Valve doesnt owe us anything, right?


Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
I'm curious what peoples thoughts on this are.

i cant tell you how many times ive heard people respond to missed date complaints with, 'valve doesnt own you anything.' I would like to make a comment on this. i built my self a new computer in february and paid $450 for a 9800xt assuming that the advertisements stating that hl2 will be 'released soon' were true.

soon -

1. In the near future; shortly.
2. Without hesitation; promptly
3. Before the usual or appointed time; early.

i paid the extra money right then because i was getting hl2 free. however at this point, i could get the 9800xt considerably cheaper. i never would have fathomed that at least 6 better video cards would be released in between my purchase and the release of hl2. i could get a much much better video card for my money today and i think valves misleading advertisements played a part in that. essentially i own hl2, so valve does owe me something. they owe me a a game i fing paid for. some might even go as far as to say that valve owe the people who have paid for their preorders a game too. once you invest money in something, you are owed something in return. i think the people that bought the video cards are the people really losing out though. because they were conned into buying a video card that would be old news when the game was actually released.

ok, it feels good to get that off my chest. i really do love what valve does with their games - im just dissapointed in their business ethics. let the flaming begin. :flame: :eek:
I think there's a lesson to be learned here, and it's the fact that you should never build a computer specifically for a game that hasn't been released yet. Games slip, it's a regular occurance.
How about.. stop making topics with the titles "VALVe doesn't owe us anything?"

Grar.. sorry, these topics, most of all, piss me off.
Not really, it was your decision to purchase upgrades for your computer, even though there was a chance of the release date slipping.

You took the chance, and lost out. Unlucky.
Shuzer said:
How about.. stop making topics with the titles "VALVe doesn't owe us anything?"

Grar.. sorry, these topics, most of all, piss me off.

Let's just censor the word 'Valve' to stop all of these silly threads :thumbs:
I will say this.

In the meantime, did you get good use out of your 9800XT (which is the card I have by the way and I did purchase it at the exact same time as you)?

Were you able to play games like Far Cry, Doom 3, and many others very well with the card? Did you enjoy the games that you played with your card?

Is the 9800XT "old news"? By most accounts, not at all.

Will you be getting your game eventually? Absolutely.
yay VALVe owe you something

stop making this threads please...
yea it was lame that ati and valve did that bundle deal. very misleading. so basically don't upgrade just for a game, and don't trust the company that even recommends a video card for their own game.
In one way, Valve owes us a lot. There wouldn't be a CS:S or even HL2 if we hadn't bought HL1 in the first place. Agreed? We are the reason that the HL2 project got any money at all.
Alec_85 said:
In one way, Valve owes us a lot. There wouldn't be a CS:S or even HL2 if we hadn't bought HL1 in the first place. Agreed? We are the reason that the HL2 project got any money at all.

They don't owe us HL2, yes the community made mods that furthered HL1's success, but in no way does this lead to them oweing us HL2. Because we bought their game, that doesn't mean they owe us a sequel.
No I meant that there probably wouldn't be a HL2 if we hadn't bought HL1 back in the day. They should be grateful. And I'm quite positive that they are. All the contact we've had with them proves it. We are part of the reason that HL1 became so huge. And of course because of Valve's excellent work.

Edit: And yes, that does NOT mean that they owe us a sequel.
valve owes us a lot of things such as:

A valid release date
More videos and screenshots (no not screenshots from videos we've already seen)
The game
Good fan treatment
not leaving us in the complete pitch black about the games development
A demo for all the wait
zencat said:
i built my self a new computer in february and paid $450 for a 9800xt assuming that the advertisements stating that hl2 will be 'released soon' were true.:

I think this is a lesson you should learn from. You need to take responsibility for your actions when you do something like this. Until you actually see the product on store shelves you can't be guarenteed it will actually ever make it. Buying/building a new system in anticipation of a new game and saying you're owed compensation when it doesn't get released when you think it should is a poor and naive argument. It sucks but welcome to the real world. You make a good target for advertising for sure.

I did upgrade from a Radeon 9800 Pro to a GeForce 6800GT in anticipation of HL2, but my decision was also based on other games being released this fall and the fact my wife said "Yes, you can get your video card". When my wife says something like that I better spend the money immediately or I may lose it.
Valve owes us a lot of things such as:

A valid release date < that's in Vivendi's hands now.

More videos and screenshots (no not screenshots from videos we've already seen) < Why spoil the game? And we'll get new screenshots in the magazine reviews.

The game < Likewise, this is in Vivendi's hands

Good fan treatment < Meaning?

not leaving us in the complete pitch black about the games development < Why is this different from what any other developers do?

