Valve Featured in NY Times - VR Goggles and Big Picture Mode Launch


Companion Cube
Mar 12, 2007
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A new article on the NY Times reveals the new "wearable computing" device that has been rumored for the past couple of months, as well as the Big Picture Mode launch date, which is September 10th. A good portion of the article is dedicated to some of the quirks of Valve that most fans are already familiar with, such as mobile desks and their flat management structure.
Now Valve executives think they may be onto the next big thing in games: wearable computing. This technology could let players lose themselves inside a virtual reality and, eventually, blend games with their views of the physical world.

While the news is exciting, the prospect of seeing these in the very near future isn't looking too good, or if Valve will even sell them.
Mr. Abrash said glasses capable of credible augmented-reality games could be three to five years away, though he said virtual reality glasses would arrive sooner. He said Valve hadn’t decided whether it would make glasses itself. But its ultimate goal is to share its designs freely so other hardware companies can make glasses, too.

The article is quite lengthy and shows even more insight into the though process of Valve, as well as a good amount of input from Gabe. You can read it in its entirety here.


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Very interesting. I hope this sort of tech hits the market for the greater good. But fantasy and Reality for some are blending so much it gets sorta scary because people can't distinguish between the two.
Way're go valve!!!:)
u alwas make people exsited
Joseph from Algeria.....Thank you VALVE
"...says Mr. Newell, a bearded bear of a man with John Lennon-style glasses."
