Updates to the HEV suit


Aug 1, 2004
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From my understanding, there have been several known updates to Gordon's HEV suit. Updated damage indicators and health/ammo semi-circles below the crosshair. Also, the visor part now has a magnifying zoom, independent of the weapon being held. But those are only updates to the HUD portion of the suit. The suit likely has the ability to charge from different power sources, not just HEV/PCV chargers and batteries, but also from unconventional sources. I'm saying this because I don't think that wall chargers and batteries will be as wide spread in and around City 17 as they were in BMRF.

Now, in HL1 you had the ability to attach a "long jump module" to your HEV suit for better manuverability, what if, in HL2, there are other such "attachments" to the HEV suit? Maybe some sort of experimental jet-pack or a larger battery for improved energy capacity, maybe even some sort of weapon built into the suit? For a game that is supposed to be twice as long as the original, I'd imagine there to be some sort of variety in HEV suit updates and modifications. Discuss.
Torch = Flashlight.

Jetpack is a half-cool idea...Kind of Duke Nukem 3, wouldn't you say? :p
Ppl have mentioned the ability to sprint as well.

I can't really think of what else a hev suit would require along side all the weaponry Gordon carries.

I'd prefer a small hovering ability rather than a jetpack though. Just something to give you that extra reach to things apposed to being able to disappear in to the clouds :p
dunno about upgrades but I hope he's washed it! I don't want to playing as some smelly bum! :angry:
bud7miker said:
dunno about upgrades but I hope he's washed it! I don't want to playing as some smelly bum! :angry:
what are you talking about ? do you think that gordon cares much about dirt in such a situation?
Makes you wonder when he last brushed his teeth....
i acually wouldnt like a jetpack, it would be kinda lame. Instead just having the long jump and maybe another small attachement.
he can charge his suit from those magnetic mines, watch e3 2k4 vid.
It was determined that there was a bug in the hud which made it appear that the suit would get charged.
TST_Devgru Seal said:
Torch = Flashlight.

Dont you remember the talk about the new flash light? And the picture? Man, now i have diarrhea.
Bicka said:
Makes you wonder when he last brushed his teeth....

Well, depending on how he was "frozen", it could be anywhere between three days and fifty years.

And the 2004 video showed quite a few batteries, so I guess that they're still prevalent. And the wall-mounted health stations were classinc. I hope they return in some form.
It is known that there is a time span of 10 years between HL and HL²

Upgrade idea's:

* Soms sort of predator camoflage thingy
* Time jump module enabeling you to jump back a short amount in time on teh fly
* A field knife :p
* A backpack content shrinker, enabeling you to carry along a huge arsenal
* Maby a holo projector to fool Combine soldiers
I wouldn't mind some sort of grapple gun in one of the arms, like in Metroid. But there's a chance the barnacle weapon is coming back to fill that role (from the first PC gamer article, before they started getting things ridiculously wrong)...
B.Calhoun said:
i acually wouldnt like a jetpack, it would be kinda lame. Instead just having the long jump and maybe another small attachement.

I would agree, it would ruin the old feel of Hl1. I would rather use my jumping skills thank press a button to fly. It would be cool, but thats what nocliping is for :smoking:
With the cleanliness too, you have to think, How does he go to the bathroom?
He spent 3 days at BMRF and not once had something to eat and or go to the bathroom, I know thats its a game so dont tell me its just to move the game ahead.
But honestly, is there like a hatch in the ass portion that swings open...? Its one of lifes great mysteries isnt it?
Hackerman said:
With the cleanliness too, you have to think, How does he go to the bathroom?
He spent 3 days at BMRF and not once had something to eat and or go to the bathroom, I know thats its a game so dont tell me its just to move the game ahead.
But honestly, is there like a hatch in the ass portion that swings open...? Its one of lifes great mysteries isnt it?
The HEV Mk IV has a great improvement to the Mk III; Catheters.
Also, regarding the batteries, I think the real question is, is the Mk V equipped with the 850 W twelve-pin connector
Gordon has sprint
the semi circle crosshair in the E3 vid is not default. there is a command for it
threre is an auxilary power meter than shows how much power you have, sprint and flashlight take up aux power
flashlight batts heal your suit now
Oops, i forgot to mention the suit zoom. you will be able to zoom in at any time, but you cant fire and zoom at the same time. and you cant use suit zoom and gun zoom at the same time
Cone-Zone said:
Oops, i forgot to mention the suit zoom. you will be able to zoom in at any time, but you cant fire and zoom at the same time. and you cant use suit zoom and gun zoom at the same time

Uh, you were be able to fire while HEV-zoomed, maybe because.... you had the leak? In the e3 2k4 demo, Gordon fired while zoomed...

But this aux-power sounds interesting, does it recharge over time or does it it need separate batteries?

