Valve and Vivendi Universal Games Settle Lawsuit

Does this mean if you have a VU Games case, you will in effect have a rarer item in years to come than whoever else may publish the title? Oh you lucky people, in 50 years vintage VU Games Half-Life 2 will be selling for a fortune on ebay ;)
I sure hope they're getting another publisher.
Cause sometimes, us kids with no credit cards...can't really ask their parents "Hey, Mom..Dad? Can you buy me this $60 game over the internet, using your credit card information?!"
Apostle11 said:
Does this mean if you have a VU Games case, you will in effect have a rarer item in years to come than whoever else may publish the title? Oh you lucky people, in 50 years vintage VU Games Half-Life 2 will be selling for a fortune on ebay ;)
It's a nice thought, but I can't see anyone paying extra for this piece of crap...

If Valve do get a new publisher... perhaps that will mean Aftermath at retail after all?
xlucidx said:
I sure hope they're getting another publisher.
Cause sometimes, us kids with no credit cards...can't really ask their parents "Hey, Mom..Dad? Can you buy me this $60 game over the internet, using your credit card information?!"

last time i checked hl2 was a m title. you shouldnt be playing it if you are a teen who has to ask mommy for her credit card. go do your homework. :D
Pauly said:
Please valve choose activision(they most likely will because DOD was activision) ubisoft always makes you make an account to play online and ALWAYS puts their logo when you boot up a game. Go activision/valve
I got banned from my account ;(
And i don't know what i did wrong.. And now I'm to lazy to make a new one...
nvrmor said:
last time i checked hl2 was a m title. you shouldnt be playing it if you are a teen who has to ask mommy for her credit card. go do your homework. :D

How about us 21 year olds without credit cards?
nvrmor said:
last time i checked hl2 was a m title. you shouldnt be playing it if you are a teen who has to ask mommy for her credit card. go do your homework. :D
Or, grow the hell up and accept your inferiority to those of us that are sixteen and STILL more mature than you.
Could this mean DoD:S may come out retail if they get activision (or anyone for that matter)? This would make me oh so happy because I bought hl2 retail and dont want to buy over smelly steam.
They better find another publisher, because I won't be able to buy aftermath over steam.
Ennui said:
Or, grow the hell up and accept your inferiority to those of us that are sixteen and STILL more mature than you.

The irony, IT BURNS!
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Deeming [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 8:37 AM
To: Doug Lombardi
Subject: Re: For immediate release

Just a clarification about "VU Games will cease distribution of retail packaged versions". Does this mean as of August 31 2005 there'll be a new publisher for Valve's titles?

Chris Deeming


We are making arrangements to continue retail distribution of our products post August 31. Should have more details to share soon.

Zeus said:
They better find another publisher, because I won't be able to buy aftermath over steam.
Aftermath has been annoucnced as Steam only already.
Stop bickering, guys. We are here to party.

^Ben said:
The irony, IT BURNS!
It was intended; had I been trying to make an effective argument it wouldn't have been as juvenile sounding. I decided to leave it and see who noticed the inherent hypocrisy.
Ok guys, if you're gonna carry this squabble on then please take it to PMs. Otherwise I'll just close the thread and it will spoil it for everyone.
Ennui said:
Or, grow the hell up and accept your inferiority to those of us that are sixteen and STILL more mature than you.

lol, what happened? too close to the truth for comfort? or did you just miss the :D smiley at the end of my post?

Feath said:
How about us 21 year olds without credit cards?

well if you are 21 obviously you are not a teen, and can play the game. having to ask your mommy for her credit card is your own problem. :cheese:

sorry chris if this post is part of the scrabble you were referring to, wasnt sure.
Chris_D said:
Aftermath has been annoucnced as Steam only already.

Hmm, how certain is this? I know the PC Gamer article made some vague referrences to it, but I didn't know it had been "announced" (or announcnced, tee hee).

And who knows, Valve may change their mind about this if Vivendi aren't involved.

EDIT: this pendantic stuff I do is just revenge for all those "Feeth" moments.
Steam = win
"Congratulations Valve and VU Games."
More like congrats Valve, better luck next time VU games :p

This in no way hurts me, I bought the gold edition of HL2 through Steam and I plan to buy all expansions with the same method.

Awsome work Valve, I’m proud to be a supporter of such an ass kicking team!
Via Pratt from PHL:

Update: With the obvious question on everyone's mind, "What happens to the retail products after August?", I asked Doug Lombardi what the current plans are. His response: "We are making arrangements to continue retail distribution of our products post August 31. Should have more details to share soon."

So settle down fellas. :P
On a completely different subject, I just scrolled down the front page. How many other games have EVER had a collection news as varied and exciting as we have right now?
DiSTuRbEd said:
Via Pratt from PHL:

Update: With the obvious question on everyone's mind, "What happens to the retail products after August?", I asked Doug Lombardi what the current plans are. His response: "We are making arrangements to continue retail distribution of our products post August 31. Should have more details to share soon."

