URGENT: Need help? PC Takes 10min to boot up.


Oct 9, 2005
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Well i woke up this morning, i scanned for viruses and did a defrag. The defrag wasnt finished because i canceled it. Then when trying to install some drivers for my PC my disk drive wouldnt open..

I then rebooted and it shows the main boot screen then goes into a black screen where a little dot on the top left of my screen, the dot just flashes for about 10/15min. It normaly takes 5 seconds but for some reason its taking longer.

I normaly have 2 hard drives installed but since i installed a new PSU it only came with one sata connector. The current harddrive installed is the one with the OS on.

Whats wrong :/ help plz
the bios might still think that your other harddrive is connected also you should check for which piece of hardware boots first
Clear BIOS. There is a jumper on your mobo that you need to switch to do this. Look it up on how to clean bios/cmos. It is usually in the bottom right if the mobo is still in your case.
Thanks for your help all... I tried everything. But after doing everything i decided to disconnect the power cable from my dvd rw the one which stoped work and everything is fine... Its the 2nd time my dvd r-w had died.. Is it because i use it to play games? :/:sniper:
Using the DVD drive to do anything shouldn't make it die. How old is it?
Well this is the 2nd time it has died.

Its new since the otherone was replaced a couple of months ago.
Jonz0r said:
Well this is the 2nd time it has died.

Its new since the otherone was replaced a couple of months ago.

Is the ribbon cable keyed? If not you may be plugging that in backwards or your PSU might not be very stable/under powered and is causing it to die.
Lock a pistol to your moniter and....

Yell : " If you don't hurry up, I'm blowing holes in you "