USA Grand Prix - What's going on??

Demolition man said:
I don't think the teams will get penalties in points. They already got that by not driving this race.

But they will have to pay for the major damage they made by not racing.

It wasn't the teams fault though, the blame lies mainly with Michelin but i would also lay some of the blame with the fia as well. Michelin screwed up, admitted it, tried to sort it out by ensuring the teams knew that in their opinion, the tires were unsafe to race on the circuit and shouldn't race. The teams and Michelin then proposed ideas where everyone can be happy, going against the current rule book, but they still came up with a solution that would enable the race to go ahead, the fans to enjoy it and everyone going into the next race with a slight annoyance at most, the only team that objected was Ferrari.
Another interesting point - BAR are racing under a suspended expulsion. If the FIA find them "guilty", they could be excluded from this year's championship.
Evo said:
Paul Stoddart, the Minardi boss has blamed Max Mosely of the FIA for the fiasco at Indy not being resolved he has

Full article Mosely Blamed

He obviously read my post and agreed :).

But i was under the impression that Bernie was the most powerful guy in Formula 1. But surely, if you have 9 out of the 10 teams, Bernie Ecclestone and the American promoter of Formula 1 going up against 1 guy, that 1 guy would either agree to stepaside with the overall consensus or just be overpowered.
The way i understand it is that ALL 10 teams must agree before anything can happen be it rule changes or modifying the Indy track by adding the chicane. Bernie may be the most powerful man in F1 but it is run on a 'democracy' that aint very democratic seeing as Ferrari seem to hold veto over anything and everything atm. However the FIA can withdraw it's backing of a race which i think Brundle said would lead to a the stewards leaving as well. Im not at all sure on that point bout the FIA tbh though
Ferrari only disagreed as they would have the most to gain from it, a guarenteed 18 points for the constructors championship, and 10 and 8 points for both their drivers.
Ferrari didn't actually disagree with anything - they never got involved in the whole process. The amusing thing is that Ferrari were utterly clueless as to what was going on - no-one was talking to them about it.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Ferrari didn't actually disagree with anything - they never got involved in the whole process. The amusing thing is that Ferrari were utterly clueless as to what was going on - no-one was talking to them about it.

Oh, didn't know that.

What i didn't make clear (stupid me) is that i see Ferrari as the 'outsiders' recently, iirc they signed a new concord agreement before anyother teams ahve decided what they are doing with their supposed rival series that is fairer with an equal sharing of TV money etc. Any news on that?
All the new proposed rules for 2008 have been drawn up in conjunction with Ferrari too.
The other teams may go on to form a breakaway series, or they may not. No-one knows at this point.
Man, i get so confused with F1 atm, well my point remains valid without any evidence that Ferrari are a bunch of *please insert several insults at your leisure*

If there is to be a breakaway series i seriously hope the lower the costs so that new teams will be able to join and run competatively
Yeah, supposedly all the big manufacturers 'cept Ferrari are planning to make a new competition like F1 when the current concord agreement expires in 2008??? Kinda like the Indy Racing League breaking from ChamCars in some ways i think.....?
Cool, just been reading about it now. Some people are suggesting that Formula1 can't survive without Ferrari though, which i think is bullshit, they can survive without Jaguar and Tyrell and Arrows, etc, etc, etc, the can survive without Ferrari just as easily.
Yeah, that's the attitude i have, Ferrari aren't needed with Williams, Mclaren, Reanault, BAR, Sauber(BMW) and whoever else comes along to start a new team.

Though weren't Tyrrell bought by Stewart who were bought by Jaguar in turn bought by RedBull?
Razor said:
It wasn't the teams fault though, the blame lies mainly with Michelin but i would also lay some of the blame with the fia as well. Michelin screwed up, admitted it, tried to sort it out by ensuring the teams knew that in their opinion, the tires were unsafe to race on the circuit and shouldn't race. The teams and Michelin then proposed ideas where everyone can be happy, going against the current rule book, but they still came up with a solution that would enable the race to go ahead, the fans to enjoy it and everyone going into the next race with a slight annoyance at most, the only team that objected was Ferrari.
it wasn't there fault but they still had a choice to race... But they prolly forward the bills to michelin ;)

I think changing a race to help some teams is dumb. They should have never got this problem with the tires. It isn't like that they race here for the first time...
They weren't gonna race because Michelin made it publicly known that they warned the teams not to race with those tyers, if the had raced and there was an accident Amercia's libel/legal/sueing/ass raping the common man in courts thing *rant over btw*meant they couldn't take the safety or legal risk.
Demolition man said:
it wasn't there fault but they still had a choice to race... But they prolly forward the bills to michelin ;)

I think changing a race to help some teams is dumb. They should have never got this problem with the tires. It isn't like that they race here for the first time...

The news reports stated that they had resurfaced the track and that the new surface didn't like the Michelin tires and cause more wear and tear on them then the Bridgestones.
Yeah, track was resurfaced for the Indy 500 (won by Brit Dan Wheldon iirc) with diamond cut tarmac which offers more grip to the tyres which increases the temp's in the tyers which led to part of the Michelin tyer becoming unstable leading to a tyer burst/deflation

I mentioned Dan Wheldon because the US press made more news out of the woman Dona Patrick (that her name?) leading for a couple of laps than they did for the eventual winner, damn US papers! Sorry for another anti-US rant
i just heard something over the radio about a hearing in which the governing body demanded Michelin to conpensate fans for this disaster by honoring their tickets for next year's US Grand Prix.

question is, are fans going to take this racing circuit serious enough for it to last this year and into the next?
Doubt it, the impression i got from interviews with the fans during the race coverage made it seem to me that the majority would'nt go to another race again