Valve, I gotta say this...


May 13, 2004
Reaction score
This has to be the most funnest MP component on the PC EVAR!

Seriously, I've been playing at a ping of 45 on nova prospekt's map for 7 hours straight. This game never get's old!

I can't wait for more maps, this blows the shit out of counterstike: source.

If valve had truly concentrated on making such a mp component in the first place...the game would have gotten even better scores. Still, it's definately a pleasant surprise.

So, valve keep at it and release more Team modes, cooler maps, vehicles with even more physics traps. I'm lovin it. :E

The game was laggy at first, but I've been playing on a dedicated server, so it's a dream. I'm sure that "proper" updates will fix everything up!

Of course there are flaws and bugs, but nothing that can't be removed.
Ha, yeah, I second that. There's nothing more fun barraciding doors or staircases with as much objects as you can find, creating walls that can take opponents a few moments to blast through... By which point they're dead.

And I've got to admit, it shows just some of the sheer potential for Source mods. I am seriously looking forward to the next couple of years.
I agree, the physics are a lot of fun, there should be tonnes of custom maps coming out soon too, probably including vehicles!
Catching a explosive barrel inches from the ground in front of you, then throwing back and recieving 3 bodies come flying back...can you put a price on that comedy? i think not...touche valve, touche.
A lot of work needs to be done though. It's not perfect.

But it's still a hell lot of fun. I can just imagine the gazillion maps pouring in later this month. Can't wait! :D
Too many bugs, laggy, and everyone yells that everyone else is a n00b.

I didn't like DM that much. *plays Jedi Academy MP*
The laggyness I got to play this morning(I don't know whose fault, but I bet its my computers fault, wasn't using the gaming rig....grr) It was fun as hell, definantly the game is worth more than I paid.
Yeah lots of fun so far imo :D Not perfect i agree, but still very much playable, with more mas & future updates i can see this shit taking up a lot of my time.
lans said:
A lot of work needs to be done though. It's not perfect.

VALVe can do it, now I hope instead of adding new things, even I love when they do it, they go back and fix most and if not all the bugs that make it not run at least at 99%.
I'm actually happy that they didn't include this with HL2 in the first place. It scares away all the people who rely on reviews too much.
Damn fun. I just wish I had a better connection...

Hectic Glenn said:
Catching a explosive barrel inches from the ground in front of you, then throwing back and recieving 3 bodies come flying back...can you put a price on that comedy? i think not...touche valve, touche.
I was literally on the floor pissing myself when i done that.

It's insane fun. Comedic gold.

The most effective weapon in the game (next to the magnum :p) has to be the radiator :D
There's nothing like launching it into a group of guys duking it out and watch 'em all go flying away :naughty:
Damn I can't wait to be done with my home rennovations....I still haven't even finished single player yet......and now this.....whyyyyyyy
SkateXer99 said:
Too many bugs, laggy, and everyone yells that everyone else is a n00b.

Actually, at most servers, they don't have time for that; why can't people figure out that you shouldn't have a player limit at 12+?
Oooh, I can't wait to finish my essay, go to the pub and come back and play tipsy. Good stuff. :)
Some new maps arle slowly makin there way on the servers,

But most of the servers with the new maps are laggy.
SkateXer99 said:
Too many bugs, laggy, and everyone yells that everyone else is a n00b.

I didn't like DM that much. *plays Jedi Academy MP*
um its called patchs
Hitting someone with a file cabinet, slap bang in the forehead, and watching them do a flip over the edge of a building, hitting the building on the other side of the street, was so satisfying. :D
There's not really any bugs....but it can get pretty laggy. Use the filter feature to find a local game with less than 100 ping.
weapons need to be adjusted for MP:

faster crossbow bolts
magnum /w zoom

both as in original HL
Yeah, it's ****ing great.
Now put more realistic physics to CS:S !!
Yea its amazing, great fun, i agree about the fact that the physics have shown me the capability of future mods, cant wait till some are realeased
Whoah... I don't really like deathmatch, in fact I won't even play multiplayer on many shooters that only have DM, but in HL2, it is different. The physics take the repetiveness away, make battles look great, and add a whole new dimension to it all. It's as if death-match is reinvented.
If valve had truly concentrated on making such a mp component in the first place...the game would have gotten even better scores

Solver said:
Whoah... I don't really like deathmatch, in fact I won't even play multiplayer on many shooters that only have DM, but in HL2, it is different. The physics take the repetiveness away, make battles look great, and add a whole new dimension to it all. It's as if death-match is reinvented.
Yeah, the Deathmatch has been reinvented. I got bored of HL1 DM kinda quick, but other DM's...hella quick. But this one...It takes the cake, when more maps come out...oommgg yum
shooting someone whilst they are holding an exploding barrel is hilarious by which point you yourself has died
blocking passages in teamplay dm is unbelievably fun!

+turning on the fan when somebody is trying to get the rpg is also hella fun!!
throwing a exploding barrel at someone with a exploding barrel in their posesion = priceless
This has been some of the best 60 bucks I have ever spent.

I got Condition Zero for free, if I ever want to play it.

Counter-Strike Source was fun for a while.

Then HL2 came out and the day had come.

Now HL2DM comes out and exceeds my expectations.

And we still have DOD:S and the user mods to look forward to. (and hopefully TFC:S!)

Thank you Valve, for making the Silver package better than I even expected.
I get tired of all that mindless killing, everybody vs. everybody
Don't get me wrong, I like DM, but it gets old real fast for me, that's why I need team DM, PLZZZZ!!!