US monthly toll in Iraq at lowest since invasion

I cant help but think the majority of the stats relating to innocent death in are from the hands of insurgents...Im not sure if that site makes the comparrison to killed innocents by the hands of combatants or the US military.
I cant help but think the majority of the stats relating to innocent death in are from the hands of insurgents

Typically they are. Actually, most of them are -- but the general thought is: "Well, it was our invasion that made it possible."

Nighttime lighting? In the 21st century? What evil sorcery is this?! And they have mastered this dark witchcraft only 5 years after the invasion? My heavens! Next thing you're going to tell me is that we're able to fly using large metal birds.

It's also good to see that you only need a combat helmet and a bulletproof vest to protect yourself. I wish my country was so safe.

A trillion dollars well spent!
So basically they had to install solar lights because they still couldn't get the power grid working to an adequate standard?

It's good and all, but it's not exactly "mission accomplished", and is still only a measure to solve problems that the initial mismanagement of the occupation presented.
hey it's better than 2 years ago when iraqis had on average 2 hours of electricity a month ..oh wait these are solar powered ..guess they havent fixed the power problems however I'm sure it's up to a more respectable 4 hours a day which has been the average since the invasion (even though they had 14-16hrs a day average before the invasion)....this is progress only if you think taking two steps backwards to fix mistakes you caused is progress
Well if Iraq is going to use solar power, maybe we can have their oil.
actua;;y they have a huge surplus but they have the infrastructure to put it in...yet