User Info on top or left of message?

User info on the left or top of the message?

  • Left

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • Top

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • Something else (right? bottom? :p)

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters


Sep 25, 2003
Reaction score
Now that there are no more sidebars, I personally would like to see the user info (username, avatar, location etc) to the left of a message instead of at the top. It would take up less space and you wouldn't have to start reading at the exact left.

Maybe it's because I'm at 1280*1024, but I certainly think that now the sidebars are gone it would make great improvement.
Yeah, I think that could work now that we are sidbarless. It would be a cool addition.

Could we atleast try it?
Yeah. I agree DeltaBlast. Now that we have a wider screen to work with, why not put the Avatar, Location, Post Count, User Name, Join Date, etc on the left-hand side of the post. It makes common sense, and I believe we should at least try it out.
Aye... I'm using 1400x1050 resolution... really wide. :p

Oh well... everything will just look like a short post now. ;)
I think because munro and sm are lazy/afk.
I disagree. Every forum has the info at the left. I like this since it is unique.
I use 2048x1600 and I think it's fine how it is.
I like this look, I don't see why we should change it :)
everyone remember when they fist changed it to info on top? :)
Chris_D said:
You all hated it :)
yeah, but it grew on us :p

you've gotta admit though, that was a pretty huge and weird change. I've never been on a forum that does that, so that was like "wtf" to me.
How about the right than? Just as a test? pretty please?
I'd preferr it as is or on the left. Right isn't where you start reading from. I like to know who's word's I'm reading before I read them ;)
I'll come out the lurking closet for this - always have and always will prefer the postbit (or whatever they're calling it in vb3) on the left.

Not sure its theme option, more a choice under the general options otherwise i'd have nagged Munro ages back for a choice of the two :)
I still like it better on the left. I've learned to live with it on the top though, just like I've learned to live with Cybersh33p's erotic PMs.
I swear to god, if the site changes where the info is,, I will never come back, and I am dead serious.
Voted Top... I like how things are a little different here still.

Having said that, you could try it on the left and then let us vote.
Who's idea was it to go at the top anyway?
ATI4EVER! said:
I swear to god, if the site changes where the info is,, I will never come back, and I am dead serious.

Another reason to vote left! ^_^
I'd like it on the left, it would compact things a bit more, which I like. :)
I definitly prefer the top variety. It's out of the way and sentences can be nice 'n long. There's only 1 thing I'd like to see and that's date and post number not taking up like, 2 rows, why not divide the top section in 2 vertical sections, one with the user info, on the right hand side and have post date, number and similar thread related info perhaps to the left :

            | 4-10-2004 #23   | Name & rank                join/loc/post|
            | Actual post text                                          |
Possibly put the quote buttons etc along with the number & date.
Since the board is all about the messages, the user info should be as much out-of-the-way as possible. Messages come first, users second :)

(And it's no secret we read from left to right and are conditioned to look at layouts that way - I wouldn't mind seeing user info at the bottom of a post, along with his/her signature.)

It's nice to have all this personlisation (avatars, sigs, ...) but it doesn't have to dominate the layout (i.e. top and/or left + almost as large as a short post....).