Valve got pay back if you ask me...

Ravenkill isn't a programmer. Too obvious. Otherwise he'd understand the difference between ETA and "fixed release date"

BTW, compare the E3 videos with the BETA screenshots, and U'll see the BETA is missing a shit load.

No one deserved to have their code stolen unless they steal source code from others (aka microsoft)
Originally posted by ravenkil
Gabe tolds us over and over and over that it would for sure be out the 30th... everyone went out and bought more mem, video cards etc... then he tells us just days before the 30th that it's delayed.

That pisses people off.

STFU people like you dont pay for games anyway.
thanks too assholes like you we have to wait until april.

**** off and go back to your warez.

Also, dumbass, you may have realized the delay announcment co-incided with the steam exploit.

If you werent such a useless ****, had a job and decided to pay for a game once in your life, would you want your personal information to be so vunerable?