Valve Hinting on realease

Am i right?

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    Votes: 43 42.2%
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    Votes: 59 57.8%

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Anyone remember the delay for N64?
That seemed long. Or I'm crazy.
Probably both :p
Noone would make an announcement at 11 o clock local time, sunday night. besides, it'd be bigger news than a random post on athread. har har har
On another forum I wrote a huge essay about why HL2 will be better than Halo2, but I don't feel like remembering it all. Anyways, I agree with whoever it was that said that the initial Halo 2 sales will probably beat HL2, but in the long run there is no doubt that HL2 will sell more copies. Not that it really matters, since just cause the masses like something, doesn't make it better. Example: See current Pokemon fanbase. All two of them. If Halo 2 sells more units, it doesn't make it a better game.
Well, I think HL2 eventually beat Halo 2 in the long run because if HL2 follows in HL's footsteps it will have a massive mod base overflowing with potential, and that would make it's sales go on for much longer (remember people still buy HL six years from its release) . If Halo 2 follows its predecessor what does it have? 30 seconds of fun played over and over again? Blargh. What a backwards philosophy to game development that is.
Sonduren said:
Halo 2 and HL2 have HUGE fan bases and i think they would be in WAR with each other . My perdiction is that HL2 will lose cuz they let there fans down A TON. Halo 2 will probably win


That doesn't really matter, 2 things;

1. In the end, HL2 will come out as the better game...
2. In the end, HL2 will be what you'll be getting to play all the mods EVEN IF YOU DIDN'T like the initial game, which I highly doubt.

That said, Halo will be a good one month fly.
Do ppl really play FPS games on consoles with a gamepad?

X-box hasn't even done that well and halo is its best game. Halo sold 4 million units. Half-Life sold 13 million units (coz of mods).

N64 did way better than today’s crapshit games. Mario64 -11million units, Zelda: Ocarina of Time – 8 million, Mario kart - 10 million, Goldeneye - 8 million.

X-box and ps2 have something in common, quantity over quality. Nintendo and valve seem to wanna go the other way, they wanna do something different. Overall Half-Life 2 is going to be an insanely high quality game. The technology and mods will help carry it over the 10 million barrier.
hunteraz said:
half life 2 was just announced as being gold from Gabe Newell

Right and guess what? I'm Gabe Newell!

No..wait no i'm not.
Take your bs somewhere else man =/
Back onto the subject at hand:
I find it hard to belive Halo 2 will beat out HL2 but unfortunatly I think it will at first. However in the long run(Say, 3-5 years down the line. Counting that HL2 is just as awesome as HL1.) HL2 will hold triumphant over Halo 2.

vicefredav444 said:
X-box hasn't even done that well and halo is its best game. Halo sold 4 million units. Half-Life sold 13 million units (coz of mods).

N64 did way better than today’s crapshit games. Mario64 -11million units, Zelda: Ocarina of Time – 8 million, Mario kart - 10 million, Goldeneye - 8 million.

X-box and ps2 have something in common, quantity over quality. Nintendo and valve seem to wanna go the other way, they wanna do something different. Overall Half-Life 2 is going to be an insanely high quality game. The technology and mods will help carry it over the 10 million barrier.

...considering those are 4 of the only 6 N64 games worth owning (actually, I'm not too thrilled about Zelda, but whatever).

This also has to do with the fact that video games have become a huge industry in the last 5-7 years. More games are being put out by more companies. Comparatively speaking though, the Xbox had the largest "Games purchased per console" statistic in its first year compared to any other console. Only really big hits manage to hit 5 million + on consoles anymore.

Compare that to the 40million Super Mario Bros. floating around, since NES was basically the only console to own for 6 years.

People who own both an Xbox and PC will probably buy both. Now, you can't tell people which one they should buy first, or which one is better: because it's all personal taste. I'm sure you'll find a lot of people who will say HL2 is their first bet. I know my cousin doesn't care about HL2 and only wants unstoppable action [the afforementioned 30 seconds of action repeatedly].

People who don't care about story, can't be bothered about mods, want the 'best' in graphics, etc. aren't going to buy it. However, delays rarely have an impact on how games sell.

However, you need to keep in mind that HL2 could be overshadowed by games like Rome: Total War, Sims 2 (which I believe is actually mid-September), Fable, GTA:San Andreas and such. It's not just Halo 2 vs HL2. Each will appeal to different people with obvious overlap.

Also realize that if you're on this board you're probably a HL2 fanboy (barring the negative connotation associated with that term) - and you're far more apt to buy HL2 then normal people.

