US Election 08, Vote for your candidate

Who are/would you vote for

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'd vote the black guy, cause then we always know where he is so he can't go steal my car.
It'd be amazing if Texas went blue. The polls only place Obama at 10 points behind. That's amazing.
This just in, Barack Obama defeats John McCain in the American presidential race!

There, I saved you a day of suspense.
Too much of an inconvenience. My dad called and convinced me not to come considering how much shit I'll have waiting for me when I get back. but through the conversation I am lead to believe he didn't so much want to vote at all and his 'threat' of voting mccain was just to keep me at my work. My mom is going later though and I urged him to vote Obama on my behalf and he said he'd think about it (he'd rather not be arsed as I so suspected).
Too much of an inconvenience. My dad called and convinced me not to come considering how much shit I'll have waiting for me when I get back. but through the conversation I am lead to believe he didn't so much want to vote at all and his 'threat' of voting mccain was just to keep me at my work. My mom is going later though and I urged him to vote Obama on my behalf and he said he'd think about it (he'd rather not be arsed as I so suspected).

or they could be having sex and just dont want you to barge in least that's excuse I make with my kids "son go play in the park for a bit ..oh and dont talk to strangers"
lol, Nine Inch Nails just emailed me to request I vote.
Comment from someone on email to CNN:

'GO SARAH GO! I'm from Alaska!'

For some reason that made me laugh. It pretty much sums up Palin's own philosophy.
THANK YOU!! Hopefully you have A LOT of like-minded friends. :thumbs:

I honestly think NC has a great chance of going blue this year for the first time in my life. I live on a college campus so there's definitely a much higher concentration of liberals around here than in most of NC but most people I know are voting Obama.
I voted Obama. I don't neccessarily like his viewpoint on partial birth abortion, but McCain's no saint either, (shit neither am I for that matter lol) so I decided to pick who I though would be best for the economy. Futhermore, I'd have voted Libertarian or independent if they actually stood a chance. All-in-all, I wanted to give Obama a chance.

I just hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the arse since I'm soon to be a military man. Don't let me down Obama. :|
This will offend many, but ah what the hell. It's hard to take the people who aren't American and have strong opinions on the election seriously. If you don't live here, and understand the circumstances we go through, I don't find you're opinion completely valid (not that your opinion technically counts). Getting all the info from newspapers and TV is pointless, seeing how its incredibly bias.

Unless you pull off the typical excuse of "oh, well i lived in the US for many years" or "Im a lawyer so i know politics very well", i really would like to hear what non-US people believe if they have strong opinions and what formed those opinions...

Again, this is a noninflammatory post.
This will offend many, but ah what the hell. It's hard to take the people who aren't American and have strong opinions on the election seriously. If you don't live here, and understand the circumstances we go through, I don't find you're opinion completely valid (not that your opinion technically counts). Getting all the info from newspapers and TV is pointless, seeing how its incredibly bias.

Unless you pull off the typical excuse of "oh, well i lived in the US for many years" or "Im a lawyer so i know politics very well", i really would like to hear what non-US people believe if they have strong opinions and what formed those opinions...

Again, this is a noninflammatory post.

The way their economy is going and the rest of the world seeing what we have done over the last 8 years to global stability I think they have just as much right to an opinion as any of us americans do. Our stupidity affects them just as much as it affects us.
This will offend many, but ah what the hell. It's hard to take the people who aren't American and have strong opinions on the election seriously. If you don't live here, and understand the circumstances we go through, I don't find you're opinion completely valid (not that your opinion technically counts). Getting all the info from newspapers and TV is pointless, seeing how its incredibly bias.

Unless you pull off the typical excuse of "oh, well i lived in the US for many years" or "Im a lawyer so i know politics very well", i really would like to hear what non-US people believe if they have strong opinions and what formed those opinions...

Again, this is a noninflammatory post.

