Valve confirms Episode Two already in production

Not quite sure why so many folk aren't prepared to fork out $15 odd for 4+ hours or what will probably be a very cool expansion - it really isn't that much - you could easily blow the same in the pub, on a book, some food - You get to play this again and again. Not much to ask - this all comming from a tight Scot too...; )
I'm just going to wait until all the episodes are out then buy them.
I am fear lest the episode will be, or has been, too short.
The official site did said that half-life 2 is as long as about 20 hours whereof I finished it within 12 hours. This time they said that it lasted for 4-6 hours where it is obviously too short (for me). :(
As well as it might not worth it. ($10...)
I hope they stick with the price they anounced a while back. This way I´ll be able to afford coming episodes.
kaf11 said:
Yeah I remember everyone getting worked up when Valve announced the length of HL2. They thought it was too short. A lot of people worked out their equations of how their dollar/time ratio was out of proportion and the game would obviously suck. They were proven wrong and its perhaps the best game I've ever played.

I recall these people, weren't they the same ones who droned on about the 'uberness' of the Doom 3 engine and how it would 'pwn' Sources ass as well? I think they all died out when the verbal holes they dug for themselves collapsed in on them..:dozey:
Seems valve is turning into EA.

Of course they are well underway of episode 2. They did not decide to make the expansion "Episodic" until recently. Thus they are just taking the later of aftermath, and calling it another episode. I am very dissapointed in valve.
jblade said:
Seems valve is turning into EA.

Of course they are well underway of episode 2. They did not decide to make the expansion "Episodic" until recently. Thus they are just taking the later of aftermath, and calling it another episode. I am very dissapointed in valve.

Right, VALVe turning into EA, nice joke.

Until recently? LOL They released news about AM being an Episodic content in early 05. This is getting rather funny when people come out of the wood work and say it has just happened all of a sudden.
jblade said:
Seems valve is turning into EA.

Of course they are well underway of episode 2. They did not decide to make the expansion "Episodic" until recently. Thus they are just taking the later of aftermath, and calling it another episode. I am very dissapointed in valve.

Round here, that's what we call an "assumption". You have "assumed" that they've taken the latter part of the Aftermath content and made it into a second episode when, in actuality, there is no factual basis for that assumption whatsoever.

If you're in the business of creating episodic content, you don't follow a create, release, create, release cycle. You create the first 2 or 3 episodes, then release the first one.
Sulkdodds said:
PS: You may be relieved to hear that Episode Two will not feature Gordon slaughtering Tusken Raiders like animals, or getting married in secret to Alyx.
