Upgrade advice (I have a powerful comp, but I want more)

Mr. Redundant

May 20, 2003
Reaction score
first off this isnt a brag thread, I work hard for my money, and I choose to splash that money into my computer.
I have around 300 bucks to blow on my computer this month, and I was wondering what I should add to it.

current specs:
-geniune intel P4 2.66g 533 fsb cpu (hyperthreading enabled)
-512mb ddr 333-bus ram
-128mb radeon 9800 pro
-Asus P4PE mainboard
-80gb 7200rpm seagate barracuda HD

I was thinking of another 512mb stick of ram, but honestly thats just not needed.
or a new optical mouse, I was thinking the logitech mx500.
I have a crappy microsoft optical mouse right now (one o them cheapy $40 ones)
I think my processor and mobo are fine, but then again if you have any advice (no AMD please) let me know.
I have a 21' NEC fe700 multisynch monitor, but it has like weird fps clipping sometimes since I got my new radeon, probably only cause I run everything at such high resolutions (1024x1028 mostly) and it only goes (apparently) to 60hz (!?) anyway let me know.
thanks :)

- this has nothing to do with "will my comp run HL" this is Upgrade advice, I know my comp will run hl2 fine.:dork:
hehe thanks, but yeah I do have one.
Im thinking more performance wise...
then again I could go for the logitech z560 6 piece speaker set, my Soundmax card has support for 5.1 surround sound so hey..
but Im not really an audiophile, IM more of a gfx man,
Maby another HDD or a water cooler set
yeah, a SATA Hard disk or a monitor which does more than 60hz? :P I mean even with my cheap Ti4200 i can get 85hz easy at 1280x1024 i can get 100hz easy too but ive already fried 1 G Card doing that :/ I also got 200hz at 1024x768 lol :S
thanks for the suggestions guys ;)
a new HD? whats wrong with my current one (I just bought it like a week ago, its brand new) and even if I get more storage capacity how would that really effect performance.

as for the monitor, I dont quite understand refresh rates, I never had to worry about them till I got my new radeon. I mean before the highest resolution I got was 1024x768 (and that was on a rare occasion in itself)
what does 60hz mean? does it cause an adverse effect on gameplay? is it what causes "frame ripping" ? (I dont know what to call it, it runs perfectly at high fps in high rez, but frames split, you can see the refresh line running down the screen basically (only when your going fast, like spinning or turning etc.. if your standing still its not visible)

another thing IM using winxp, so Im not really sure as to wether its the monitor that can only go to 60hz (its a NEC FE700 multisynch 21 inch monitor) or if its winxp MAKING it use 60hz (I have heard people complain xp does this)

anywhoo to conclude thanks for the suggestions ;) and if ya have any clue what Im babbling about, and even better suggestions, please let me know ;)
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
thanks for the suggestions guys ;)
a new HD? whats wrong with my current one (I just bought it like a week ago, its brand new) and even if I get more storage capacity how would that really effect performance.

as for the monitor, I dont quite understand refresh rates, I never had to worry about them till I got my new radeon. I mean before the highest resolution I got was 1024x768 (and that was on a rare occasion in itself)
what does 60hz mean? does it cause an adverse effect on gameplay? is it what causes "frame ripping" ? (I dont know what to call it, it runs perfectly at high fps in high rez, but frames split, you can see the refresh line running down the screen basically (only when your going fast, like spinning or turning etc.. if your standing still its not visible)

another thing IM using winxp, so Im not really sure as to wether its the monitor that can only go to 60hz (its a NEC FE700 multisynch 21 inch monitor) or if its winxp MAKING it use 60hz (I have heard people complain xp does this)

anywhoo to conclude thanks for the suggestions ;) and if ya have any clue what Im babbling about, and even better suggestions, please let me know ;)

Definitely whack in another 512mb of RAM - keeps everything running smoothly for a long time.
Why not wait 2 months and get $600 dollars to spend on your comp and get something rrrrrrrrreeeeaaaallll nice
infin|ty : are you from the America's Army forums too?

cause a guy there made a sig with what uhave in your avatar....

i'm jsut curious...
hehe nice pic infinity lol
anywhoo I figured it all out, seems my monitor can only maintaine 60hz at 1024x1028 BAH most disconcerning, I therefore have chosen to purchase a new monitor, one that is more fitting for my ati 9800 pro.
and I plan on getting more ram next month. thanks all for your input :)
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
infin|ty : are you from the America's Army forums too?

cause a guy there made a sig with what uhave in your avatar....

i'm jsut curious...
That's Oolong, the famous bunny.. Unfortunately, he's dead.
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
Save your money and get another computer.
I already have 2....
I almost have three (its missing a monitor)
the specs of the other 2 are similar to mine, just worse vid cards.
Sounds like youre upgrading for the sake of saying you're upgrading. The only things you feel are important are the cool specs you have.

