Upgrading video card - need to format?


Oct 30, 2003
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Hey folks, some of you may have read my thread about which video card to buy. Well, I've made my decision, and today I ordered an MSI 9800 pro 128mb.

This is my first time upgrading my own system. I currently have a 9600 xt. When my 9800 arrives, will I need to format my computer, or can I just uninstall my 9600xt drivers and slot in my 9800 pro?

Also, am I right in assuming that the drivers I use for my 9600 xt will work with the 9800? I can just use my Catalyst 4.7's?

Thanks folks!
Should just need to install the drivers that came with the 9800. At any rate, no need to format.
you really bought that POS ?? :|

Wow the x800 will eat that card alive and its cheaper :cheers:
Join Date: Jun 2004


Mummy and Daddy dont buy me everything I ask for you "skater4evr5" (the name says it all).

Edit x800 cheaper? Okay mate....
iamaelephant said:

Mummy and Daddy dont buy me everything I ask for you "skater4evr5" (the name says it all).

Edit x800 cheaper? Okay mate....

We need a democratic method of banning people, ie. by vote.

Anyway, I wouldn't worry about what he said - the 9800Pro is THE card to get at the moment in New Zealand, as even when the X800/6800 normals arrive, they're going to be around the $500-600 mark.
skater4evr5 said:
you really bought that POS ?? :|

Wow the x800 will eat that card alive and its cheaper :cheers:

NZ dollars != US dollars
Thank you Shuzer. That was very observant of you :P *looks at dumbass skater guy*
iamaelephant said:
Thank you Shuzer. That was very observant of you :P *looks at dumbass skater guy*

Now, he'll probably be like "what's != mean!?!?" ;)
im confused ?!?!? :frown:

Why are you guys flaming me ????????
Im right about the x800 and ...wow so much anger on this board
iamaelephant said:
About it being cheaper than the 9800 pro? Please, give me the link. I will buy it.

no shit.....

Ill buy two and sell the extra one.
ATI to ATI, shouldn't have to format, ive upgraded an nvidia card from a gf2 mx to a gf4 i think, didn't even change the driver and it worked great. but id recommend installing the driver again.
NZ and Us dollars are not one for one , 10 nz =6us (approx).
So that card is around 300 bucks or £165 , not such a bad deal.
The 9600xt and 9800 would run on the same drivers, but you could use the drivers that came with the 9800 if you want.
I think I'm better off using the latest Catlyst drivers, rather than the old drivers that come on the CD.