So settle down fellas. :P
I got exactly the same response from Doug Lombardi, and I did post it about an hour ago. No one ever "listens" to me ;(
Chris_D said:
I got exactly the same response from Doug Lombardi, and I did post it about an hour ago. No one ever "listens" to me ;(

How about adding it onto the original post then cheif? ;)
Chris_D said:
I got exactly the same response from Doug Lombardi, and I did post it about an hour ago. No one ever "listens" to me ;(

Here, have a cookie.

I read it, like, 2 minutes ago. :bounce:
This kool

More money for Valve but I wonder who they will sing with? :borg:
grecco_diego said:
So... we won't be able to Play Aftermath before 31th August -> Great news.

We still could because if Valve do release Aftermath in boxes then Vivendi can still do it until then, i think. And its most likley only steam anyway so no worries at all.
If anything, VUG is the unquestioned loser in this matter.
Which is not in the least a bad thing. It's about time VU got what was coming to them for absolutely murdering, butchering, and sodomizing what would have been Homeworld 2, for alienating Relic, for bungling Tribes: Vengeance and bullying Dynamix during the Tribes 2 days (as Sierra)... the list goes on. I feel absolutely no pain for VU.

And as for everyone who whines about credit cards and Steam... I don't get it. Either ask your parents (not that hard, unless you've established yourself as untrustworthy, in which case it's not Valve's problem), or just go get a debit card and use that.

If anything, the only real problem with the Steam purchasing model (besides the occassional bug) is that for some unbeknownst reason, you can't purchase the same package more than once with the same credit card. That is absolutely ridiculous. They say it's too prevent fraud -- yes, all those identity theives running around stealing credit cards and then making a fortune by ordering the Silver Pack three times! Ahah!

So when I want to buy HL2 for my friend's birthday, I have to borrow a credit card from my parents. It's not impossible, but it just doesn't make any sense at all.

Anyway, yay Valve, boo Vivendi, etc. etc. etc.
Yay, the bitch is dead!

That will learn them from holding CS:CZ back for SIX monts after it was finished!
Chris_D said:
Aftermath has been annoucnced as Steam only already.

that is not set in stone yet
Doug was quoted saying something along the lines of "we are not sure yet but there might be future plans for a retail release"

can't remember where i read this, but i did.
Dr. Freeman said:
that is not set in stone yet
Doug was quoted saying something along the lines of "we are not sure yet but there might be future plans for a retail release"

can't remember where i read this, but i did.
Quite, and there is probably a very good chance that Valve being somewhat tied to Vivendi was the reason for the ambiguity of the messages coming out of Valve. I think they'd like to attempt a Steam-Only release, but so the non-hardcore can get a chance at effectively finishing off the game they brought in November, they should offer it via retail...
kupoartist said:
Quite, and there is probably a very good chance that Valve being somewhat tied to Vivendi was the reason for the ambiguity of the messages coming out of Valve. I think they'd like to attempt a Steam-Only release, but so the non-hardcore can get a chance at effectively finishing off the game they brought in November, they should offer it via retail...

yeah they should...if Valve doesn't, i think they are making a mistake.
all the hardcore fans will get it no questions asked...but a game's success is not measured by how many hardcore fans buy the product...knowing u have a good product should be enough of a sell for the hardcore fans.. its the fringe fans who make the product a success or not.

and lets face, as much as Steam is being used by many gamers, even more gamers (fringe ones) don't know what Steam is.. or if they do, they still may not use it to the same extent as regular Steam users... that kinda decreases the chances of a sale over Steam.

anyway i hope they go retail with all their games.
Yeah, Screw you Vivendi, Victory !:smoking:

A bet those frenchies are really angry now, just think they wont make any more money from Half Life the most succesfuly game ever, :P

Maybe now, Half Life 2 etc will be advertised
and also if released in shops early! Actually Unlocked, Plus maybe even come out early!

Best news lately :)
Chris_D said:
I'm assuming it may be Activision... or Steam :|
Kinda what I was thinking. Also fair to assume that Aftermath won't be out till 1st September at best.
Poor activision, UNLESS: when i think activision, i think console. That might be what valve is thinking, hl2 for x-box, and if i was Activision, thats the ONLY way i would go. theres not a snowballs chance in hell i would do business with valve with steam in the works, cause valve will do whatever to undercut your profits and cause you all kinds of grief.

I have a feeling thats what this means. Activision will distribute hl2 for x-box, and the rest of us in the pc realm, will only have steam for all eternity. No biggie imo. Look at the cool mods comming out, im more excited about alot of them then i am about aftermath, so i will get jolllies.
And I don't think VU lost, with all the grief they had, and undercutting, I think ending that relationship was for the best. all a publisher needs is a million fanbois hating you cause valve wants all the $$$. So now, lets all aim our hatred at EA sports