On that note, I'm sure it will be released before December. There's plenty of other stuff to rent/buy along the way, no matter when it comes out. You'd have to be crazy not to be looking forward to another game besides HL2.
If halo 2 and half life 2 were to come out at the same time. I think microsoft will release a patch for their os that will not let hl2 play......


but if that were to happen. I believe that any xbox owner who loves halo will buy it. However I believe that most pc gamers will buy half life 2. If you like both, then your head will explode from too much stimulation. Halo 2 is an excellent multiplayer console game, but so is half life 2. Both games have had their histories of delays. In reality, I don't think yall should be arguing which is better than the other. I think the sales for both will be good but they will suffer on both sides because potential halo 2 customers will buy half life 2 and potential half life 2 customers will buy halo 2. Most people don't have over a 100 dollars lying around to buy both. But then again a lot of people have already preordered both. I personally don't own an xbox so I'm all for half life 2 to come out. =D
Well who plays games on PC's....the more Hardcore crowd
Who plays games on Consoles...everybody.

Consoles have a much bigger market + more advertising + a whole lot of crap games, so if one is decent it will sell.
Halo 2 will wipe the floor with HL2 in terms of sales, initially at least.

However I think it is obvious which will be the better game.

Maybe once people get onto the revolutionary idea that FPS on a console is nothing compared to those on PC then the PC market will reign high again.
R U on crack Halo 2 will own all on Xbox live. U should get your poor ass an Xbox and get Live and see


Put it this way :

1) There are lots of 10-year old kiddies out there sitting by their XBoxes, playing Halo, and loving every minute of it. I don't begrudge them that at all. However, it's when those 10 year old kiddies discover OTHER gaming websites which don't agree with their views, well, that's when the bomb hits home. XBox/Halo Fanboys are idiots. Plainly said.

What has Halo got ? - Repeating Locations, No ragdolls, Minimal Weapons, Limited Vehicles, and what ? Oh, thats right, the Elites take COVER !!!!!11!!!!!!!one!!!.

Right. So, what does Half-Life 2 have ?. An excellent physics system, good enemy design, a top-notch facial system, good weapons, great graphics, and it's easily moddable. What does Halo 2 have. OMFG !!!!! Master chief can wield 2 weapons 1!11!!!!one!!!!. And *5* NEW WARTHOG VERSIONS !!!!!!!!!

Dear me, whoever's going to win this one ...... ?
Also, a special treat for Halo fanboys who can't read proper english :


1) 7h3r3 4r3 1075 0f 10-y34r 01d kiddi35 0u7 7h3r3 5i77in6 by 7h3ir xb0x35, p14yin6 h410, 4nd 10vin6 3v3ry minu73 0f i7. i d0n\\\\\\\'7 b36rud63 7h3m 7h47 47 411. h0w3v3r, i7\\\\\\\'5 wh3n 7h053 10 y34r 01d kiddi35 di5c0v3r 07h3r 64min6 w3b5i735 which d0n\\\\\\\'7 46r33 wi7h 7h3ir vi3w5, w311, 7h47\\\\\\\'5 wh3n 7h3 b0mb hi75 h0m3. xb0x/h410 f4nb0y5 4r3 idi075. p14in1y 54id. w

h47 h45 h410 607 ? - r3p347in6 10c47i0n5, n0 r46d0115, minim41 w34p0n5, 1imi73d v3hic135, 4nd wh47 ? 0h, 7h475 ri6h7, 7h3 31i735 74k3 c0v3r !!!!!11!!!!!!!0n3!!!. ri6h7. 50,

wh47 d035 h41f-1if3 2 h4v3 ?. 4n 3xc3113n7 phy5ic5 5y573m, 600d 3n3my d35i6n, 4 70p-n07ch f4ci41 5y573m, 600d w34p0n5, 6r347 6r4phic5, 4nd i7\\\\\\\'5 345i1y m0dd4b13. wh47 d035 h410 2 h4v3. 0mf6 !!!!! m4573r chi3f c4n wi31d 2 w34p0n5 1!11!!!!0n3!!!!. 4nd *5* n3w w4r7h06 v3r5i0n5 !!!!!!!!!

