Upgrading a Laptop


Jan 13, 2008
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First of all, is it possible?

Second, How will I go about doing it?
From what I have heard it is either impossible or very hard to do.

I may be wrong, but I thought it is possible to sent your laptop in to some companies to get them to upgrade it.

EDIT: Yay, 2000 posts :D
Depending on the laptop you can sometimes upgrade the GPU as well, MXM cards are somewhat interchangeable.
It uses a MXM graphics card, probably size III. Should be upgradeable... in theory.
lol, on that site they have "Its a personal computer" as one of its main features.
So what size of ram can I put in there? If I can put anything into the laptop
You can easily upgrade the RAM, HDD in almost any laptop. In some cases, you can also change the optical drive and LCD. I had my 13.3" LCD upgraded (well, actually replaced under warranty lol) from a lousy AUO panel to a much better Samsung panel recently.

Changing the CPU and GPU are rarely possible not usually not worth it..probably cheaper and more reliable to get a new laptop.