valve axes 20k steam accounts




In a forum post, Valve has announced that they disabled about 20,000 Steam accounts yesterday which had been used to try to access Half-Life 2 without paying. Valve said in their post that the method was extremely easy for them to trace and confirm, so that there was no question that the accounts were used to try to illegally obtain the game.

Valve also put to rest rumors that they had released a "fake key or fake warez or hack instructions to trap people." According to Valve, the hack came from the "community" as they always do. The company stated that Steam accounts may be closed due to fraudulent activity which "includes Credit Card fraud, theft of accounts you do not own and using cracked versions of Valve games."

ps: I don't know if this was posted elsewhere. If so sorry.

PS2: SCREW SOFTWARE PIRATES :flame: :flame: :flame:
uhh a question. Steam forums isn't up so i'll post it here.

What happens if you PAID for your Half life 2 in A STORE! BUT your steam account says it has been disabled. Now i have lost my CS 1.6 and my HL2 cd keys and probably wasted 60 bucks on Half life 2. So would this considered to be My Problem? Or would it have been a mistake by Valve?
hmm, seems to me like it would be clever to make a new steam account for the next valve game. with 1 cd-key/account you wouldnt be totally screwed if something goes wrong with a game

or am i missing sth?