US scientists create zombie dogs

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This is actually pretty interesting, being able to fix someone of their illness while keeping their organs in good condition, then being able to bring them back to life completely. Although I bet a bunch of southern hicks (Florida and New Mexico excluded) will go crazy saying "JESUS DOESN'T WANT THIS!" Ugh, I hate the south (Florida and New Mexico excluded)
Prince of China said:
Is this fake?

No, I've seen a video where back in WW2 some scientists hooked up synthesized pumps to a Dog's head. His head was amputated, but he reacted to stimuli, all sorts, light, smell, touch. The dog's head was then sewn back up and he was still living (although probably cut his life in half)

It's not exactly bringing a dog from the dead, but it's freaky nonetheless O_o

Edit - I've also heard of a Frog that dies during the winter and comes back to life during summer when it gets warmer. Apparently it clinically kills itself by freezing itself entirely, all body systems shut down and energy is stored to revive the frog when it is thawed during the summer. Cool stuff. this means we are getting closer to the invention of headcrabs? cool!! :cool:
HOLY SHIT News development

Reported cases of malicious canines attacking bystanders sweeping through Pittsburgh area after breaking out of their kennels. The dogs were under experiments of "ressurection" led by US scientists working at the Pittsburgh's Safar Centre for Resuscitation Research. The dogs had previously undergone a procedure which brought them back to life after three hours of being clinically dead. A single photograph has been released of these vicious murderous dogs which can be found Here


im scurred said:
SCIENTISTS have created eerie zombie dogs, reanimating the canines after several hours of clinical death in attempts to develop suspended animation for humans.

Pittsburgh's Safar Centre for Resuscitation Research has developed a technique in which subject's veins are drained of blood and filled with an ice-cold salt solution.
Half-Life: Raising the Bar said:
I thought the Stalker was a great monster; it was this kind of nullified, amputated human that the Combine turned into a slave laborer. They rip out all the organs and run them on saline solution so they're easier to maintain.

They're planning to make Stalkers! :eek:
Dalamari said:
This is actually pretty interesting, being able to fix someone of their illness while keeping their organs in good condition, then being able to bring them back to life completely. Although I bet a bunch of southern hicks (Florida and New Mexico excluded) will go crazy saying "JESUS DOESN'T WANT THIS!" Ugh, I hate the south (Florida and New Mexico excluded)
Well I sure as hell wouldn't want to be a human test subject. Still could be a very good medical breakthrough though.
Seems like they're rushing into things. They're so caught up with the question of can they do it, they aren't stopping to think if they should. People, things, are supposed to die...just let them.
my other pants are bigger

ZAWMBIE DAWG ATTACK, btw I can't believe you guys believe this shit.

By the way this one time, I killed my uncle, and chopped off his head, but I replaced his blood with orange juice and then pissed on him, and he totally reanimated for 15 min. just to go jackoff to the intr0web. True story. OWNEDOWNEDOWNEDOWNEDOWNED!!!!!11oneone
bvasgm said:
Seems like they're rushing into things. They're so caught up with the question of can they do it, they aren't stopping to think if they should. People, things, are supposed to die...just let them.

But that's where the controversy stands. People get shot, were they meant to die? Who are you to tell them they don't deserve a second chance.

But yeah, I'll be long dead and gone by the time this stuff erupts into something more chaotic.
bvasgm said:
Seems like they're rushing into things. They're so caught up with the question of can they do it, they aren't stopping to think if they should. People, things, are supposed to die...just let them.
All this would do is lengthen the amount of time someone has to live whether they were suffering from injury or some form of organ failure. Which is exactly what all medical technology from the beggining of civilization has been meant to do.

Also when they say the subjects were dead they are only going by the scientific definition of dead. In a religious sense they would not be dead at all since once the treatment is over it would still be the same person as before.
It doesn't matter if it only increases the length of time they have to live, they died. Death >> whatever happens after death, not: death >> brought back to life. Don't get me wrong, hospitals and all that stuff are great, but if somebody is scientifically dead...then they're dead. It was their time to go so just let them.
Good to see the news media is remaining nice and non-sensational.