Edit: Or was it the 2k3 video? I remember he fired the MP7 while zoomed in one of the videos.
yeah i made a mistake about the zoom, whoops, and yes, the aux power recharges when stop sprinting
It would be nice if he had a Thermal vision in his HEV-helmet ... or some ray see trough thingy usable for like 5 sec. and then recharge like the HL1 flashlight. also a biuld in radio...you cant use it but it could be used if dr vance or alyx want to contact you and/or give you some ips and tricks....also a 'ALYX detecting device' so if you lose her you could find her on a map or radar. Oh yea...and a toolkit for universal use perhaps with a rope...nah skip that that would be too much....whadda ya think? :)
I wouldnt mind the built in radio part considering when I'd be cruising around, Id like to listen to some of my tunes, maybe it could be in-part with Winamp or something...
Hackerman said:
I wouldnt mind the built in radio part considering when I'd be cruising around, Id like to listen to some of my tunes, maybe it could be in-part with Winamp or something...

lmao, how about a built-in DVD player, or maybe a microwave that feeds off your flashlight batteries? :D
Seems to me they are aiming to have something like a metroid like SUIT..
Hmm.. like, you can get new "jumping shoes" better "ZOOM".. "Sprint shoes"..
Suit level ups?? new suit (color).. can handle Hot areas or Toxic areas better.. ect..
Cone-Zone said:
Oops, i forgot to mention the suit zoom. you will be able to zoom in at any time, but you cant fire and zoom at the same time. and you cant use suit zoom and gun zoom at the same time
i dont think so
Do you think valve will put in a radio feature into the suit, so Alyx/barney/whoever can talk to Freeman while he's out on a mission or something? would this take away from the HL1 feel if it was implemented?
What I'd really love to see was a multi-purpose manouvrability-boost upgrade for the suit. it would allow you to use energy (either a seperate pool, or the same as armor-energy) to increase your running speed and jumping power.

I envision it liek this: You hold in the button to activate the function. A meter-bar starts to raise relatively slowly from nil to max, all the while drawing more and more power. The higher up the bar goes, the faster you run, letting you potentially gather up a huge speed-burst at the cost of a very large amount of energy (much worse performance/cost the higher the bar goes). If you do a jump while this is activated, you will take a boosted leap, proportional to the energy the meter has built up. If running in a direction while jumping, the force is mainly directed horisontally, letting you do amazing roof-to-roof jumps ect. if standing still (or relatively still) the force is mainly direced upwards, for a boosted highjump, letting you take the high-ground for strategic reasons, or simply a shortcut or escape from enemies.

Of course, maps would have to be designed with this capacity in mind for it all to work, but I could easily envision some really AWESOME escape or chase scenes, letting Gordon perform superhuman feats of strength and agility, if only for a very limited time. Not to mention how much more interresting multiplayer would get with such an addition =)

Its only natural that there would be upgrades to the HEV. In HL the HEV-suit wasn't a tool made for combat, it just happened to work pretty decently for defence and survival. Now, many years later, with such allies as the G-man (and his access to god-only-knows-what technologies) it would just seem silly to not to equip Gordon better going into combat. I'm pretty much expecting the HEV Mk.2 full combat exosuit, and if I don't get it im going to have to throw a fit of some kind ^_^

Anyway, thats my idea. Perhaps some modder team will pick it up someday ^_^

oldagerocker said:
Do you think valve will put in a radio feature into the suit, so Alyx/barney/whoever can talk to Freeman while he's out on a mission or something? would this take away from the HL1 feel if it was implemented?

They had that exact thing in HL: decay for the ps2. A scientist sets it up for the HEV suits you use.

It wasn't very obtrusive at all, but I think the immersion just works better without it.
its interesting what Stigma stigma, i recon the new hev suit will be roughly the same as the old one with the little semi circles added on, the modding community will take under its belt many things like that and mod the engine to do what they want and things like bullet time, super speed, mombo jumping, ect. hey this sounds like TS :p.
I like the idea of increased performance at the cost of suit power. Sound like a sort of 'last resort' thing to use when you are surrounded.

Maybe the suit could inject stimulants, like adrenaline, increasing gordons performance at the cost of some health.

I liked the 'Morphine Administered' sound from HL1, made the suits medical systems seem a bit more realistic.
Lone_Bullet said:
It would be nice if he had a Thermal vision in his HEV-helmet ... or some ray see trough thingy usable for like 5 sec. and then recharge like the HL1 flashlight. also a biuld in radio...you cant use it but it could be used if dr vance or alyx want to contact you and/or give you some ips and tricks....also a 'ALYX detecting device' so if you lose her you could find her on a map or radar. Oh yea...and a toolkit for universal use perhaps with a rope...nah skip that that would be too much....whadda ya think? :)

Thermal Vision, Like Predator right?
I don't think I would enjoy that, I would make me feel like I was playing AvP too much.