The thing is, YOU also get your information from the news and TV, just like us, so its not very different. Also, we get information on the internet just like you guys. We both have the exacy same sources of information, only difference is that we are located on different geographical places. We all study politics and economics and all of that worldwide. Just because its an American election, doesnt mean we know less than you and can not form legit opinions. If we dont know something about your government system, we just look it up. Almost all European schools study America closely, as if its some kind of test experiment started a few hundred years ago...and we take notes on your progress ;)
I think, although I could be wrong, that Fiberawptic gets his news from fox"news" ..home of fair and balalnced "journalism" ..anyways just because your media are partisan boot lickers it doesnt mean the rest of the world's media is
I think, although I could be wrong, that Fiberawptic gets his news from fox"news" ..home of fair and balalnced "journalism" ..anyways just because your media are partisan boot lickers it doesnt mean the rest of the world's media is

True. What i ment was that it doesnt really matter if you are inside our outside the US, all information is accessable to everyone, biased and non-biased, i mean theres even Fox News here in italy (if you now can call it news)
Im French and I would vote for Obama.

In France if vote right thought ( Sarokozy) to much socialists paying good for nothing people nowdays.
This will offend many, but ah what the hell. It's hard to take the people who aren't American and have strong opinions on the election seriously. If you don't live here, and understand the circumstances we go through, I don't find you're opinion completely valid (not that your opinion technically counts). Getting all the info from newspapers and TV is pointless, seeing how its incredibly bias.

Unless you pull off the typical excuse of "oh, well i lived in the US for many years" or "Im a lawyer so i know politics very well", i really would like to hear what non-US people believe if they have strong opinions and what formed those opinions...

Again, this is a noninflammatory post.

Well, the issue is, the American presidency has a very large effect on global politics as a whole. The American president is arguably the most powerful and influential person in the world, and so citizens of other countries certainly have a stake in the election.

Iranian citizens, for instance, would probably want a president with a vow not to invade Iran. Chinese citizens would want a president who supported increased trade with China, etc. etc. These are rather silly, hypothetical examples, but I hope you get my point.

Look at it this way, during the Cold War, figuring out who was going to be the next successor of the premier of the USSR was almost as important to Americans as figuring out who was going to be the next president of the United States.

Global politics becomes much more interesting and relevant if you personally have a stake in it.
This will offend many, but ah what the hell. It's hard to take the people who aren't American and have strong opinions on the election seriously. If you don't live here, and understand the circumstances we go through, I don't find you're opinion completely valid (not that your opinion technically counts). Getting all the info from newspapers and TV is pointless, seeing how its incredibly bias.

Unless you pull off the typical excuse of "oh, well i lived in the US for many years" or "Im a lawyer so i know politics very well", i really would like to hear what non-US people believe if they have strong opinions and what formed those opinions...

Again, this is a noninflammatory post.
I don't care if this is a 'noninflammatory' post. It's still an inflammatory viewpoint which stems largely from the unilateral/xenophobic/overly nationalistic attitude which sadly characterises your country.

I'm tired of making this response.

The information fom TV and newspapers is not 'incredibly bias(sic).' Unless you're watching Fox News, at most it's only slightly biased, and even then only rarely. It's certainly not any kind of bias that any rational person wouldn't be able to see through - unlike those hordes of people who watch Fox and think it's the Gospel. If you think the mass media as a whole is liberally biased, then the mistake you're making is that you're watching it expecting to see stuff that will only ever reinforce your own opinions. You're also a bigger conspiracy theorist than the 9/11 truthers.
myself said:
There might be a few hours devoted to opinion pieces by Olbermann and suchlike, but if there was a real liberal bias in the reporting arm then CNN and people like Lou Dobbs wouldn't devote so much wasted airtime to handwringing and worrying to the tune of 'ARE we biased?! I suppose we might be! Oh goodness, what a to-do! Ring the panelists now! And get at least two people who say we are biased so it keeps everyone happy!' In the case of bias, that Reverend Wright shit wouldn't have been repeated ad infinitum either and we might actually see some proper scrutiny of Palin's crazy fundamentalist sympathies. Funny, I never see Fox News dithering over any perceived bias on their station...
To hear some people tell it, what you'll see if you dare to switch on CNN is a hippie free love orgy, with people in Che Guevara shirts in the backround burning American flags and handing condoms to 5 year olds. These same detractors sneer at anything reported by the BBC, the most respected news media outlet in the world, as if it appeared in the Fortean Times. Read what Absinthe said, THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR MINDS.
...that's if you see a bias.

