ut07 INGAME mp video footage !

...me like!

This looks likes it gonna be so much fun once its released.
Pretty graphics too ^_^
could you link to it ?

edit: found a low res version and another gameplay on ign but not this one. just found some dead links for some ingame videos that were in a old thread.
Even after that the game still doesn't look any different than 04
I never liked the ut series.
New Graphics with each new title but still the old same vanilla gameplay.
TwwIX said:
I never liked the ut series. [...] but still the old same vanilla gameplay.
They really need to get rid of all that shooting other people stuff don't they. It's in every single one of their goddamned multiplayer shooting games.

PS. Given there are only three games in the series, and that one of them is a repackaged and vastly expanded version of the game that preceeded it (i.e. no "new graphics") I think we can file your post under "doesn't know what the hell they are talking about". The UT series is one of the few that actually does put a new spin on twitch shooting gameplay. If you honestly think that UT plays anything like UT2x, you're absolutely clueless.
So many computers will get the crap kicked out of them trying to run that. Including mine. Given that I haven't upgraded by then.
I've only played Unreal II, and enjoyed the single-player campaign very much. Do the other series have single player campaigns (and I don't mean like Quake III, where single player was multiplayer with bots)? The graphics (yes, that movie is old, but that game engine is nice) look great.
Adabiviak said:
I've only played Unreal II, and enjoyed the single-player campaign very much. Do the other series have single player campaigns (and I don't mean like Quake III, where single player was multiplayer with bots)? The graphics (yes, that movie is old, but that game engine is nice) look great.
Sadly, Unreal Tournament series games are Quake III style affairs in Single Player. Well, ever so slightly better due to not being deathmatch alone, but it's still the same "win a botmatch, click on the next level" type stuff. 200x improved it by point one of a percentage by having you choose your team, and having you pay for matches and winning prize money, but it that just kind of made it all a bit more frustrating. I hear the X-Box only "Unreal Championship 2" has cut scenes or something, but it's essentially the same crappy single-player experience.

When Epic developed the second unreal engine, they specifically claimed that they were nuking Unreal II multiplayer and making it single player only in order that both games wouldn't interfere with each other commerically and that we'd get the best game possible. Sadly, both games ended up no better for it. Unreal II animosity isn't something you have to dig to deep to find on any gaming forum, and UT2003 only gets ignored because UT2004 was quite an effective apology for it (With about 3 times the ammount of content out of the box and two new and pretty good vehicle-based gametypes, it was absolutely huge for a Multiplayer only shooter).

The original Unreal is only worth playing again on some kind of nostalgia trip. I'm fully aware I like it only because it was one of the first Shooting games I gave enough time to get to know. For many, it was the first in a long line of "graphics over substance" games. Again, Unreal Tournament was a pretty effective apology. The biggest surprise was that it offered an equally, perhaps even better alternative to Quake III. Oh how times have changed :)
oh well - I rather liked Unreal II, but mainly for the neat environments and wide variety of weapons. All the soldiers looked like Master Chief on steroids, which was rather campy.
xombine said:
So many computers will get the crap kicked out of them trying to run that. Including mine. Given that I haven't upgraded by then.

A scottish voice coming from your speakers, "I just can't do it, we don't have the power!" :)
Looks cool, but the graphics are almost too much for me. So many bright colors and normal mappy-looking effects crushed into one screen- it's enough to give every youth in Japan a seizure.
I think UT99 was the best gameplaywize and stylewize...
I love how even with awesome new graphics, we cant even fix simple clipping problems. Like explosions blooming through walls.
Meh, I havn't played an UT game I've liked..

the story to Unreal was great, played that an awful lot.
UT 2007 sounds so much more then everyone is expecting. Just read some of the interviews. This game is going to be the next step in FPS BATTLES and i CANT ****ING WAIT!
Raziel-Jcd said:
UT 2007 sounds so much more then everyone is expecting. Just read some of the interviews. This game is going to be the next step in FPS BATTLES and i CANT ****ING WAIT!
Hmm... Unreal games have been hyped too much in the past only to disappoint. I think it's safer not expect so much from it.
looks nice but doesnt look like game play has changed much from the run and gun variety (so 1990's) ...may pick it up for the mods
story? what story, UT dont need one, because its so damn fun shootem up game
VictimOfScience said:
That's where most of my fun will come from I have a feeling....

bought ut2004 for $12, dl'ed Red Orchestra ..played once ..uninstalled ut2004.
CptStern said:
looks nice but doesnt look like game play has changed much from the run and gun variety (so 1990's) ...may pick it up for the mods

They havnt shown vids fromt he new game mod. Bases, terrain transformation, commanders, etc. Most of the major crap is still just type in text.
This sucks it says i need service pack 2 to play this !! Whatever ill pass on this robo shmobo.
kupoartist said:
I think we can file your post under "doesn't know what the hell they are talking about".

Did i hurt your personal feelings or something?
I just my opinion of the game(s), so live with it.
TwwIX said:
Did i hurt your personal feelings or something?
I just my opinion of the game(s), so live with it.

Funny how your opinion is wrong. You said nothing has changed with the series. Despite the fact it has ie new game modes, and not to mention the fact that the devs are actually listening to their fans.