Using Episode 1 Content?


Dec 8, 2004
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I'd imagine I couldn't but someone said to me that I would be able to so I want to double check. Ty!
Try to open the GCF with GCFScape. If it works, pray that Valve doesn't hunt you down and beat you.
some episode 1 stuff already shows up in the texture browser when mapping for HL2. is that additional HL2 content, or what?
You can use Episode 1 content - you just can't distribute any of it. Unless Valve say otherwise.
so are you saying that ep1 models/textures can be used in, say, a HL2 mod, but only if anyone playing it has ep1 installed? i see a couple of new folders in the model browser with cool looking trees and sandbags in...

what about entities? will there be an update entity def allowing zombines etc. in HL2 mods? at present they aren't listed
UltraProAnti said:
what about entities? will there be an update entity def allowing zombines etc. in HL2 mods? at present they aren't listed

what about the cool snow effect :naughty: !!

is there a way to open the Ep.1 models in the SDK model viewer?
_HL4E_halfLife_ said:
I was wondering this to if theres gonna be an updated fgd file for hammer??

I would assume that they'd release it soon.....
not sure.....
hungryduck said:
I would assume that they'd release it soon.....
I've just found out that Groundflyer bought Ep1, so there will be a quality FGD released soon enough, whether Valve gets in gear or not. ;)