[VIDEO] Black Mesa Source 'On A Rail' Footage Leaked

"The idea is to remake the storyline used in Half Life into a new polished Source Engine version with new models, maps, soundtrack, voice acting and textures."

Somewhat more, but nothing about gameplay. Not that I care or know much about BMS, my real point was this updating to realism and you can't criticize nonsense.
An argument has broken out on HL2.net

In any case, I thought I remember them saying it was supposed to be more than just "Half Life with nicer graphics".
They once stated they wanted to move beyond it being a remake and make it something new from one story I read posted. Bad idea.
Somewhat more, but nothing about gameplay. Not that I care or know much about BMS, my real point was this updating to realism and you can't criticize nonsense.

I agree that people saying you cannot criticize is silly, though I should point out that as mentioned already in this thread the iron sights were added as a throwback to HL: Deathmatch and to help establish the role of the revolver.
I know, I know. I'm not really arguing about it being a dumb thing for BMS, just that Stylo's defense of it was illogical.
It's not establishing the role of the revolver, it's making it more like the crossbow instead of encouraging its unique aspect: Perfect powerful headshots at pixel perfect accuracy while bunny hoping around the room like a moron.
There is on fact one thing in the footage that bothers/wonders me: at about 2:03-2:06 (if the "version" of footage has no added by someone logo screen at the beginning), 2:11 and 2:15-2:16 one of the HECU soldiers (the first one taken down with turret) seems uninterested with whole shooting situation :P Hope things like that won't happen often in actual gameplay.
Guys, this is the reason why the Black Mesa team never posted game play videos and never intended to. Because people will complain and moan like most of the people in these comments. 1) Iron sights are optional. I love iron sights cause my aim is kind of crap. You don't HAVE to use them, though. 2) Are you guys seriously complaining about HEAD BOBBING? Seriously? Head bobbing? *facedesk* Why is head bobbing such an issue? It makes the game look more proffesional (IMO) And there will probably be an option to turn off head bobbing in the options menu. Note, this is NOT the final release and the voice acting could have changed from then and now. And from a non-profit mod, you have to expect things like that. Like in the new Half-Life 2 Episode 2 mod ValveTime reviewed, it didn't have that good voice acting either, and it was excusable since it was a free mod. And I saw somewhere that the music you hear in the video was not the official music, just some other guy's music that he put in there. I, for one, can't wait for this mod to release. Be more optimistic for once and stop complaining about all the little things. You guys are just being selfish when you complain about these small minor details. If you don't like it, then don't play the mod when it get's released. Simple as that.
Guys, this is the reason why the Black Mesa team never posted game play videos and never intended to. Because people will complain and moan like most of the people in these comments. 1) Iron sights are optional. I love iron sights cause my aim is kind of crap. You don't HAVE to use them, though. 2) Are you guys seriously complaining about HEAD BOBBING? Seriously? Head bobbing? *facedesk* Why is head bobbing such an issue? It makes the game look more proffesional (IMO) And there will probably be an option to turn off head bobbing in the options menu. Note, this is NOT the final release and the voice acting could have changed from then and now. And from a non-profit mod, you have to expect things like that. Like in the new Half-Life 2 Episode 2 mod ValveTime reviewed, it didn't have that good voice acting either, and it was excusable since it was a free mod. And I saw somewhere that the music you hear in the video was not the official music, just some other guy's music that he put in there. I, for one, can't wait for this mod to release. Be more optimistic for once and stop complaining about all the little things. You guys are just being selfish when you complain about these small minor details. If you don't like it, then don't play the mod when it get's released. Simple as that.

And this is for those people that I saw complaining in the first few comments.
We could all make mods of the mod with our preferred voice acting substituted; literally thousands of versions of BMS floating around.The problem here is that these guys obviously are not trained in any way. Even the cheesiest dialogue and delivery when performed by trained actors just sounds right and authentic. It's all in the tone, timing, timbre etc. it would be easy enough to get decent thesps to do the work for free, they'd be happy to promote themselves. It pisses me off the jarring difference between the visual beauty and listening to muppets ruin the experience. Raminator's excuse sounds pretty lame, why put in so much effort on the one hand and allow some frat-boy clowns to do voice work. Apologies if any of the devs did the work, I appreciate the rest of what you've done but stay away from the sound.
I guess his remarks on the VO rubbed me the wrong way because I never considered the HECU to be "over the top" movie villains. I also don't like the implication of remaking Half-Life into a more cinematic experience, but I won't get too far into that.

Did the HECU borrow qualities from the marine archetype that had already been established in other mediums? Sure. They're rough, they have their bursts of machismo ("I killed twelve dumbass scientists and not one of them fought back!"), they kick alien ass, and they start threatening the player with resentful, personal undertones. But in the end they were grunts following orders and nothing about them struck me as loaded with tough guy bullshit or Bay-level ridiculousness. They were ruthless and efficient, but that's what their task required. I even felt kind of bad when wiping out a squad of them after overhearing conversations where some questioned their orders or wondered out loud if Gordon Freeman was the culprit behind the disaster. You can treat those as throwaway lines, but I thought they reinforced a strange gray area that Half-Life inhabited. Yes, there were friendly NPCs and cleart-cut enemies. But it was framed as a game about just surviving and getting the hell out of Black Mesa until gears shifted on Xen. Portraying them as you would a film villain just sucks those weird little ambiguities out of the experience.

I also want to compare one of the scenes in question with that from the original where two grunts have a quick chat about Freeman. It's the same exact dialogue, but man... the delivery makes all the difference. Chalk it up to the radio static if you want, but the second soldier actually sounds really bothered by the deaths of his fellow marines. There's no question that these guys feel that Freeman deserves punishment and death, and was similarly echoed by Breen in HL2 when he asks just what the hell you think you're accomplishing through that game's events. When playing through the game the first time, I probably paused for a good minute until detonating a satchel charge by their feet as I pondered the ethical implications of shooting fake dudes in a game (You're late to the party, Spec Ops). In comparison, I find the new voices in BMS to be trying too hard to be gruff and menacing. More than that, they're not even pulling it off. I don't care about you and your "buddies" because you all sound like a lot of assholes that I don't fear or care about!

Absinthe's post is very insightful. Drawing on the recollections of the first experience of playing is surely the best (and only?) way to go about re-creating the original in Source.

How did the developers manage to overlook the fact that in the very dialogue in question the marines are shown to bear a grudge against Freeman for his violent resistance? Sure, it's a skewered reflection of the situation, but it's one that is effective in pulling Half-Life into that subtle grey area. They want to avoid the player sympathising with the marines? Okay, that's your creative decision, but why then replicate - word-for-word - a dialogue intended to evoke an element of sympathy?
Note of clarrification that was posted from the Black Mesa forums: the rocket does not start raised. They added a puzzle to the map previous to the one shown in the video where Freeman has to raise it himself. They're basing it off the Titan I system and there's a two-stage process to launch rather than just pressing the one button.

The rail is intentionally unelectrocuted. They also shortened the railways and simplified the layout (no dead ends or loops) because that chapter is so hated by a lot of Half-Life players. You are able to walk the whole chapter.
The video is awesome. I cant believe how many idiots are complaining about ironsights: YOU CAN DEACTIVATE THEM IF U WANT PEOPLE!
Also bad voice acting and weapon sounds? Really? Have you played the original HL?