You should be glad I'm so nice to you all ..... :p
^^Yeah, when HL2 hits the consoles, they will realise how decepted they were, how miserable their life actually was up till now :)

Well, I'd say HL2 will overcome H2 because HL2 has one more initial than H2. j/k ;)

In the long run, HL2 will prevail, because of the VALVe's philosophy. They want the game to grow into something more, while M$ just wants to get a few xtra $ with the franchise. They bought the original Halo and transformed the development from PC to X-box, because they needed parade horse for thir brand new console back then.
Sonduren said:
R U on crack Halo 2 will own all on Xbox live. U should get your poor ass an Xbox and get Live and see :LOL:
Oh shoosh, Halo 2's multiplayer will definately be great, but really, its just pulling gameplay modes out of Unreal Tournament and applying its own touch to them. I'll stick with HL2 MP even if its just CS:S. Mainly because i aint gonna pay 80 bucks for Xbox Live so i can play it a few times over the internet (I'm more into Singleplayer) and i never was a big fan of Halo MP anyway. I'm more into DoD and RO

Anyway back on-topic.
I dont think Valve will be hinting at a surprise release date or anything.
Tiddalick said:
Well who plays games on PC's....the more Hardcore crowd
Who plays games on Consoles...everybody.

Tell that to the millions of people who play the sims.

Anyways I don't think hl2 is ever gonna come out. Valve is just going to make a subtle announcement that they are working on hl3 and pretend like nothing happened.
PedroTheLion said:
Anyways, I agree with whoever it was that said that the initial Halo 2 sales will probably beat HL2, but in the long run there is no doubt that HL2 will sell more copies. Not that it really matters, since just cause the masses like something, doesn't make it better. Example: See current Pokemon fanbase. All two of them. If Halo 2 sells more units, it doesn't make it a better game.

I agree; I'm quite sure that everybody here will buy HL² because you like what you've seen and heard of it, not because it will sell a lot of copies. Same for those that will buy Halo2 - ok, since the average x-box fan is somewhat younger than the average pc-gamer, some will buy Halo2 coz their friends have it.

In the end it's about the quality of the game; I think that's more important to discuss than the selling numbers.
id rather flush my money away with my shit than buy halo 2, the first halo was absolutely shit. unless they have pulled something out of the bag for halo 2 i cant really see how u can compare it with hl2
Personally I really enjoyed Halo, and I think Halo 2 looks great. I'd prefer HL2 if I really had to choose (I don't even own an X-Box anyway :p) but I certainly don't consider myself a "console kiddie" just because I thought Halo was fun.
Neo_Kuja said:
Put it this way :

1) There are lots of 10-year old kiddies out there sitting by their XBoxes, playing Halo, and loving every minute of it. I don't begrudge them that at all. However, it's when those 10 year old kiddies discover OTHER gaming websites which don't agree with their views, well, that's when the bomb hits home. XBox/Halo Fanboys are idiots. Plainly said.

What has Halo got ? - Repeating Locations, No ragdolls, Minimal Weapons, Limited Vehicles, and what ? Oh, thats right, the Elites take COVER !!!!!11!!!!!!!one!!!.

Right. So, what does Half-Life 2 have ?. An excellent physics system, good enemy design, a top-notch facial system, good weapons, great graphics, and it's easily moddable. What does Halo 2 have. OMFG !!!!! Master chief can wield 2 weapons 1!11!!!!one!!!!. And *5* NEW WARTHOG VERSIONS !!!!!!!!!

Dear me, whoever's going to win this one ...... ?
Also, a special treat for Halo fanboys who can't read proper english :


1) 7h3r3 4r3 1075 0f 10-y34r 01d kiddi35 0u7 7h3r3 5i77in6 by 7h3ir xb0x35, p14yin6 h410, 4nd 10vin6 3v3ry minu73 0f i7. i d0n\\\\\\\'7 b36rud63 7h3m 7h47 47 411. h0w3v3r, i7\\\\\\\'5 wh3n 7h053 10 y34r 01d kiddi35 di5c0v3r 07h3r 64min6 w3b5i735 which d0n\\\\\\\'7 46r33 wi7h 7h3ir vi3w5, w311, 7h47\\\\\\\'5 wh3n 7h3 b0mb hi75 h0m3. xb0x/h410 f4nb0y5 4r3 idi075. p14in1y 54id. w

h47 h45 h410 607 ? - r3p347in6 10c47i0n5, n0 r46d0115, minim41 w34p0n5, 1imi73d v3hic135, 4nd wh47 ? 0h, 7h475 ri6h7, 7h3 31i735 74k3 c0v3r !!!!!11!!!!!!!0n3!!!. ri6h7. 50,

wh47 d035 h41f-1if3 2 h4v3 ?. 4n 3xc3113n7 phy5ic5 5y573m, 600d 3n3my d35i6n, 4 70p-n07ch f4ci41 5y573m, 600d w34p0n5, 6r347 6r4phic5, 4nd i7\\\\\\\'5 345i1y m0dd4b13. wh47 d035 h410 2 h4v3. 0mf6 !!!!! m4573r chi3f c4n wi31d 2 w34p0n5 1!11!!!!0n3!!!!. 4nd *5* n3w w4r7h06 v3r5i0n5 !!!!!!!!!