What is slow? What can't you do? What do you do with you're computer?

Those specs will run 99% of all applications quite well. The only thing you mention is you don't like your mouse and some visual "clipping" which you aren't sure what the cause is.

A faster processing/mobo really won't pay cause you aren't that far from the top. And a 20% faster motherboard won't run things 20% faster because you rarely (<5%) max out CPU unless you run a idle-grabbing process.

512Mb is good enough for any program. Only certain specific tasks would require more. Windows can allot a lot of memory that seldom gets used. You could spot a memory issue by monitoring memory and/or paging. Or you could use your ears... With multiple programs open switch context between them. If you hear disk churn between them (and often a pause), you are out of memory.
HZ is the refresh rate, 60 frames per second basically. I'm not sure if the choppyness you are seeing is because of that or because of the game you are playing or what. It sounds more like lag during online multiplayer than a video refresh thing. I've had a long history of problems with ATI software with their video cards so I don't trust them anymore.

The hertz rate is also dependant on your monitor profile. Under DISPLAY, check the monitor tab. Make sure it is the correct monitor. Mine offers multiple hertz rates, 60-75 @ 1280x1024x32. However I'm using a GeForce4 Ti 4600.

Low hertz (60 is low) often accounts for eyestrain.
What about saving up for 2-3 months and get a


hehe the chopping I was blathering on about was actually what I had come to realise to be "tearing", its when the vpu (in this case the ati 9800 pro) refresh rate does not synch to the monitors refresh rate, the vid card is rendering frames faster than the monitor can display them.
this is a monitor problem, but then again I have become greedy, see I never had these issues before since my old card ran in 800x600 (monitor was at 95hz at that resolution) while as I now run hl in its highest resolution (I forget, 1200xsomething?) its an old 21' monitor that needs to be replaced... which is what I am going to do.

this thread was started with the idea, that something was wrong with my comp, and upgrading would fix it.... well that and I have never had a decent comp, so its just hard for me to grasp that next gen games will run perfectly on it. I may just be peccimistic.
then again doom3 alpha runs at 120fps in 1024x1028 with 6x aa and all gfx turned on in console.
damn I am redundant
I've got a 21" too, pretty old too..5 1/2 years I guess, maybe a lil' more.

It's screen was always sensitive to interference. For the first time...ever.. my home PC is right next to the monitor. When I turn the monitor in certain directions the power supply sends faint flickering waves across the left side. It is almost time to replace this pup. It was a cheap no name (CyberVision 4x95), but I can't live with less than a 21" at home now. It has no problem with running at 72 Hz though. I wouldn't have run it at 60. Spend too much time working on it to do that to my eyes (eyes are getting too old for that--makes note to self to get new eyeglasses).

I'd like to make the jump to thin screen with my next one, but there are issues. Refresh rates and brightness. Also the number of 21+" flats are limited and still very costly. I would have to be able to go into a store and see it working. Even that is an issue since it is a brightly lit flourescent room, vs. normal home lighting, which makes a big diference.
Your CPU doesnt support Hyperthreading so why even enable it in the BIOS?
I would get an MX700 and another stick of RAM and maybe a set of kick ass head phones like so Technics or Sony
well matt.. hyperthreading was already in the PIII only locked
A 15000RPM HDD maybe? Watercooling. A 21" monitor.
One hell of a soundsystem. There are other things, but I can't think of them right now.
It doesn't sound like you really need a performance upgrade, of course another 512 of DDR wouldn't hurt. Why not grab a sweet peripheral. I'm with de_tuned on the mouse upgrade. I have a MX700, best mouse ever. Sometimes I forget i'm using cause its so comfortable. Plus its a wireless optical mouse that responds just a well as a wired mouse. I was also surprised by the battery life, I recharge every week, and it only takes about 2 hours to fully charge, so u just throw it on the charger while you sleep.

Oh yeah, logitech reps. You can email me to setup a payment plan. :cheers: