Using STEAM on top of HL - any impression?

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IS it faster to use steam on top of existing instals?

Any problems converting to steam format?

your opinions are welcome...
Well i installed STEAM over hl, with no probs.
i havent been able to play a single game.... not even rickochet the ****ing thing just freezes.

another thing is weird in the monitor window in steam it says steam network usage 245kb/s, i am dl some upgrades for cs and tfc and so on. now the strange thing is that my internet top speed is 50kb/s.

so what the **** is this 245kb/s shit??
Faster. You don't have to download everything from the start.

But for some reason, it doesn't convert it all the time. I've installed it twice (started clean each time). The first time, everything worked fine. Second time it won't convert, so I have to download everything.

And look at that, there's nowhere near enough bandwidth. I'm getting worse than dialup speed (I'm on a 512k adsl connection). If it can't handle it now, how the hell do they expect it to handle the demand when HL2 is released?
I installed it on top of it. HL wont start now. After about 2 hours of updating *something* at snail speed, its finally able to launch. But It shows the screen with a freaky Gordon and the windows start menu showing. And then nothing. Just stays there.
Originally posted by dawdler
I installed it on top of it. HL wont start now. After about 2 hours of updating *something* at snail speed, its finally able to launch. But It shows the screen with a freaky Gordon and the windows start menu showing. And then nothing. Just stays there.

Looks like you're close. I get a console-esk screen with gordon holding a shotgun. There are menus on the left & right. Try alt-tabbing.
Originally posted by zangief
i havent been able to play a single game.... not even rickochet the ****ing thing just freezes.

another thing is weird in the monitor window in steam it says steam network usage 245kb/s, i am dl some upgrades for cs and tfc and so on. now the strange thing is that my internet top speed is 50kb/s.

so what the **** is this 245kb/s shit??

Steam measures bandwidth in KiloBITS. You're measuring bandwith in kiloBYTES.

Divide 245 by 8 to get the bandwidth usage in kiloBYTES.
Originally posted by SLH
Looks like you're close. I get a console-esk screen with gordon holding a shotgun. There are menus on the left & right. Try alt-tabbing.
Yeah, its that screen, but there are no menus. And alt tabbing does nothing.

Edit: And Halflife is still downloading *something* via steam.
Originally posted by dawdler
Edit: And Halflife is still downloading *something* via steam.

Steam is always downloading something. If it actually had the BANDWIDTH too.

Steam needs ALOT more work. and ALOT more bandwidth.

9months beta my arse.
I think thats why people cant start their games
I installed over a previous hl install
no problems for the most part. and after downloading opfor and hl (apparently) it wont actually launch them
and is it me or are there absolutely no servers for hl, ts, or opfor?
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
is it me or are there absolutely no servers for hl, ts, or opfor?

There are lots of CS servers, some tfc ones, and about 3 HL servers last time i checked.
i imagined i would be easier and faster, now wormstrangler confirms serious problems
i hoped it would be possible on my 56 modem (when not downloading from scratch) but now i doubt
Originally posted by JaG
i imagined i would be easier and faster, now wormstrangler confirms serious problems
i hoped it would be possible on my 56 modem (when not downloading from scratch) but now i doubt
It is possible, my ADSL isnt much faster than your modem. Hell, its even slower :dozey:
now i am at work where we have a broadband connection of some kind but it is extremely slow here too
I'm sure valve has released the alpha version of steam by mistake :cheese:

steam in theory is a really good idea... in practice... it's a steaming pile of shite!! far!
CS is updating at 128 BITS/S. That's right, BITS!

HL is updating at 50 BITS/S!!

I think I can run this over two dildos and a piece of string and get faster results.
Originally posted by wormstrangler
CS is updating at 128 BITS/S. That's right, BITS!

HL is updating at 50 BITS/S!!

I think I can run this over two dildos and a piece of string and get faster results.