You should be glad I'm so nice to you all ..... :p
ALSO H4Lf-L!fE 2 6o7 TeH $7o|2y !!!!!
I’ve got a great letter here from a developer. I’m not going to say where he works but you’ve probably played his games.

Hi Gabe,

Most of us in the industry are as puzzled about these release schedules as you are. Why would you release games in such a way as to get them buried under a landslide of other great games? From a money-making standpoint, this makes about as much sense as releasing the pilot of a new TV series during the SuperBowl. No TV producer in their right mind would ever do that. However, this happens every year in our industry and there's really only one reason I can think of. It's the same reason so many sequels get made for games -- people like to play it safe. And it drives most of us in the trenches mad.

Now I know what you're thinking "What? How is 'getting your title buried in a shit heap of other games so that it doesn't sell nearly as well as it could have' playing it safe?" I have a theory on this that I call "The Christmas Decoration Phenomenon." As near as I can tell, there are legions of trolls that sit in marketing offices all day crunching numbers. They are really sensitive to patterns, even ones that the normal human eye is incapable of seeing. It would seem that, at some point a few years back, some clever marketing troll said to himself "hmm... a lot of games sell around Christmas, because people go and buy toys for kids at Christmas. I know! If we sell our game at Christmas, we'll make tons of money!" And it worked. For years, it seemed that the maxim was "lets push this game and get it out the door at Christmas." And, like the decorations at department stores, the definition of "Christmas Time" keeps getting pushed back sooner and sooner and lasting longer and longer. Now, "The Holiday Season" begins in September and ends in January.

Well this year, I think what happened is that everyone did as they normally did -- scheduled for Christmas -- oblivious to the fact that everyone else was doing the same damn thing, and all of a sudden there's a crisis. "Oh shit, you mean GTA4, Half-Life 2, Metroid Prime 2, Halo 2, AND OurGameX are coming out in the same week? Crap! How did this happen? Lets shuffle around some deadlines... release a week later.. a week earlier.. a month earlier... and so forth."

It really just comes down to some crappy planning based on the stagnangy of marketing philosophies. Releasing during the holidays is "safe"... even though tons of other games are coming out... I dont know if you can hear it, but my eyes are rolling back in my head right now.

At any rate, I think there is some light at the end of the tunnel. From rumblings that I hear, you'll probably start to see more games released mid-year than before to avoid just this sort of thing. Nintendo has been doing this for a long time. They'll step out the release of their awesome first party titles throughout the year to avoid a pile-up at Christmas... like intelligent people.

That's just my theory, though. I'm sure someone involved in marketing would be able to help you out much better than I could.

~ Dodger

I'll post more good ones if I get them.

-Gabe out

This was the other explanation I heard a few times. I’ve gone ahead and removed the name of the developer again.

I will add this to your friend's sage advice. Most companies are publicly traded and having a big Q4 (4th quarter) is good to inspire stock sales for the following year. Remember company success is no longer based on something as easy to track as good sales. It is also largely linked to this mysterious thing known as consumer confidence. The consumer strangely enough is not the person who lays down the cash at the check out stand of the local Wal- Mart, no they are the ones who lay down their money at the local online stock trader. True a lot of a companies clout is based on sales but people look at the year end and there is only one time where a developer can salvage a year end and that is in the months leading up to Christmas. Again sales to you do not matter at this time. More so the publisher's sales to Best Buy matter as they front the money for the product and will reclaim said money later for product not sold in their stores also known as sell through. Thi s allows for the negatives to be placed nicely in Q1 when the public has not realized what kind of smoke and mirrors were laid in front of them to get them to buy stock.


-Gabe out

I think that pretty much sums it up.
Baffling isn't it? I really don't like capitalism it ****ing sucks!!

I'm going to go off and devise a better way for society to function.
Perhaps someone has mentioned this already but HL2's on the PC to start with and won't be on the X-Box for a while, correct? Halo 2's on the X-Box and won't be on the PC for a while, correct?
I don't really see too much of a sales clash on release...

And would people please stop geting so irate? Who cares whether someone thinks Halo/HL was the better game? People on forums are way too stubborn to be won over, so don't bother trying.
closed, damn hl2 vs threads.. and it has turned into one, don't tell me it hasn't :p
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