Valve Announces Steam Daily Deals


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score

[br]Did you think your wallet is safe until next Christmas? Well, think again. Starting today, Steam offers a new 24-hour deal, every single day. [br]

Starting with Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising for only $5 (75% off). Enjoy wasting your money.
I like how they pick the worst game on Steam for the first deal.
Image macro on's front page, the world is ending.
wow thats good news, i check the site everyday though anyway
The new OPF games are utter shit. They're nothing like the original game and its expansion packs. Buncha consolized, dumbed down bullshit. Do yourself a favor and get ArmA instead.
That game looks a lot like BFBC2, so I'm sure not going to bother with it.
Also as someone who plays most games with my friends 24hrs isn't enough time to organise them all to get a game. So for me anyway I would prefer if they favored single player games in these sales.
And now it's Majesty 2.
I think that our wallets are going to be safe for the first week or two of these sales.
the advantage for having a pc that can barely run the latest games
The bulk of the daily sales are going to be crap or mediocre games, I don't know why people would expect otherwise. In truth this is probably Valve's attempt at selling games that no one wants and are therefor not worthy of a full weekend or midweek sale. has a daily game sale as well (it's the wannabe steam, basically) and there you might see a good game on sale once every two weeks at most. I wouldn't even expect something greatly popular to pop up on the daily deal, so if you're hoping to see Portal 2 or Shogun 2, you'll be waiting until a summer or weekend sale, sorry.
This is very true. The crappier game so on the steam catalog will end up on the Daily Sale. The better games will have their Midweek Madness.