A demo for all the wait < I'd love a demo, but they don't owe us one. They didn't force us to wait.
Just like to say that these dates are an estimation and not a promise and your money is your responsibility. At least I hope it is...

And your card will perform just as good if not better then it would have back then.
The game will come everyone needs to chill and take a brake from waiting and b4 u know BLAM it will b on shelves all over the places, about valve oweing us wellllll i do agree about the vid cards saying YEAH COMING SOON HL2 and what now 6 months down the line its still not on my monitor and me fetching a bib to keep the drool off the floor was abit of a piss take BUT lifes a bitch.... and then u die so b gr8ful u aint dead lol
ATI owes you something. Valve owes ATI something. Valve owes YOU nothing.
Keeping a good deal of the gamer community on its toes for a year is something of a crime in my opinion. They should've just kept quiet back then, since they can't possibly have thought they'd get the game out then but just wanted to get some hype and hoped they'd get out the game during the first or second quarter of 2004. But companies do it all the time, only difference being how very big HL2 is. Also, they've been very responsive to the fan community. I'm fairly sure people won't be complaining about it when the game's out since I think it's more than you expected.
VALVe owes me a lollipop! An orange one! In the shape of the HL2 logo!
I think that VALVe owe's us quite a bit. I mean, we're the reason they're still able to make games. By buying thier games, we pay for thier houses/cars/clothes/etc. Businesses owe their customers EVERYTHING. I own a computer repair biz and I owe my customer everything. When a company loses sight is when they think it's a privilege for the consumer to be able to purchase their product/service.
actually valve made it sound like sept 30 for sure. so i feel for this guy. they made it sound like sept 30 for sure until two weeks beforehand... yeah he probably should have waited till the game came out, but when someone tells you "everything is going as planned" like a month before the release date...well you get the idea
N0N1337H41 said:
I think that VALVe owe's us quite a bit. I mean, we're the reason they're still able to make games. By buying thier games, we pay for thier houses/cars/clothes/etc. Businesses owe their customers EVERYTHING. I own a computer repair biz and I owe my customer everything. When a company loses sight is when they think it's a privilege for the consumer to be able to purchase their product/service.
We haven't paid Valve to make HL2, we paid Valve for HL. Valve doesn't owe us anything concerning HL2, untill we've paid for it.

BUT, you could say that they owe it to themselfs to be honest and forthright towards their future customers, because we will soon be the ones paying their houses/cars/clothes/etc.
N0N1337H41 said:
I think that VALVe owe's us quite a bit. I mean, we're the reason they're still able to make games. By buying thier games, we pay for thier houses/cars/clothes/etc. Businesses owe their customers EVERYTHING. I own a computer repair biz and I owe my customer everything. When a company loses sight is when they think it's a privilege for the consumer to be able to purchase their product/service.

That's capitalism for you, and guess what, if businesses weren't here, there would be no economy for rich, spoiled capitalists like you and I to enjoy. Hence, WE owe it to Valve and the country we live in to buy their products in order to preserve the status quo. They owe it to THEMSELVES to release the game, and they have done all that is in their power to do so. It is in Vivendi's hands now, so bitch about them.
Yellonet said:
Why would Valve owe us anything? We haven't given them anything.

Speak for youself. I've bought HL1 3 times for me personally (I lost it twice) and CS for my little brother. So I know that I gave them some money. And while you may be wealthy enough to say that money isn't anything, with a wife, a 2 month old, two car payments and a mortgage $40-$50 is certainly something to me. So like I said before, VALVe owes everything to it's customers, as does every business.
Yellonet said:
Why would Valve owe us anything? We haven't given them anything.

So did you not pay for your half-life/cs/dod/blueshift/op4... cd then?

I know I did and it was money well spent.

I don't like the way that people have defended Valve by arguing that it was this guys own fault for upgrading ready for the next generation game.

I'm sure the guy did and still does, get good use out of the kit he has now but he would surely have gotten much better parts if he'd have known to wait for over a year.

