Upgrade from 9600xt to 9800xt.


Sep 4, 2003
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I have an Ati Radeon 9600xt right now, i'm thinking about upgrading to the 9800xt... how dramatic of an improvement should I expect? Or would you recommend i upgrade to another card. Keep in mind I dont want to spend anymore than $500 CDN.
If your willing to spend that money I would go with a newer generation card for the same amount.
Go for the X800, if you can afford it. I have a 9600xt too, I'm gonna try and wait till the summer till I upgrade. Right now the X800 Pro is $500-550, the X800xt is $600-650 (Canadian) ;(. Kinda out of my range.
hmmm.. also wondering if now is a good time to upgrade? I mean are we expecting anything new from ati or nvidia anytime soon? Because that will obviously drop prices on these cards if something better come out yes?
the x850 will be out very shortly along with the releases of various 512mb cards.