The reaosn it's not on the label in America is because there is no such thing as VAT here.

The Governmment charges a federal income tax, and the state government decides the other taxes. For example, in Virginia, there is a 5% sales tax and an 8% food tax.
Yeah but they still should put that tax onto the price tags
When I went to America the other month, I was kinda pissed off with the fact that products did not have stickers on the sides indicating what the hell the total price of the item is.

Luckily I was staying in Oregon most of the time (Product had the overall price indicated), but not the neighbouring state of Washington (Which didn't have the overall price indicated on the products themselves).
Going back, I had a three hour stopover in Newark Airpot, NY. Deciding to buy a book at the airport, I picked one up which was price at something like $7.99. Thinking it was a bargain, I took it to the counter, only to find out that they decided to put an overall 15% tax onto it. F*ck, I didn't have the correct change, Sh*t, I couldn't buy the book. Half of the time, I don't know whether the initial price on the book was the correct one, or they decided to add the tax, because I was a bloody foreighner.

So help me, which States have products with VAT already on the products, and which don't (and you go up to the bloody counter to find out you have to pay out more).
Im from oregon, and Im glad we dont have a puchase tax. The only two states that dont are Oregon and Montana (I think)

Its a pain in the ass having tax on items
SpuD said:
Im from oregon, and Im glad we dont have a puchase tax. The only two states that dont are Oregon and Montana (I think)

Its a pain in the ass having tax on items

I love having taxes on my purchesed items. My roads are generally in good quality and other public / government services are great. Then again, I live in the Washington D.C. area (specifically in Maryland though, DC is a stone's throw from where I am), so I guess my area is prone to good upkeep or the requirement for taxes due to the population.
Best thing about Alaska:

There are no state income, sales, gross receipts, inventory, or ad valorem taxes in Alaska.