If I was in his shoes I know I wouldn't have upgraded my computer for farcry or doom3, especially as the intention was for something else.
N0N1337H41 said:
Speak for youself. I've bought HL1 3 times for me personally (I lost it twice) and CS for my little brother. So I know that I gave them some money. And while you may be wealthy enough to say that money isn't anything, with a wife, a 2 month old, two car payments and a mortgage $40-$50 is certainly something to me. So like I said before, VALVe owes everything to it's customers, as does every business.
Oh yeah, I'm rolling in money.
I bought HL and Op4, but I don't think Valve owes me anything concerning HL2.
If you buy a dvd-movie, would you say that the producing company owes you anything concerning their next movie?
Bicka said:
So did you not pay for your half-life/cs/dod/blueshift/op4... cd then?
Yes I did, but that does not make me believe that Valve owes me anything concerning Half-Life 2.
Gergor said:
That's capitalism for you, and guess what, if businesses weren't here, there would be no economy for rich, spoiled capitalists like you and I to enjoy. Hence, WE owe it to Valve and the country we live in to buy their products in order to preserve the status quo. They owe it to THEMSELVES to release the game, and they have done all that is in their power to do so. It is in Vivendi's hands now, so bitch about them.

I should have put in my standard "this is my opinion" bit. so here goes:

My previous statement was my opinion not based on many facts. Before you get upset, please know that I realize that many of my opinions aren't popular ones but i feel the odd urge to present them in this forum of discussion. I apologize for any rage you feel like you need to express due to any of my posts dealing with my opinion. Someday with help of flamers/fanbois i will learn to keep my unpopular opinions to my self.

WARNING: The previous statement regarding my opinions was based totally on my opinion and not to be taken as anything other than said personal opinion.
Yellonet said:
Oh yeah, I'm rolling in money.

Good for you! :cheers:

Yellonet said:
If you buy a dvd-movie, would you say that the producing company owes you anything concerning their next movie?

I would say that any business who made a profit off of my purchase does owe me something.

Just my opinion.
N0N1337H41 said:
Good for you! :cheers:
I think you know I was being sarcastic. And I think you are too. :cheers:

I would say that any business who made a profit off of my purchase does owe me something.

Just my opinion.
They might be in some kind of ethic debt, nothing else.
But as I said in another post, it would be in their own interest to be "nice" towards their old, and future customers.
But screaming Valve owes me this and Valve owes me that just isn't right.
Just my personal opinion, of course.
Ummm, if HL's entire fan base went over to doom, valve would essentially have wasted however much money they put into the development of HL2, and a bit of the money spent on source (possibly lots cos their mod community wouldn't be there).

So valve actually does have a bit of gratitude owed to the community, but I think they do their best to show it.

IMO they don't owe us HL2, but after saying it would be out on Sept 30 2k3 and making a deal with ATi, I think they influenced a LOT of people (look at their hardware results ffs, top 6 cards I think were radeon) to buy hardware FOR HALF LIFE 2.

However, if you go out and buy a card specifically for HL2, I think you're a bit silly, as HL2 isn't the most demanding game out (going by source), I think you'd be better off going with an nVIDIA card as they are affiliated with more games.
N0N1337H41 said:
I would say that any business who made a profit off of my purchase does owe me something.
This is an absolutly bogus sence of self entitlement. By just as much reguard, you owe them for whatever it was you wanted or needed. You still own Hl1, and can enjoy the Hl1 experience. For that you owe Valve, for creating it for you. You clearly thought it was worth it, buying it three times! Which, of course, nobody should have to do, and you will never have to do that with HL2 thanks to Valve's own creation, Steam.

Now I am one who does say "VALVe doesn't owe you anything",.

But I dont think I've said "VALVe doesnt owe you anything" to any voucher holders. (I could be mistaken).

Anyone who purchased ATi Cards with vouchers in 2003 were, really, indirectly purchasing the game. They are entitled to HL2, and were indeed misled. VALVe should never have done that. Still you should have waited for a Gold annoucement. Why buy it any sooner?
N0N1337H41 said:
I should have put in my standard "this is my opinion" bit. so here goes:

My previous statement was my opinion not based on many facts. Before you get upset, please know that I realize that many of my opinions aren't popular ones but i feel the odd urge to present them in this forum of discussion. I apologize for any rage you feel like you need to express due to any of my posts dealing with my opinion. Someday with help of flamers/fanbois i will learn to keep my unpopular opinions to my self.

WARNING: The previous statement regarding my opinions was based totally on my opinion and not to be taken as anything other than said personal opinion.

I am totally aware that it was your opinion, as the content of my post was derived from my own opinions. I don't feel any rage about you expressing your views; I don't even feel any ill will toward you, I simply disagree with you, so I apologize if the wording of my post made it seem otherwise. Just be aware that when you post your opinion to the public you are automatically submitting it for a "peer review" of sorts. So feel free to argue against any of my opinions, as I wouldn't have posted them had I expectted to avoid any sort of conflict of opinion. I hope you wont keep your opinions to yourself, as that would be tattering the principle ideal of capitalism; self-expression. I'm on a tangent, no hard feelings.