US planning air strikes on Iran

Sometimes I wish the nukes would just explode right now all over the world at once, so we can get this shit over with.
DeusExMachina said:
Then I could finally live out my Mad Max fantasies.

Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior is by far the greatest movie ever.
bunker busters are reportedly to be ready by 2008, which is when they're planning the attacks for.
Scott Ritter; the man who puts truth into the statement "not all republicans are arseholes".

Good link, important and buried.
SilentKilla said:
**** america. I'm moving out of this shit hole. Why don't we just bomb china and japan and korea and canana and Washington D.C. while we are at it? I heard everyone of those places have mini nuke storage areas in the local mcdonalds.

There isn't a McDonalds in North Korea, which means that you want to bomb South Korea, which is me. :(

Although we did develop technology for nuclear weapons in the 1970s, according to the 1975 textbook of the Army Academy..... [/classified]
I believe the man, but this video raises another question: is ElBaradei being paid or coerced into saying the BS he says about Iran?
One could say that the timing of ElBaradei's Nobel peace prize, looks suspiciously like a big bribe.
Purely speculation of course -it has been argued that the nobel award was a slap in the face to Washington's hawks- so who can say for certain.
ignore the double post.
Step away, nothing to see here.

Move along.
It'll be a real shame if anything happens on this front--especially after Iraq recently. Everyone with a brain should realize that Iran has been using all of this nuclear talk as an attention-getter and nothing more. They want to be a player on the world stage and compete with the big boys and they are certainly getting the attention they craved. North Korea provied a nice model for them to follow exactly in 2002. Its the same crap, different year...and where is N. Korea in the news now? That's correct: nowhere.

Does anyone here seriously believe that if Iran were actually capable of making a nuclear device, let alone a warhead, that they would go yelling to the media about it??? No, they would develop such things in supreme secrecy so as not to risk having their plans foiled.

I personally don't think anything will happen here. Iraq is a huge concern right now and if it can't be handled competently then further expansion of the war is simply not feasible...and especially not when virtually the entire rest of the world is looking at you thinking that you are devious, greedy, lying warmongers....
I believe the man, but this video raises another question: is ElBaradei being paid or coerced into saying the BS he says about Iran?

Sad, no one else has brought this up.
K e r b e r o s said:
Sad, no one else has brought this up.

you frustrate me to no end cling to a single point like a drowning man to a life preserver, regardless if you have any clue as to what it means

what BS are you referring to? he is the director of the IAEA, they have repeatedly said the same thing over and over again: NO evidence of nuclear weapons program
you frustrate me to no end cling to a single point like a drowning man to a life preserver, regardless if you have any clue as to what it means

Oldest retort ever.

what BS are you referring to?

So Gunner, a forum participator in this debate, is now BS?

Post #89, Gunner stated:

I believe the man, but this video raises another question: is ElBaradei being paid or coerced into saying the BS he says about Iran?

I agreed with Gunners statement. Is El Baradei being paid or coerced into saying the BS he's stated about Iran?

Tell me, do you think he's being paid or 'coerced'? Not Gunner, but El Baradei. Because I think its a possibility.
K e r b e r o s said:
Oldest retort ever.

So Gunner, a forum participator in this debate, is now BS?

Post #89, Gunner stated:

I agreed with Gunners statement. Is El Baradei being paid or coerced into saying the BS he's stated about Iran?

Tell me, do you think he's being paid or 'coerced'? Not Gunner, but El Baradei. Because I think its a possibility.

answer the damn question, stop dancing around the issue

What BS are you referring to?
I doubt the US would use nukes to destroy the nuclear facilities in Iran. If they're smart, they won't even start to attack it. It's not gonna help the USA at all. What would happen after that? If the worst situation is realized and they do use nukes, the fallout will spread hundreads of miles, making some of the land unliveable for many years. If the sites are near any neighbouring country, it could mean disaster...and of course a start of a new big war.
CptStern said:

So what the US is doing is using weapons of mass destruction to stop other countries from using weapons of mass destruction. It sort of contradicts the point of stopping WMD's in the first place.

All I can ask is, if they are using them, what's the yield?...well I guess it doesn't matter, were talking about nukes here. Thousands, probably tens of Thousands will die for another lost cause.
You guys are arguing over what is right or wrong, what is fair.

It's not about that anymore when it comes to nuclear warfare. Since WWII this technology is ****ing scary. An all out nuclear war can destroy all life on earth.

The world doesn't need anymore people with the finger on the buttons.

It doesn't matter what is right or wrong to the people of Iran. It doesn't matter if it's fair to them. They don't have the technology yet, but may have it within a few years, at least enough to blow up a few nations or at least some of the US Bases there or some of our Naval ships killing shit-loads of people. At least enough to put us in a stale-mate untill they have time to build a large stock-pile.

