Uwe Boll creates another masterpiece

Actually Far Cry would make a good dumb action film if done right. Steven-Segal-alike ex-spec-ops mariner takes beautiful photojournalist who's actually a CIA agent out to a remote string of islands. Photojournalist is kidnapped by mercenaries and like the big hero he is, Carver tries and rescues her, thus uncovering a crazy scientist building a mutant army. He rescues Val, they nuke the lab, blah blah. It's chunky.
Because a good director is actually making it :eek:, all hail Peter Jackson!
He's the executive producer, not the director... although he will be heavily involved.

According to IMDB, Guillermo del Toro is the director.
I haven't been following the Halo movie... they may very well have switched to a different director.
OCybrManO said:
I haven't been following the Halo movie... they may very well have switched to a different director.

You have a choice between:

Mel Gibson
Mal Brooks
M Night Shyamalan

pick wisely
You have a choice between:

Mel Gibson
Mal Brooks
M Night Shyamalan

pick wisely
I'd love to see Mel Gibson's take - it'd be crazy as shit, and Master Chief would end up crucified or some shit... could be fun

on a side note, M. Night can go suck a dick, he's way too damn full of himself
how Uwe Boll gets funding for films:

"Maybe you know it but it's not so easy to finance movies in total. And the reason I am able to do these kind of movies is I have a tax shelter fund in Germany and if you invest in a movie in Germany you get basically fifty percent back from the Government." - Uwe Boll

"Boll is able to acquire funding thanks to German tax laws that reward investments in film. The law allows investors in German-owned films to write off 100% of their investment as a tax deduction; it also allows them invest borrowed money and write off any fees associated with the loan. The investor is then only required to pay taxes on the profits made by the movie; if the movie loses money, the investor gets a tax writeoff.

His films were financed, produced, and directed by a German company, which was the initial intention behind the tax shelter: to provide incentive for German companies to invest in entertainment properties. Unfortunately, many American studios used these same tax exemptions to reap the same benefits. The law merely required that the movie's copyright be owned by a German company; thus studios would "sell" a movie's rights to a German company, then immediately lease the movie back for a small fee, while the German owners would agree to very limited control. Essentially, the German company would own the movie on paper, but have no say over its production. [4] Because of this, in January of 2006, as had been expected for several months, the German legislature changed the country's tax laws to elminate the tax shelter. [5] It is not known if this will have any effect on Boll's funding as the new laws only seek to punish investors who are abusing the law for tax purposes; Boll's activities appear to be well within the legitimate usage of the tax shelter." ;(
CptStern said:
how Uwe Boll gets funding for films:

"Maybe you know it but it's not so easy to finance movies in total. And the reason I am able to do these kind of movies is I have a tax shelter fund in Germany and if you invest in a movie in Germany you get basically fifty percent back from the Government." - Uwe Boll

"Boll is able to acquire funding thanks to German tax laws that reward investments in film. The law allows investors in German-owned films to write off 100% of their investment as a tax deduction; it also allows them invest borrowed money and write off any fees associated with the loan. The investor is then only required to pay taxes on the profits made by the movie; if the movie loses money, the investor gets a tax writeoff.

His films were financed, produced, and directed by a German company, which was the initial intention behind the tax shelter: to provide incentive for German companies to invest in entertainment properties. Unfortunately, many American studios used these same tax exemptions to reap the same benefits. The law merely required that the movie's copyright be owned by a German company; thus studios would "sell" a movie's rights to a German company, then immediately lease the movie back for a small fee, while the German owners would agree to very limited control. Essentially, the German company would own the movie on paper, but have no say over its production. [4] Because of this, in January of 2006, as had been expected for several months, the German legislature changed the country's tax laws to elminate the tax shelter. [5] It is not known if this will have any effect on Boll's funding as the new laws only seek to punish investors who are abusing the law for tax purposes; Boll's activities appear to be well within the legitimate usage of the tax shelter." ;(

Like I said before, Nuke hollywood.
maybe this time he will get the message eh?
hmm...does anyone have Boll's email address handy? perhaps someone should email him a link to this thread. ;)
he doesnt care ..he wants his movies to fail ..it means more money for him

Then why aren't authorities tossing plague canisters around his house and getting their German half-vampire-assassins to kill him?
oh crap if uwe boll make metal gear solid.....

oh crap

I feel weak

I just....I just feel like I will die

omg I cant like in peace until I read a video of hideo kojima saying "wtf uwe boll making mgs movie?! (insert japanese insults here)!!!1"

but seriously if uwe boll make a movie of mgs I will send a bad email to konami
Sulkdodds said:
Actually Far Cry would make a good dumb action film if done right. Steven-Segal-alike ex-spec-ops mariner takes beautiful photojournalist who's actually a CIA agent out to a remote string of islands. Photojournalist is kidnapped by mercenaries and like the big hero he is, Carver tries and rescues her, thus uncovering a crazy scientist building a mutant army. He rescues Val, they nuke the lab, blah blah. It's chunky.
Never played Far Cry. Thx for ruining it, Sulky ;)
heh Uwe Boll has no chance now of making a profit on BloodRayne. Seems a computer error shipped an extra 5500 film reeels to theaters across the US ..theaters that didnt order them ..each print costs around $5000 to ship bringing the total loss to around $27 million. Since this wasnt part of the budget it'll have to come out of revenue generated from the film which is already failing miserably at the box office

heh I can think of what to do with 100,000 explosive barrels

something about jack thompson, Uwe Boll, Celine dion, duct tape and a single bullet :E ...ohhh the ensuing hilarity!
Uwe Boll looks like my best friend Dave, so I naturally exempt him from hatred.

-Angry Lawyer
Think of him as an evil robot from the future built to resemble your best friend Dave. Synthetic skin over a steel endoskeleton.