Valve hav a new character


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
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  • Steamboy_160x600.gif
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I assume since steam has no friends network...

Steamboy has no friends?

lol everybody is more fokused in the movie that the name

and how is that movie akira?
It's cool, but really wierd and hard to understand, you'd have to see it like 2-3 times to get it
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
It's cool, but really wierd and hard to understand, you'd have to see it like 2-3 times to get it

thats normal in the anime

ComradeBadger, you're a QC fan? WOOHOO!

...oh, and Akira rips. I should check steamboy out. (Note: Akira is best seen when either intoxicated in some form, sugar/caffeinehigh, or very very tired. This is because it's perfect for doing voiceovers to.)
I saw Akira the other day for the first time, and I have to say I was impressed with it, can't wait for Steamboy.
I'm not into Anime myself, but Akira is THE exception.

It's the only Anime I could actualy watch and say, "Whoa."

<RJMC> said:
thats normal in the anime
Personally, I find that making Anime movies all "hard to understand and obscure" puts me way off of them. It's pretentious BS by self-proclaimed artists and "philosophers". The Guy behind the Ghost in the Shell movies is the worst, basically saying that if you don't "get" his movies it's because you're thick and nothing to do with any failing of the movie itself. Akira is another great example. I love the film, but can anyone honestly tell me that they understood the ending, without having read the Manga? It's a rushed film towards the end but in certain circles this is blamed on it being above the comprehension of stupid people.

I'm looking forward to Steamboy... I just hope if its a bit confusing, it's the right kind of confusing.

Mediocrity said:
I think Anime-movies are just miserable look like-cartoon garbage. No offense...
Anime is amazing, but you gotta be in the right mood. I really loved Princess Monenoke (or spelt differently).

The thing with Anime is that it doesn't patronise you as much as a lot of hollywood films do - the above being a good example. There's no Bad guy in the movie and not really a good guy, just several different 'factions' all with their own aims and beliefs - all valid but not all for the better of everyone. Which is what life's really like.

Saddam Husein isn't evil, neithers Osama Bin Laden - they just have different ideas, beliefs and ideals. Obviously it's debatable that killing thousands of innocent people IS actually evil - but their motives weren't "Oooh, nice day, think I'll be evil" - they saw the other side (The Kurds/The US) as the evil ones.

Anyway, that's why I liked it.

And Jack Thomas, careful mate - it's usually a good idea to give an opinion on something you know about from experience rather than out of thin air. Anime is animated but it's some of the best animation you'll ever see. Ignore Pokeshit and Ugi-Omygodit's-crap, that's saturday morning anime.
I think Anime is shit, but whatever floats your boat, live and let live, to each there own, etc. etc.
live and let live

Live and Let Die!

Back on topic I agree with Kupoartist that alot of the so called philosophy in Anime is mostly the creator trying to make his Anime seem profound when in actuality he has no idea what he is talking about. Neon Genesis Evangelion did this in a big way but it was still pretty good.
Uh wrong. The creator knows exactly what they're talking about or else there wouldn't have been a point in putting all the confusing things in it. Why do people always think when someone puts something confusing in a piece of entertainment (movies/music/television/etc) they think its just to look "cool" or seem "different"? Not everyone's a hack looking for a buck. And NGE knew exactly what they were talking about. Trust me, its too crazy for them not to.
Saw Steam Boy in Japan last summer. Pretty cool if your into gothic kind of sci-fi. I didn't really get some parts of it. They kept referring to a steam-joe. I think that means steam castle, which ends up being sort of like that giant sphere from Akira, lots of exploding and blowing up and flying guys and cool guys in mechanical steam powered suits. I guess I shouldn't say too much or it'll ruin the movie. But the characters are fairly typical anime personalities. You've got adolescent hero, stuck up princess, super evil bad guy, mysterious father that is sort of bad/sort of good, lots of henchmen, and robots.
DeusExMachinia said:
Why do people always think when someone puts something confusing in a piece of entertainment (movies/music/television/etc) they think its just to look "cool" or seem "different"?
Because they don't? The Majority view comes from Yes men who claim they understand it all just to seem intellectual. The Emperor's New Clothes. This isn't to say that all anime isn't actually profound - I can't speak for Evangelion, because I'm struggling to work out which version I should be buying (Original DVDs? Box Set? Platinum? Wait for a New Box Set?), but Ghost in the Shell was just a lame excuse for nudity and Matrix Trilogy Psuedo-Profoundness (yes I know that GitS predates the Matrix). Oshii particuarlly gets my back up because he has had the cheek to publically diss Miyazaki because he believes his films are so much more Profound. No one disses Miyazaki and gets away with their Life :D

Akira is another example of a Movie that just totally lost me. The ending was rushed, but I'd say this was due to other factors beyond Otomo's control... I understand Steamboy is coming "Straight to Video" in the UK, which is a shame, but at least it'll be here soon.

And everyone who evaluates Anime as crap is most likely an arsehat. You're not even entitled to your opinion because you likely have no basis for that evaluation. And please, please, please can everyone stop using this "No Offence" phrase. It's the shittiest most meaningless phrase in the English Language!
I saw the Akira long ago........ it was a strange movie.... the ending was strange..... I didnt understand what happend to the rest of the world
Inflame007 said:
I saw the Akira long ago........ it was a strange movie.... the ending was strange..... I didnt understand what happend to the rest of the world

It was a series of manga and the movie was only the first two books there is like 7 books i think.
i like anime personally they have deeper thoughts than all these crap hollywood movie that have major hype and are realy really shite when thet come out like constantine, hide and seek coz i saw them recently, but then ive seen anime which after i thought hey yeah that was pretty good coz i only just understand it so that make me feel kinda cleaver some ive seen which are really good

blue sub
appleseed 3d
ghoast in shell 1 + 2
anime is teh suck lol jk but personaly i dont make it a habit to tell people i used to watch DBZ in the 6th and 7th grade lol
kupoartist said:
Personally, I find that making Anime movies all "hard to understand and obscure" puts me way off of them. It's pretentious BS by self-proclaimed artists and "philosophers". The Guy behind the Ghost in the Shell movies is the worst, basically saying that if you don't "get" his movies it's because you're thick and nothing to do with any failing of the movie itself. Akira is another great example. I love the film, but can anyone honestly tell me that they understood the ending, without having read the Manga? It's a rushed film towards the end but in certain circles this is blamed on it being above the comprehension of stupid people.

I'm looking forward to Steamboy... I just hope if its a bit confusing, it's the right kind of confusing.


I think it was the birth of tetsuo's universe, tetsuo got the power of god, and created his own universe where he is god now, dunno if the manga goes any further in this, never read it, only saw the anime.
EVIL said:
I think it was the birth of tetsuo's universe, tetsuo got the power of god, and created his own universe where he is god now, dunno if the manga goes any further in this, never read it, only saw the anime.
I believe that is the explaination and it works. It's just not at all obvious from watching the film itself
MarcoPollo said:
but personaly i dont make it a habit to tell people i used to watch DBZ in the 6th and 7th grade
DBZ is a series i've never seen personally. In all honesty, I don't think I'd ever want to ^^
^^^ Heres what you missed
Goku: Im Gonna get THE DRAGON BALLLSS!!!
Vegeta:HeHeHe Im im not! ARG
Freeza:Im a gay robot biomech!!!
Cell: I have A CONDOM ON MY TAIL!!!!
all with bad voice dubing^^^
Alright, I like Akira (the anime) love Akira (the manga). Much more interesting. I never really got into the whole Steamboy thing though, and am only slightly interested in how the reworking will go.