"Buffins create zombie dogs!"
"Scientists have created eerie zombie dogs..."
"But three hours later, their blood is replaced and the zombie dogs are brought back to life with an electric shock."
"However rather than sending people to sleep for years, then bringing them back to life to benefit from medical advances, the boffins would be happy to keep people in this state for just a few hours,"

I mean, never mind how many lives this may potentially save. No, it's just the crazy nazi americans out to **** the world again. I'm not one to say america is perfect - far from it. But come on, don't try to turn us into nazi scientists for working on ways to humanely save lives.

And bvagsm: I realize that probably sounded very profound in some movie. Maybe you'd like to explain that to my friend who was struck by a car going way too fast a few years ago, and only recently got out of the hospital. You go up to him and tell him he should have died instead of only being crippled a few years, that his life is an aberration, a mistake, a case of mad science. Or maybe you're talking out of your ass, trying to sound profound. At least pretend to make up your own damn opinion next time.
Your friend didn't die. He wasn't brought back to life after being killed. I'm sorry about what happened to him but it has nothing to do with this. Also, about getting my opinion from some movie, go **** yourself. It doesn't take a genius to realize the long term problems that will come from doing this.
bvasgm said:
It doesn't matter if it only increases the length of time they have to live, they died. Death >> whatever happens after death, not: death >> brought back to life. Don't get me wrong, hospitals and all that stuff are great, but if somebody is scientifically dead...then they're dead. It was their time to go so just let them.
What about those rare cases you hear about where someone was clinically dead for a minute or two or even for just a few seconds?

The problem here is the definition of death. Scientifically its when the body has completely failed, however as long as the brain remains in a state where it can become fully functional again then I won't call it a true death.

It doesn't take long naturally when a human is clinically dead before the brain degrades to an irreparable state. Only a couple minutes I believe. This technology however simply increases that amount of time to an undetermined amount while at the same time preventing the organs from degrading.
Reviving someone with a defibrillator is slightly different.
Heh ... I guess if someone was truly, completely dead and then brought back to life that'd have to shoot the whole afterlife idea to hell huh? (pun intended).

It's an important advancement for science though. It certainly doesn't bring people back to life (well it does, whatever you know what I mean), just places them in suspended animation until they can be transported to a place where they can be cured. There is absolutely no reason to argue against this, if it can be done safely then it is a great new technique which can save many lives.
That's sort of my point. Shure you'd save lives, but it's preventing people from dying. What do you think the world would be like 10 years from now if we started using this?
Yeah, I can see how being alive and "perfectly normal, with no brain damage" is very preferable to being...dead.

bvasgm said:
Your friend didn't die. He wasn't brought back to life after being killed.
Well, technically when the massive trauma to his body stopped his heart for several minutes, he was dead. Thanks for the brilliant refutation of the movie-inspired political view, by the way. "Go **** yourself" is striking in its subtlety. Why does it have to be "Death >> whatever happens after death, not: death >> brought back to life"? And even if it does for you, what the hell gives you the right to make that choice for others, and condemn research that is so vitally in their interest?

bvasgm said:
Shure you'd save lives, but it's preventing people from dying. What do you think the world would be like 10 years from now if we started using this?
Ooh yeah, there ya go. God damned doctors, keeping people alive and stuff. What the hell are they thinking?
Do I really need to spell it out for you? If we keep people from dying, and people continue to be born at the rate they are, in 10...maybe as many as 20 years, we will have totally wiped out all the natural resources on the planet due to the exponential increase in the population that would occur and we'll all be ****ed. Death is just a natural part of life [sorry if this is too much of a cliche for you asshole]. Preventing it in this way seems wrong.
A more productive post I could not imagine.
Pesmerga said:
HOLY SHIT News development

Reported cases of malicious canines attacking bystanders sweeping through Pittsburgh area after breaking out of their kennels. The dogs were under experiments of "ressurection" led by US scientists working at the Pittsburgh's Safar Centre for Resuscitation Research. The dogs had previously undergone a procedure which brought them back to life after three hours of being clinically dead. A single photograph has been released of these vicious murderous dogs which can be found Here


im scurred

LMFAO That dog is adorable.:laugh:

Perfectly executed.
Alright, look...I was about to post a really nasty reply to this, but I'll try to be objective and just lay out the reasons for my thoughts.

