US abstinence program


Aug 6, 2004
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"This paper demonstrates that increasing abstinence intention does not lead to less sex. In fact, when abstinence intention and sex intention interact with each other a teenager is more likely to have sex," said Masters.

Currently there is no federal funding for any comprehensive sex-education program in the country, but funding for abstinence-only programs has mushroomed, increasing from $9 million in1997 to $176 million in 2007.

The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate among developing nations, and rates of sexually transmitted diseases in this country are high. The risks are real, and if people want to keep teens safe from the negative outcomes of sex, abstinence-only programs are not the way to go. More comprehensive programs that include abstinence as one choice are much more likely to have the outcomes we want ? that teenagers eventually will be in a positive and fulfilling sexual relationship.

pathetic if you ask me

the majority of US people need to realize they are a joke...i seriously don't know any country that is so proud in being self deluded.
I was born here, so I don't feel bad about being here. It's a shame though.
the majority of you need to realize they are stupid... i seriously don't know any person that is so proud in being self deluded.
We have a normal sex-ed course where I'm from, but I know abstinence-only programs exist. On the one hand, no one pays them any attention anyway, but someone clearly needs to be actually teaching them the useful stuff too (condoms etc.).
I was taught sex ed my freshmen year in high school, and we were taught about condom use and birth control if I recall correctly.
There was one sex ed teacher I remember being pretty awesome when he visited, because he was so blunt and just tore everyone apart, it was pretty humorous.

Like when he ripped on the type of Seniors that date Freshmen girls, in the back of the gym you hear two jocks high five and go, "UHUHUHUHUHU YEAH DUDE!"
Took sex ed/social awareness in my senior year of high school. We had people come in to talk about condoms and whatnot. While we also had the highly religious people who kept talking about Jesus and abstinence. I so wanted to make fun of the religious people, but alas I did not.
Actually, we weren't "taught" anything in sex-ed. The damn Band director was the teacher in that class, and he just had told us read the book every other day and we ended up watching Pixar movies most of the time. I shit you not.

twas awesome.

But the books they gave us had a lot of information on different types of birth control, condoms, and what nots.
And by pixar movies, he means pornography.

The only sex ed I remember was like a week of health class was dedicated to "puberty" info and they split the boys and girls up to talk to us about different shit. The only thing I remember was them giving us mini sticks of deodorant and I was like "**** YEAH IM A REAL MAN NOW." But that was back in like 7th grade when we were all like 11 or 12, so im pretty sure the sex information part was pretty much wasted since not many people would be engaging in sex for like 4/5/10 years.
We had a pretty comprehensive sex-ed. It went through STD's, proper contraceptive usage, abortion, health issues... It was hilariously awkward at the time (which we alleviated by cracking jokes 24/7) but I definitely think it did us a lot of good. Lord knows I had "ALWAYS USE PROTECTION" drilled into my head enough that I never, EVER go without it (even when obscenely drunk) and I'm very grateful for that.
I don't remember my sex-ed teacher even mentioning absintence. All I remember was when he showed us how to put a condom on.

But this is the UK.

I don't remember my sex-ed teacher even mentioning absintence. All I remember was when he showed us how to put a condom on.

But this is the UK.


Did he show you with his own penis?
I had so many sex-ed classes it wasnt funny any longer. The first sex ed class I had were in grade 4 or something (10 years old I think).
I had sex ed/health class back in high school. Learned some shit.

People are going to have sex or not. It's up to them. You can make them aware of the risks, but if they want to have sex, they will.
The only sex ed my School had was an abstinence talk by some Christians. The Ironic thing was that all the people giving the talk admitted to not practicing abstinence when they were teenagers but they became Christians later in life and decided to teach teenagers about Jesus and medieval birth control.
The only sex ed my School had was an abstinence talk by some Christians. The Ironic thing was that all the people giving the talk admitted to not practicing abstinence when they were teenagers but they became Christians later in life and decided to teach teenagers about Jesus and medieval birth control.

See, that's the problem. It doesn't sound like any thought was put into that D:
I don't think America is going to last much longer. Not because of this but many things. I live here and yes it has some great advantages over other country's but most of the people on the street are just toys.
Abstinence based "anti-sex education" is the scariest and stupidest shit ever conceived. c wut I did thar?

It just doesn't work. It's stupid and proven to be completely counter-productive, but that won't change the mind of folks in some of these bible belt states who preach horse shit into every aspect of kids' lives.
Instead of teaching us anything my teacher jumped right to the pregnancy part of it, brought in the video tape of a birth and would pause and rewind a bunch of times so the baby would go in and out.