Be honest with yourself. Most people, probably yourself included, certainly me, live a sheltered existence, where their window to the wider world comes from books, TV and the internet. I lived in the UK for 24 years, but I wouldn't hesitate for a second in admitting that you could get everything I know about UK politics from the TV or the net. I lived for a year in Japan but most of my knowledge of that country comes from books and pop culture, and I consider personal experience to be a useful insight but secondary to my general knowledge. I stayed 6 months in America and I didn't see a thing that contradicted the opinions I had formed through my prior knowledge, though I saw plenty to back it up. I've been in Ireland for 6 months too and there must be millions of people who've never been to Ireland who still know more about this country than me because I refuse to take an interest in it :P (:cheers:@paddies)

The idea that you should discard knowledge that you haven't gleaned first-hand is a symptom of another blight that currently afflicts your country: anti-intellectualism, as embodied in the Republican VP choice.

And the idea that a non-American can't hold a serious opinion on the American election is ****ING. STUPID. It's merely an attempt to devalue the opinions of those who disagree with you, which in turn is a classic recourse for people who want to be proved right yet can't quite find the facts to back themselves up.

All that is without even mentioning the huge global import of your elections, which gives practically everyone in the world a vested interest in, and a platform to form opinion about them.

And I know you know this because you've read these arguments from me before, in at least one of the other threads I just linked... You're feigning innocent inquisitiveness here. I can't help but suspect it's not because you want to hear the opposing point of view (as if you've never had an opportunity to hear it before on these boards), but because you're fishing for the chance that someone who disagrees with you might come out with a flawed argument that you can pick holes in; once again, reinforcing your preconcieved opinion is your only goal. This is the cycle that most Republicans are trapped in.
I vote Laivasse for MVP in this election seriously you've done some excellent work dispelling ignorance and misinformation, kudos to you, you've made all our lives that much easier :)
Ta stern... All in a day's not-doing-anything-except-sitting-around-on-my-arse-being-an-angry-forum-guy-ness.
I really liked Obama, his policies, and just his stance on things in general. But I don't think I could live with a black guy being president, so I voted McCain.

Jk, voted Obama. :thumbs:

How long did you guys have to wait to vote? I just got out of work, and its 5:30 now. Polls close at 8 but I have other shit i need to do today before the places close, but I need to vote still.
It's my understanding that as long as you're in the queue by the time the polls shut, you can still vote. Not quite sure how that works.
John McCain has taken Kentucky and Barack Obama has won Vermont.





MCCAIN: 305,448
OBAMA: 273,958
D: Barack's losing

Of course, it's way too early to tell.
Yeah, none of the huge blue states have weighed in yet.

I'm really ****ing nervous, though.
I've never been more nervous in my life.
Totally this^. Gah, the suspense!
EDEET: did anyone see the hologram thing? The future is here.
American. Voted Obama/Biden.

Fixed. :E Yeah, I went to school out there for 5 years and hated that guy. :cheers:

you left out racist man. pulling people over because they're mexican and putting them in cages in parking lots open to the public = ridiculously publically racist

"They call me KKK and its like an honor" - Arpaio

How long did you guys have to wait to vote? I just got out of work, and its 5:30 now. Polls close at 8 but I have other shit i need to do today before the places close, but I need to vote still.

I got there at 6:15AM. Polls opened at 6 and when I got in line there was already 104 people ahead of me (the ballot scanner had a counter on it so I know for sure 104 lol)

Got there at 6:15 and left at 7:30. Huge turnout there
i just drew a huge dick on my ballot and put it into the machine
How long did you guys have to wait to vote? I just got out of work, and its 5:30 now. Polls close at 8 but I have other shit i need to do today before the places close, but I need to vote still.

I went with my mom to vote and while there was a bunch of people there, there was only one person ahead of us.

It took me awhile due to a lot of propositions needed to be voted on in the local government.
I voted for Obama during early voting last week, but I live in Texas so my vote doesn't really count. I didn't vote for (or even browse through) any other positions on the ticket, which is a shame because I heard that some of them had some pretty awesome names. should be the only qualifiying electorate in this year's elections. :)