The problem with that logic is that it can be applied to anything that improves the chances of people's survival. According to that logic, anti-biotics would be civilization's worst nightmare, becuase it cured so many people - far more than this relatively exotic technique can ever really hope to acheive. Hippocrates would be worse than Hitler and Stalin.

There are other answers to overpopulation. Birth control is part of the answer, though not the entire thing. Cultural change would be a big thing. In some parts of the world, it's normal for couples to have one or two children - sustainable. In other parts, it's customary to have 8 or more children - not so sustainable.

I may not know the full answer, but choosing for other people to die is a risky step I'd be more cautious about taking.

(Note: If the person makes that choice themselves, all the more power to them - I supported Michel Schiavo, I'm not some pro-life nut. I do emphasize that it should be based on that family's choice however, not anyone elses'.)
people are forgetting.. you cant replace blood with "saline solution" lol.... death would come swift even if you did come back for what even a minute
babyheadcrab said:
people are forgetting.. you cant replace blood with "saline solution" lol.... death would come swift even if you did come back for what even a minute
...they just did, remember? And, again,
The Article said:
Tests show they are perfectly normal, with no brain damage.

The big problem they've apparently been having with cryogenics is the water in blood cells freezing, which causes it to expand and burst the cell. I guess the problem isn't as bad in other tissue, which is why they're able to fix it later with surgery. And of course, it's not exactly normal circumstances where they're replacing the blood, or else of course you'd be right. I'm not much of a bio guy so I couldn't really explain what the difference is though.
I kind of wonder how this'll influence the science vs religion thing.

Now, of course noone knows, at least in a religious sense how long it takes for a soul to leave the body into the afterlife, or to a resting place before entering the afterlife. Scientifically, all that stuff is pure garbage, thinking that a person has a soul, and it moves away from the body after death.

If this thing ever advanced to the point of being able to be done on humans, I wonder what would happen to someone who was revived many hours after death. Maybe the technology will develop far enough to be able to revive something from days after death, though rigor mortis would be a problem. It is then... that I wonder, if people would even be the same after being revived. If religion is real in this world, with people having souls, etc, what would be the length of time before the soul leaves the body after death, and would it return if the body was revived?

Questions i'll never know. Heh. I see this sort of technology as a form of weapon against religion, to attack it, but I don't really think it could even make any ground on scientifically nullifying religion. Because nobody really knows what happens after death.
Raziaar said:
I kind of wonder how this'll influence the science vs religion thing.

Now, of course noone knows, at least in a religious sense how long it takes for a soul to leave the body into the afterlife, or to a resting place before entering the afterlife. Scientifically, all that stuff is pure garbage, thinking that a person has a soul, and it moves away from the body after death.

If this thing ever advanced to the point of being able to be done on humans, I wonder what would happen to someone who was revived many hours after death. Maybe the technology will develop far enough to be able to revive something from days after death, though rigor mortis would be a problem. It is then... that I wonder, if people would even be the same after being revived. If religion is real in this world, with people having souls, etc, what would be the length of time before the soul leaves the body after death, and would it return if the body was revived?

Questions i'll never know. Heh. I see this sort of technology as a form of weapon against religion, to attack it, but I don't really think it could even make any ground on scientifically nullifying religion. Because nobody really knows what happens after death.
As far as youre concerned, the universe ceases to exist, forever and ever and ever and ever.............. and thats it. Bit of a depressing thought huh. But thats the reality of death and some people cant handle it so they choose to believe that they wont actually fully die.
If this works successfully with humans the religious nuts will just say the soul was forced to return or some crap like that. If on the other hand it fails in that your memory is wiped blank for example (i dunno how the brain actually stores memories so i might be way off here) they will claim this is proof of souls existing and say the person has no real soul or it was replaced with a new baby soul or something.
Reaktor4 said:
As far as youre concerned, the universe ceases to exist, forever and ever and ever and ever.............. and thats it. Bit of a depressing thought huh. But thats the reality of death and some people cant handle it so they choose to believe that they wont actually fully die.
If this works successfully with humans the religious nuts will just say the soul was forced to return or some crap like that. If on the other hand it fails in that your memory is wiped blank for example (i dunno how the brain actually stores memories so i might be way off here) they will claim this is proof of souls existing and say the person has no real soul or it was replaced with a new baby soul or something.