Hmm after clicking on DOD (which I already had installed) and getting a 30 mins freeze, steam now says its updating DOD which will take approx 967mins (I'm on 1meg adsl)

steam is working great... dunno what I'd do without it ;(
How do one see the time? I dont have any such indicator... Unless its under that calculate cache thingie, Steam locks up when I try to click it.
STEAM sucks! i f***ing hate it, its like Windows ME with a 28k
its slows my 3.06Ghz with 1.5mb ADSL to a 75Mhz with a 28k, it freezes its gay and i hate it. I hope it burns in hell :flame:

I try and exit the crap thing and it gives me a homo error saying something else is running, but there isn't, it never stops downloading! wtf is there to download?! :flame:

Its a waste of f***'n time.

Its the year 2003 ffs, and we are still making crap like this!


Download "S.T.E.A.M." Stupid Time Eatting Ass Meat
if you want your PC to lag to hell.

it seems they've had enough experience to release a system as stable as blizzard's battle net, and have MORE servers,

i am sorry to admit but VALVE's GREED is killing our EXPERIENCE
Originally posted by JaG
i am sorry to admit but VALVE's GREED is killing our EXPERIENCE

what "greed" Vavle have nilly nothing to gain from (whatt i asume your speaking of) Steam.

thats why its a peice or crap.

BUT!! the good thing is, the sh*t thing isn't a requierment, yay.

*lights STEAM on fire and dances around it naked shreeking "LA LA LA LA LA LA"*
Originally posted by Gordon'sFreeman
what "greed" Vavle have nilly nothing to gain from (whatt i asume your speaking of) Steam.
But its got ads! There's nothing like seeing Nvidia ads on steam, I was laughing and banging my head on the keyboard first time I saw it.
I haven't seen them becuase steam freezes and goes spaztic like a 4 year old on speed... but come to think of it thats the dummist thing in the world.

ALL HALE STEAM, the biggest disaster in the world.

o well :(
Your connection is not currently the limiting factor the current speed issues are due to half the people on the internet all trying to download steam and hl and cs at once. give it a day or two to calm down and it will run well.

To work perfectly for hl2 release worldwide they are going to need about 100 times the bandwidth they have at present. day to day when everyone has hl and hl2 installed it will be fine with what they have now but at peak times it just can't cope. I mean the US is about to start waking up and then we'll see some slow transfer speeds.
Originally posted by MoJo|Night
Your connection is not currently the limiting factor the current speed issues are due to half the people on the internet all trying to download steam and hl and cs at once. give it a day or two to calm down and it will run well.

To work perfectly for hl2 release worldwide they are going to need about 100 times the bandwidth they have at present. day to day when everyone has hl and hl2 installed it will be fine with what they have now but at peak times it just can't cope. I mean the US is about to start waking up and then we'll see some slow transfer speeds.


The figure "100 times" also popped into my head when I was wondering what the ideal ammout of bandwidth would be. And that's not exaggerating.
yeah Vavle probably thought theres only going to be 5 people downloading steam no biggy, LMAO!!!
well...i got through the registration started configuring everything...moving over my hl/cs stuff...then i realized it wasn't doing anything.

so i looked at the steam folder size...and it wasn't changing...i also couldn't close i closed it with the task manager.

i uninstalled it and i'm trying again...this is pretty lame. steam platform update counter went was at 57%...then it went to 39%
and the whole seems to be dead again


after all they gonna earn f***ing millions of $$$$$$ on us buying HL2
I got steam running and stuff but i cant play any mods like NS or FA unless i just use good ol in game browser.
Valves gotta be a tad embarissed (sp?) about this...

Although, perhaps we shouldn't pass judgement until perhaps a week from now, when things have settled down.

Saying that, i'm still getting it crashing when i try to download & play HL....
so after uninstalling steam and trying again...and all the crap i posted in the 2 top posts of this page...

i logged in to the account i created the first time i tried it...and now it's updating the platform again...what the hell.
Think I'll wait until it's a requirement to download steam.
i already updated it once and got to the game updates only updated once that i uninstalled and it's updating twice...

inconsistent...i guess that suggests some problem :\'ll work eventually...i gotta go to class anyway