Go ahead and make Isreal powerless by empowering Iran. Iran has always been the aggressor here, don't get it all twisted. Yes The USA is full of shit and has ulterior motives, we are trying to make sure there is never any threat to us or our allies. Those are our motives! Is that so evil as some of you claim? To me, the law in Iran are ****ing barbaric. Yes that is my opinion, but we have the bombs right now and they don't, so our laws supercede their laws, 'fair' or not. The entire world has gone so ****ing soft. 'Don't spank your baby', 'don't yell at your dog.' In some of these countries they eat babies and dogs, you just don't ****ing get it. They don't play nice.

I don't need to even say that they are sitting on the worlds largest oil dump, and there is no need for Iran to have nuclear electricity plants, so they are only going to build nukes. That is their intention. Nukes to be used against the free world.

Thats not OK with me.

Thats like a police officer allowing a suspect to pick up a machine gun. Not going to happen.

It's us against them, I don't think they will bend. They cannot get along with us, they will never like us. I guess this is a bandwagon, so get the **** on.
if they do strike, expect retaliation in the form of suicide bombers

U.S. intelligence and terrorism experts say this might be Iran's response:

"As tensions increase between the United States and Iran, U.S. intelligence and terrorism experts say they believe Iran would respond to U.S. military strikes on its nuclear sites by deploying its intelligence operatives and Hezbollah teams to carry out terrorist attacks worldwide.

Iran would mount attacks against U.S. targets inside Iraq, where Iranian intelligence agents are already plentiful, predicted these experts. There is also a growing consensus that Iran's agents would target civilians in the United States, Europe and elsewhere, they said."

VirusType2 said:
You guys are arguing over what is right or wrong, what is fair.

It's not about that anymore when it comes to nuclear warfare. Since WWII this technology is ****ing scary. An all out nuclear war can destroy all life on earth.

The world doesn't need anymore people with the finger on the buttons.

It doesn't matter what is right or wrong to the people of Iran. It doesn't matter if it's fair to them. They don't have the technology yet, but may have it within a few years, at least enough to blow up a few nations or at least some of the US Bases there or some of our Naval ships killing shit-loads of people. At least enough to put us in a stale-mate untill they have time to build a large stock-pile.

Go ahead and make Isreal powerless by empowering Iran. Iran has always been the aggressor here, don't get it all twisted. Yes The USA is full of shit and has ulterior motives, we are trying to make sure there is never any threat to us or our allies. Those are our motives! Is that so evil as some of you claim? To me, the law in Iran are ****ing barbaric. Yes that is my opinion, but we have the bombs right now and they don't, so our laws supercede their laws, 'fair' or not. The entire world has gone so ****ing soft. Don't spank your baby, don't yell at your dog. In some of these countries they eat babies and dogs, you just don't ****ing get it. They don't play nice.

I don't need to even say that they are sitting on the worlds largest oil dump, and there is no need for Iran to have nuclear electricity plants, so they are only going to build nukes. That is their intention. Nukes to be used against the free world.

Thats not OK with me.

Thats like a police officer allowing a suspect to pick up a machine gun. Not going to happen.

I dont agree, Iran's leaders may be crazy but they're not stupid ...any attack with nukes would mean instant obliteration

the real threat here to world stability is the US, they are making a case for war that just doesnt exist
VirusType2 said:
You guys are arguing over what is right or wrong, what is fair.

It's not about that anymore when it comes to nuclear warfare. Since WWII this technology is ****ing scary. An all out nuclear war can destroy all life on earth.

The world doesn't need anymore people with the finger on the buttons.

It doesn't matter what is right or wrong to the people of Iran. It doesn't matter if it's fair to them. They don't have the technology yet, but may have it within a few years, at least enough to blow up a few nations or at least some of the US Bases there or some of our Naval ships killing shit-loads of people. At least enough to put us in a stale-mate untill they have time to build a large stock-pile.

Go ahead and make Isreal powerless by empowering Iran. Iran has always been the aggressor here, don't get it all twisted. Yes The USA is full of shit and has ulterior motives, we are trying to make sure there is never any threat to us or our allies. Those are our motives! Is that so evil as some of you claim? To me, the law in Iran are ****ing barbaric. Yes that is my opinion, but we have the bombs right now and they don't, so our laws supercede their laws, 'fair' or not. The entire world has gone so ****ing soft. 'Don't spank your baby', 'don't yell at your dog.' In some of these countries they eat babies and dogs, you just don't ****ing get it. They don't play nice.

I don't need to even say that they are sitting on the worlds largest oil dump, and there is no need for Iran to have nuclear electricity plants, so they are only going to build nukes. That is their intention. Nukes to be used against the free world.

Thats not OK with me.

