v8 out today

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JiMmEh said:
There goes my cookie :(

And damn BST, GMT sounds better ;)

Yeah, plus in GMT we have an excuse for being inside playing Gmod. It's way too cold.
so, isn't v8 supposed to be out at 9.00? i wish it will come soon!
rynopurge said:
so, isn't v8 supposed to be out at 9.00? i wish it will come soon!

Just go to bed. When you wake up it'll be out.
*goes to bed*
*gets up two minutes later because is too excited*
*checks for Gmod 8*
*is dissapointed*

You lied! This is becoming infuriating now. Anyone know garry's email?
Garry just said it'll be out in 20 minutes on the IRC channel. But that was 5 minutes ago, so I guess it'll be out in 15 minutes.
I hope the bloom effect works with a 6600gt becuase that other bloom mod didn't work for me.
Reginald said:
*goes to bed*
*gets up two minutes later because is too excited*
*checks for Gmod 8*
*is dissapointed*

You lied! This is becoming infuriating now. Anyone know garry's email?

:LOL: Hehe :)

Well, 15 minutes hopefully, I've got shitloads of work to be doing anyway so I'm not really going to be able to play it anyway :(
vBulletin Message

Bloom fixed! Nvidia sucks a HDR dick! Release within the hour


EDIT: Finally got therre first with an update. Apart from the fact I was first to tell you it's coming out :p I am so excited now! Screw work.

"I'm sorry Mr English Teacher, I couldn't do the coursework, I was making an ice-skating robot"
AGH! i got Nvidia, does that mean i wont be able to play version 8?!
he said bloom fixed, but he also siad Nvidia sucks a something something,
it is like him saying: fixed, or is it?
Cool, I can't wait till it gets released. And yeah, I think he meant it was fixed for Nvidia cards.
kenyo said:
AGH! i got Nvidia, does that mean i wont be able to play version 8?!
he said bloom fixed, but he also siad Nvidia sucks a something something,
it is like him saying: fixed, or is it?

He basically fixed it all. You will be able to play it all with HDR-similar effects. Don't worry your sweet little head about it. :p
BTW, where are you getting these messages from? Like the one earlier?
Haha, either way, I can't see em. The servers are too busy.
WOW!!! T-H-E version 8 ?? wooohoo im sooo excited! omg omg i cant waiiiiit!!!
ET what?.... phone home?? :p

oh my ive been waiting for 8 for a loooooooooong time now .. a week or two probebly!
I have been waiting longer than that. I remeber back when v2 was out, I thought to myself "Wow, I can't wait untill v8". So I have been waiting a couple of months. :p
I've been waiting since the day v7 came out. I so wanted a bouyancy gun, and now we have one :)

ETA: Within the next 5 minutes....hopefully.
Dumb Dude said:
I have been waiting longer than that. I remeber back when v2 was out, I thought to myself "Wow, I can't wait untill v8". So I have been waiting a couple of months. :p

v2 was more than a couple of months :p Version 2 was about the first week of December, and only open for the people on the forum garry used to post on....I think. v3 was the first truly public version in mid-december. Correct me if I am wrong.

Sorry for the double post.
oooh oki sounds good ... *refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh* :p
Freelancer said:
oooh oki sounds good ... *refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh* :p

That'll probably slow it down. That was universally decided at about 2 oc lock this afternoon, the time garry told everyone he was bringing it out soon...
Eek, I'm so naughty, another double post but look!

Bloom fixed! Nvidia sucks a HDR dick! Release within 10 minutes

Bloom fixed! Nvidia sucks a HDR dick! Release within 10 minutes

dont worry im not actually refreshing THAT mutch :) *im so exciteeed i just cant hide it!*

yay release within 10 min!!!

Where are all of you getting all this information, is there some other forms sight or soemthing?
ive been waiting for too long now ... :p and im hungry and tierd.. no! i wont go to sleep! cant miss this!
Garry's three minutes late....

I'm taking my time to write this so that time seems to pass quicker. Although by the time I have finished, he may be closer to four or five minutes late.
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