V for Vendetta trailer

That will be one of the films of the year. I can guarantee. Nice to see the big Hollywood people are branching into lesser known comic books as well.
This looks totally kick-ass. Good to see they're using an almost totally British cast.
I'm SO glad they don;t even credit Hugo Weaving in that, it\'s so much cooler for people who don't know it's him not having any idea what he looks like. I wish they cast an unknown, but he's still damn cool
This is based off an Alan Moore comic book right?

I'll have to check it out.
That trailer was kick-ass. Definitely looking forward to this. :)
Wow, Natalie Portman doesn't look that bad at all bald.

This movie looks like it'll be a winner.
Any non-quicktime trailers? I can't install quicktime at work.