Upload/Download and Ping Speeds from Hell

el Chi

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
Could anyone tell me what the upload/download speeds or demands are like and how they affect the ping?
I presume you are talking about hl2dm. I'm not sure exactly what the best settings are, but i have 512/128 and it runs perfectly (no lagging).
What internet connection do you have, what home network setup do you have, what are your computer specs, who's your isp, how long have you had the problem, is the problem constant or intermittent, have you got any firewalls running?

I'm assuming HL automatically chooses the best setting, since I've never changed them and have good ping... safe assumption? :monkee:
bliink said:
What internet connection do you have, what home network setup do you have, what are your computer specs, who's your isp, how long have you had the problem, is the problem constant or intermittent, have you got any firewalls running?

It's a 1.5Mb connection, so it shouldn't be THAT bad. I looked at the net_graph 3 stats and my d/l speed rarely went above 10kbs, my u/l waasn't much over 5kbs, so I can't really be impacting THAT much, can I? I have a feeling our network is wired slightly oddly and that's where the problem might be. Not that I'd accuse him of giving himnself a bias or anything <Ahem>

Not that it matters - at the moment our connection's been shut down until my cheque clears :(
Just out of interest - what does this part of the net_graph 3 (console command) stats mean?