Thats like a police officer allowing a suspect to pick up a machine gun. Not going to happen.

It's us against them, I don't think they will bend. They cannot get along with us, they will never like us. I guess this is a bandwagon, so get the **** on.

So you would rather risk your entire country by using nukes and going alone again, rather than getting the rest of world on your side first? So what your saying is that peace cannot be accomplished? ever? I've never seen the Bush government even try to get the peace movement going. And if the US is going to use nukes, the rest of the world will never support that. You also sounded like your "enemy" in your last post.
dream431ca said:
So you would rather risk your entire country by using nukes and going alone again, rather than getting the rest of world on your side first? So what your saying is that peace cannot be accomplished? ever? I've never seen the Bush government even try to get the peace movement going. And if the US is going to use nukes, the rest of the world will never support that. You also sounded like your "enemy" in your last post.

The only problem we have with Iran is that they hate us, and they hate Israel. America is a Christian majority. They will never like us. They will never like Israel. So yes. I guess that peace cannot be accomplished. Ever. I can't say it's anyone's fault. Thats what they believe, that we should all die, so they really don't leave much of a choice.

Contrary to popular belief, nobody I have ever met in America likes war. We are scared too. Its an ugly situation. It's okay to be scared but you have to be brave. With great power comes great responsibility. It's a very bad idea to let this power fall into the hands of self-proclaimed enemy who would love nothing more than to use it against you. They want to be enemies as far as anyone can tell. They denounce Isreal and threaten attacks unabated.

I'm nobody. I'm just a blue collar worker. I build houses and decks and other structures. I just call it like I see it. I'm not making the decisions here.

The world is just so much more complex than it should be, thats for sure.
DeusExMachina said:
Then I could finally live out my Mad Max fantasies.
hahaha, thats awesome
i too share those fantasies :)
CptStern said:
the US spied on him and tried to find ways of overthrowing him

the IAEA has been consistant in saying that Iran doesnt have a nuclear arms program
an important quote from that article:
"Although eavesdropping, even on allies, is considered a well-worn tool of national security and diplomacy, the efforts against ElBaradei demonstrate the lengths some within the administration are willing to go to replace a top international diplomat who questioned U.S. intelligence on Iraq and is now taking a cautious approach on Iran."
[go to war with Iran]rather than getting the rest of world on your side first?

I don't know that we are or that we will attack or that we won't.

To answer your question yes, get the world on our side, but it's not easy. Nobody wants war. We don't even want war. (of course.) Soldiers die.
VirusType2 said:
Thats what they believe, that we should all die, so they really don't leave much of a choice.
you've been mislead
im quite sure that not all of Iran, and the middle east for that matter, want you all dead
in fact, im sure most want peace, just as we do

bottom line is
if the USA would cease being so aggressive, then people, particularly in the middle east, would have no reason to hate them
'They Believe'

Jerkasaur was from Iran. He didn't wish us dead. Maybe it's not your 'love of god and freedom' that makes them hate you. Maybe it's Iraq and Afganistan and how you otherthrown their democratically elected government and imposed a tyrant. But nah, that can't be it, they must hate freedom :/
K e r b e r o s said:
Try and calm yourself CptStern. The BS I was referring you can find in Gunner's post.

:laugh: that's your answer?
Solaris said:
'They Believe'

Jerkasaur was from Iran. He didn't wish us dead. Maybe it's not your 'love of god and freedom' that makes them hate you. Maybe it's Iraq and Afganistan and how you otherthrown their democratically elected government and imposed a tyrant. But nah, that can't be it, they must hate freedom :/
well i dont think its any secret that many people were unhappy under saddam
that still doesnt justify a US invasion though
The entire world has gone so ****ing soft. 'Don't spank your baby', 'don't yell at your dog.' In some of these countries they eat babies and dogs, you just don't ****ing get it. They don't play nice.
Insane jingoistic babbling rant; number 1027.

My dear boy, in which countries do "they" eat babies?
Is this a traditional dish?
Can I find some baby on the menu at one their finer restaurants?

PS; Those questions notwithstanding, I can assure you that Iranians do not eat babies as a national dish.
I have been to quite a few Iranian restaurants , and not once was infant on the menu (take-away or eat-in).
Nor was dog for that matter (most disappointing, I must say).
But everyone knows the United States of America is the world's policeman, judge, jury, and executioner!
SAJ said:
Insane jingoistic babbling rant; number 1027.

My dear boy, in which countries do "they" eat babies?
Is this a traditional dish?
Can I find some baby on the menu at one their finer restaurants?

PS; Those questions notwithstanding, I can assure you that Iranians do not eat babies as a national dish.
I have been to quite a few Iranian restaurants , and not once was infant on the menu (take-away or eat-in).
Nor was dog for that matter (most disappointing, I must say).

lol :laugh: