'Uranium Bug'

cool, add that to the technolgy to stop light which some scientists have said they've now done for a fraction of a milisecond or something, and you'd have a super powerful PC, running with its own nuclear generator and bugs to clean up the mess and power your laptop

But will it run doom3 at full thats the question :)
Originally posted by Fenric1138
cool, add that to the technolgy to stop light which some scientists have said they've now done for a fraction of a milisecond or something, and you'd have a super powerful PC, running with its own nuclear generator and bugs to clean up the mess and power your laptop

But will it run doom3 at full thats the question :)

I'll be suprised if 'Blue Gene' with a 9800 XT will get it to go at 30fps at 640x480....;)
Yay, its another asnwer to all our problems!

Ok, so that sounds sarcastically cynical, but these stories come out all the time. They are great no doubt, but i want to see application!
"The Geobacter species has genes that allow it to convert uranium and other radionuclides dissolved in water to solid compounds that can be extracted."

so in other words we'd be using it's shit as fuel? grrrrrrrreat.
Hmmmmm... My bedroom is so dirty right now you would need a Bio hazard/radiation suit to surive more than 5 mins in there! A bacterium such as this could prove very usefull to me indeed....
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Yay, its another asnwer to all our problems!

Ok, so that sounds sarcastically cynical, but these stories come out all the time. They are great no doubt, but i want to see application!

the oil companies will never let an alternate energy source exist!

lol...seriously...if you could get energy from a bacteria...free, abundant energy...it would destroy the economy of the world as we know it...but the world would probably be better off as a result.
Originally posted by Maskirovka
the oil companies will never let an alternate energy source exist!

lol...seriously...if you could get energy from a bacteria...free, abundant energy...it would destroy the economy of the world as we know it...but the world would probably be better off as a result.

thats why this kind of shite has to be introduced gradually.
Originally posted by Dedalus
"The Geobacter species has genes that allow it to convert uranium and other radionuclides dissolved in water to solid compounds that can be extracted."

so in other words we'd be using it's shit as fuel? grrrrrrrreat.

if I shit ice cream you would eat it. :D

c'mon..clean, fresh ice cream. just because it came out of my ass doesn't mean it's not ice cream!
Originally posted by crabcakes66
thats why this kind of shite has to be introduced gradually.

yeah but in places like africa, it would mean that you could develop an industry where the infrastructure and money to power one didn't exist before. it would totally change the geoeconomicpoliticalstuffical boundaries.

people wouldn't stand for gradual. they'd have to make up reasons why it's unsafe. hell, nuclear waste is probably perfectly good to be around...they just made up some reason why it's bad so that people will accept still using oil. gooooo conspiracy!!

(lol...of course scientists know for a fact that radiation is bad...it's not like that could be a secret...i'm just joking around...hopefully that was obvious but i wanted to avoid the post that corrected me and told me my conspiracy was impossible when i already know it is.)
I heard this on the radio when I was going to school this morning. Pretty cool.
Originally posted by Maskirovka
if I shit ice cream you would eat it. :D

c'mon..clean, fresh ice cream. just because it came out of my ass doesn't mean it's not ice cream!

as long as it was chocolate ice cream. with peanuts in it...
Originally posted by Maskirovka
yeah but in places like africa, it would mean that you could develop an industry where the infrastructure and money to power one didn't exist before. it would totally change the geoeconomicpoliticalstuffical boundaries.

this is true actaully......

america, parts of europe and parts of asia would no longer hold all the cards.

I dont think it would bother me though....as i have nothing to lose.......

my only problem with some kind of super abundant energy source....is that we are already growing very fast. Something like this would mean that our population would double in like 30 years(we are expected to reach peak population(9 billion or so) by 2070)

i dont think the human race can handle that kind of growth.....so mabey your conspiracey is a good thing.....
yeah, there's also this other theory that says someone let the AIDS virus loose on the African continent so as to get rid of everyone living there and generally make the world 'lighter' if you know what i mean. personally i think that's a load of crap...but you never know, some of these crackpots get it right from time to time.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Yay, its another asnwer to all our problems!

Ok, so that sounds sarcastically cynical, but these stories come out all the time. They are great no doubt, but i want to see application!

yeah good point.. Didn't some boffins teleport some atoms the other year, so why am I still forced to use overpriced Taxis. We go make all the effort to make these things possible, then our great grandchildren go and get to have all the fun, something just ain't right with that :)
Originally posted by Deadalus
yeah, there's also this other theory that says someone let the AIDS virus loose on the African continent so as to get rid of everyone living there and generally make the world 'lighter' if you know what i mean. personally i think that's a load of crap...but you never know, some of these crackpots get it right from time to time.

lol we all know how aids propogates :-P
I firmly believe that these microbes were sent here by VALVe, to prepare us for HL2. All will fall into place shortly.
Originally posted by Maskirovka
if I shit ice cream you would eat it. :D

c'mon..clean, fresh ice cream. just because it came out of my ass doesn't mean it's not ice cream!

You mean you dont shit ice-cream?! Damn I thought everyone did :cool: