Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
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Cooke City, Montana — Four days after an avalanche killed his master and buried him alive, a little Welsh Corgi dog named Ole walked out of the wilderness and into the arms of Cooke City rescuers, who brought him home to his grieving family in Bozeman.

“It’s bittersweet,” said Kerry Corcoran Gaillard, whose husband, David Gaillard, was killed by an avalanche Dec. 31, 2011, when the couple was cross-country skiing.

“I was excited” to get Ole back, she said, “but it amplified the loss of Dave a little bit. You automatically wish it could be Dave.”

David Gaillard, 44, was the Defenders of Wildlife Northern Rockies representative, a wildlife advocate, a dad and stepdad, and co-president of the Irving parents council. He and Kerry, who teaches art at Bozeman High School and the Bridger alternative program, had been married just over one year.

How a little dog could survive four days in the wild, when temperatures dipped into the teens, is “beyond belief,” said William Gaillard, David’s father from Connecticut. “It truly is a miracle.” - Story via The Bozeman Daily Chronicle.

**** you, Chase. Every time we talk I like Corgis a little more.

Also, Fun Fact(TM): The plural of "Corgi" is "Corgus".
They really are the best dog/animal in existence. They're the happiest creatures who ever lived.
Krynn's been through much worse.
i hate anyone that uses that ****ing emote. :flame:

especially bananas
I don't understand why 'Corgus' are so cool Chase and David. David Chase. Chase David.

Also, lol at the article for the dog. It essentially reads like this:

"OMG! THE DOG IS ALIVE! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT LASTED SO LONG ! OMGGGG! In other news, the owner and beloved husband died."
Because Corgus is the manifestation of Corgkin, the material aspect of the "Corghead" - another word for your human God.
The **** is that emotion even supposed to be? Even more relevant, what foul creature can form their mouth in that fashion?

****TWAT. As for its uses, you're better off using context clues.
**** you, Chase. Every time we talk I like Corgis a little more.

Also, Fun Fact(TM): The plural of "Corgi" is "Corgus".

They really are the best dog/animal in existence. They're the happiest creatures who ever lived.

Because Corgus is the manifestation of Corgkin, the material aspect of the "Corghead" - another word for your human God.

Indeed, Corgis are the only reason Earth hasn't been scorched clean by alien species yet.

As for the original article, maybe the corgi survived because dogs are domesticated wolves and one of the sturdiest, deadliest and most stubborn sons of bitches on the face of the Universe?
Corgis are excellent beasts, really intelligent. Whenever I see my one friend's Corgi, he always tries to play tug-of-war with me with this one toy. If you're playing with him and then you hide it then the dog will proceed to systematically search every corner and nook in the room to find it, I've never seen anything like it. Usually I'll put it behind my back or i'll sit on it and once he's looked everywhere he sits and stares at you like he knows you have it. So yeah, Corgi's are the shit
Indeed, Corgis are the only reason Earth hasn't been scorched clean by alien species yet.

As for the original article, maybe the corgi survived because dogs are domesticated wolves and one of the sturdiest, deadliest and most stubborn sons of bitches on the face of the Universe?

Corgis have less in common with wolves than do tabbies with Lynx.

Border collies are the best dogs, anyway; they're just as smart, and much less puntable.

I declare this a HL2.net 'pictures of my dog' thread.
It's a picture of my dog, Elizabeth Bugi Vugi. Taken by my dad, though.
From the quality of compositional elements I thought it was a stock image! Compliments to your dad. I have to admit Corgis are adorable.

I have better pictures of my dog, but I don't have them on hand. I wish I had one of his eyes open, since they're ice-blue.