UT2004 Performance


Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score

Read the rest to see what to expect.

My specs are:

* Intel Pentium 4 2.4CGhz @ 2.96Ghz
* OCZ EL Platinum 512MB @ 2-2-3-5
* Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB

On Torlan, with 4xAA/16xAF @ 1280x1024 I get an average of 55FPS. This is perfectly on par with that system Xbit is using.

Now I know that 55FPS is a good score :D
how do i find out my fps... i got geforce 4 ti 4800 althlon 2.1+ xp... im running in 1152x768 all detail shoved to the max and seems to be running fine, only time it has lagged is when i have zoomed right in the the under pass bit on trolan
type stat fps in console thnx for the benchamrks nice read!
In the demo I play with everything maxed except for shadows and I turn off other stuff(detail textures etc...) except decals and run 1600x1200 resolution with 16-bit colour, and I get around 30-40 FPS on average but I get 50-60 sometimes if there's no lag-related stuff or if I look at the sky.

My computer: P4 1.8 Ghz, 512 MB DDr ram ATI Radeon 9600 128MB(I might get ATI Radeon 9600XT):D
Tredoslop, you should upgrade your RAM to, it can drastically improve performances :)
I'm running pretty much everything on high and 1280x740x16 resolutions and I've never experienced any problems, which is surprising considering that I've only got an GF4 MX440 and an 1400mhz CPU:)

EDIT: And Tredoslop, never mind about the XT. The regular 9600 will do just fine until the 9800's come down in price:)
Tredoslop, you should upgrade your RAM to, it can drastically improve performances
Really? drastically eh? Well by "upgrade" to how much then?
I'm running pretty much everything on high and 1280x740x16 resolutions and I've never experienced any problems, which is surprising considering that I've only got an GF4 MX440 and an 1400mhz CPU

EDIT: And Tredoslop, never mind about the XT. The regular 9600 will do just fine until the 9800's come down in price
The regular 9600 won't be enough if I want to run the retail w/ 1600x1200 16-bit colour and every texture thingy set to hight ad get at least 31-55 FPS:D
But I might wait for the 9800 price to come down, I'll probably have saved up enough when it comes down-but I might get one of Park Sabers-SO DAMN COOL!
definitly wait to buy your hardware after the spring when all the manufactures have sent out their new stuff. Next Generation GPU's *drools* DDR2 *drools* processors that lock into motherboard without pins *drools* Money-------through the roof!
/me running with the specs in my sig, and everything is l33t
game runs great for me, i havn't tried any AA or AF yet. oh...but I will..
Six Three said:
/me running with the specs in my sig, and everything is l33t

nice e-penis...

and tredo, i don't think you should rush out to get more RAM if you don't have extra cash :p 512 is fine, and upgrading it to 1024 won't "drastically" improve anything.
I run on max details in 800x600 without a drop in frame rate at any time ..

hmm, might consider bumping the res up a bit ...
I run on max detail 1600x1200 on my sexeh GeForce 4 Ti4200. It runs like a greased up mouse.
the demo i played on max detail 1600x1200 on me... ati radeon 9800 pro 128 mb version.
/me gasps for air.
it runs like a..... er... greased.... grease... pot....