Nobody knows the reality of death. There's no scientific way to prove what happens to somebody once they die. You're just applying opinion, not a reality.

I don't understand what you mean by the soul was forced to return. There's not really any documentation out there that depicts the exact process believed by christians when the body dies, or how long the process takes. At least, not that I know of. Nothing set it stone anyways, just all speculation.

As it is now, we already know people can die... and be legally dead for many many minutes, before coming back to life and being fine, as far as their persnoality, etc is all concerned. The real question is... what would happen days after death, if the body could be returned to a proper condition for life. Body temperature, reversing the process of rigor mortis, etc.
Raziaar said:
Nobody knows the reality of death. There's no scientific way to prove what happens to somebody once they die.
Their body stops functioning entirely, what more is there to prove? It would be like what it is like before youre born, to you nothing exists including you.
You're just applying opinion, not a reality.
To be honest i dont know enough about the subject to discuss it in any depth or say anything is a fact but i cant see how the reality could be different from what i said, apart from if the religious nonsense is actually true. But were talking science here not woowoo so im not considering that it could be.
I don't understand what you mean by the soul was forced to return. There's not really any documentation out there that depicts the exact process believed by christians when the body dies, or how long the process takes. At least, not that I know of. Nothing set it stone anyways, just all speculation.
What about in the bible when jesus dies?
As it is now, we already know people can die... and be legally dead for many many minutes, before coming back to life and being fine, as far as their persnoality, etc is all concerned.
But theyre not actually braindead during that time are they? And in these cases, isnt brain damage common relative to the amount of time they are 'dead'? Do you know (i dont)?
The real question is... what would happen days after death, if the body could be returned to a proper condition for life. Body temperature, reversing the process of rigor mortis, etc.
I think it would be a case of preventing or severly limiting rigor mortis, rather than reverse it. Isnt that what the blood draining and replacing with that salty liquid is for?
Reaktor4 said:
Their body stops functioning entirely, what more is there to prove? It would be like what it is like before youre born, to you nothing exists including you.

I'm not talking about what happens to their body. I'm talking about life after death. Whether it exists, or it doesnt, noone noes. I doubt science will ever prove it. Just like it will never be proven or disproven about the reality of god.

To be honest i dont know enough about the subject to discuss it in any depth or say anything is a fact but i cant see how the reality could be different from what i said, apart from if the religious nonsense is actually true. But were talking science here not woowoo so im not considering that it could be.

Well... we're not just talking about science. I brought up the topic of religion, not as a religion discussion, but more of a life after death discussion involving the soul and a body having been departed for a long time.

What about in the bible when jesus dies?

Jesus in the bible is not a representation of what happens to christians when they die. That was what happened to Jesus, as the bible told. I believe in the bible, christians are said to keep with their body in the grave, until the time of Jesus's return to earth(I can't say exactly, its real early here and i'm not a bible expert. heh), in which case they go up to heaven along with the living who are worthy.

But theyre not actually braindead during that time are they? And in these cases, isnt brain damage common relative to the amount of time they are 'dead'? Do you know (i dont)?

No, I certainly don't. My post wasn't about facts, it was really about 'what ifs'.

I think it would be a case of preventing or severly limiting rigor mortis, rather than reverse it. Isnt that what the blood draining and replacing with that salty liquid is for?

I don't believe that is what that is for. I believe the salty liquid is to prevent the body tissue from degrading. Rigor mortis is the stiffening of the muscles upon death. I guess I can't really see how something like that would prevented. Would the body suddenly springing back to life again reverse the process, since the muscles/tissue etc have function again? I don't know. Would be interesting to find out, though.