Upgrading your computer for Half-Life 2

Adding another 512 Kingston HyperX strip of ram, why? Just for fun.
Sorry, did I miss something - I thought this thread was about upgrading, not a long an useless thread where people tell everyone what system they have?

I'm going to add some more ram, a new CPU and a new videocard.
Originally posted by Dagobert
Sorry, did I miss something - I thought this thread was about upgrading, not a long an useless thread where people tell everyone what system they have?

I'm going to add some more ram, a new CPU and a new videocard.

It was, then it turned into this
Originally posted by Bass
Must be nice to have the $$$ to run 3 rigs

I don't have the above system yet, but i'm going to buy that one this month! I have to get a new one for Half-Life 2. The theather system is in our living room (functional as a mediacenter system; dvd, music, internet, sometimes a game.). So I need a new one. My parents want to pay a bit of it!

:bounce: but my santa claus presents are going bye bye. :flame:

( sorry for bad english )

( What do you guys think of the above system? Any improvements or some suggestions???
xp1700+(next thing to upgrade after GFX)
1gb TwinMOS pc2700
GF3Ti200(soon to be replaced by a 9800)
120gb Seagate hdd, dvd-rw, water cooling, Addtronics 7896a, etc. ;)
I have a P4 2.4 ghz chip with a 533 fsb mainboard, 256 megs of ddr-something ram ( Yeah I know I need to get more), and a 128 mb radeon 9800 pro.

I just wanted to say to all the people who are looking to upgrade, look on ebay. I bought my radeon 9800 for $230.00 and its brand new. Everything is cheaper, ram, motherboards, etc. Whatever it is, you can probably get it for 50% less on ebay.

amd atlon xp 1800+
16x/48x dvd rom
gforce 4 ti4800se 128mb

hope it'll do :)

btw, will it be released on dvd or ordinary cd?
I upgraded for the sake of upgrading. Not just for HL2.

Old system
P4 1.7 ghz
Geforce 2 MX400
60 gb Western Digital HD

New system
P4 2.4B overclocked to 2.8 at 624 mhz fsb
Radeon 9500 Pro
120 gb Maxtor HD

Next upgrade is a gig of ram and possibly a 9800 once the R420 comes out (february/march of 04). It'll be much cheaper by that time.
128MB GF4ti
512MB PC2100 r.a.m

That will have to do until Christmas when I get new cpu+mobo+a nice radeon card.
Ugrading my case / psu, motherboard, and vid card.
Specs will be:
P4 1.8Ghz
640MB PC2100 DDR
40GB 7200RPM (Brand dunno)
120GB 7200RPM Maxtor
Crappy 17" monitor from IBM
Antec slk3700 case w/ 350watt Antec PSU
and finally
Sapphire Radeon 9800