock everything midnight...
Somewhere on the general section of the steam forums there was a comment from somone who had seen a release date of Nov 8. The moderator's comment before closing the thread was "it will be released when it's released". Nothing confirming the 8 or 16. Read into that what you will.

Edit: I read this yesterday, Oct 28, 2004.
They are trying to drive us nuts, aren't they?
I mean, come on, "to be announced"? TO BE ANNOUNCED?! TO BE ANNOUNCED ?! OMG I'm dead from brainheat
Its been confirmed many many times steam and retail get sold same time. By the steam release they mean they dont know the time it will get unlocked.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Its been confirmed many many times steam and retail get sold same time. By the steam release they mean they dont know the time it will get unlocked.

You are right, but the devil is in the details. My guess is that right now Valve and Vivendi are discussing whether steam users will get to play HL2 when the first retail version unlocks itself (which will be earlier than the 16th) or on the 16th. At least I am trying to understand which option it leans towards. Not because it is particularly fruitful, but it is fun (I want to play this game).

In the end, I guess a lawyer will decide when my HL2 steam version will be playable. Not a very comforting thought. :dozey:
regardless... the 16th is going to be a LOoooooooooong day.
tick tock tick tock tick tock.....
Nothing to worry about guys.

I asked Doug Lombardi about it and:

It will be made available on the 16th to all owners -- Steam and retail. Sorry for any confusion.

Raziel-Jcd said:
Its been confirmed many many times steam and retail get sold same time. By the steam release they mean they dont know the time it will get unlocked.

Um, i know it's a typo, probably, but the retail and steam offers were not sold at the same time. You cannot buy a retail copy; you can only pre-order one. In the event that the store cannot fill your purchase, you can get your money back. On STEAM, however, they've got my money, and i cannot get it back. As well, STEAM purchasers OWN a liscence for HL2 already...retail pre-orders are simply reserving a the right to get a copy of the liscence when it is released.

That basically gets back to what has me miffed....I OWN HL2, but cannot play it. Games done,I have a legal liscence to operate(LOL), and cannot play what I am legally entitled to(minus, of course, the "available upon release" mumbo-jumbo).